To make it fun: a house for children in the country

A summer cottage is not only a place where adults are busy in the garden or in the garden from morning to night, planting, weeding, preserving, or building something. It is also a great opportunity for children to stay in the fresh air, to run barefoot from the heart, shout, laugh, without fear of disturbing the peace of neighbors. In a word, this is a unique opportunity to be children themselves. And if at the summer cottage, somewhere in the garden, they have their own corner, where they can be completely free - what else does a small person need for happiness ?!

Personal space

house for children in the country
A house for children in the country is a solution to many problems associated with the leisure of children 5-9 years old and their supervision. It is not a secret that custody of fathers-mothers and grandfathers-grandmothers sometimes "gets" and kids. And adults often either simply do not have time to look after the children, or want to do their own personal affairs, and not play the endless role of “nanny-policeman”. Those. one needs a break from the others, and the interest here is mutual. Help solve the problem can a house for children in the country. Than? But with what:

  • Your guys will have their own place for games, not in a common house. Here they are full owners, as they want, and arrange toys, furniture, if any, etc. They do not litter in the common house, do not scatter their toy dolls and, as a result, fewer conflict situations.
  • A house for children in the country will allow most of the time for kids to spend in the air, which they are deprived of in a normal room.
  • Own "roof" will take the kids a very long time, because their imagination in terms of games is inexhaustible. And adults don’t have to worry that the kids will get in the wrong direction, hurt themselves, etc.
  • If you build a house for children in the country, this will be an important educational moment. Boys, girls of kindergarten and primary school age very often imitate adults. And personal "apartments" will become a powerful factor in educating them in a sense of master, accuracy, desire for order, cleanliness, self-discipline.

playground photo

How to build, what to build

If you think about it, probably, one house will not be enough, although its presence is a huge plus in the organization of leisure for the small inhabitants of the cottage. Ideally, of course, you need at least a small playground. Photos of different options can be found in many magazines of the relevant subject. It will include, of course, a swing, a slide and an inflatable pool are desirable. A small sandbox under a mushroom umbrella or tree, so that there is a shade, will complement the overall picture. You need to choose a place so that, on the one hand, the kids do not spin underfoot, do not interfere with adults, do not trample beds with crops, etc., and on the other, so that they can be kept in sight from time to time, intervene in time if required, or just call for dinner. As for the "housing", there are many options. Firstly, children's plastic houses and their accessories can be bought. They are, of course, not cheap, but at the same time several birds with one stone are killed. Such products are made, as a rule, from environmentally friendly, durable material that is not afraid of the effects of the weather and the changing seasons. They are made in such a way that the kids will not be able to get hurt or do themselves any other harm. Windows and doors open in the houses, bundles include benches or chairs, a table. Often included slides or other entertaining toys and devices.

children's plastic houses
The houses are brightly painted, which attract the attention of girls and boys. And in terms of size, you can always choose the right option for your site. You can go the other way: to make such a house on your own. In principle, this is also not very difficult, especially if the male part of the family is friends with the carpentry-building tool. The height is quite enough 240-250 cm, the width is about the same, the depth is 230 cm. The structure is knocked down from the boards, a small staircase is made to it, and a balcony is also possible. It is painted at the discretion of the "builders". To bring down furniture - stools, benches - is also quite accessible to any father-grandfather. Engage your children in the "construction" work - it will be more interesting for you to work together.


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