Crimea, Laspi (bay): description, history, attractions, leisure features and reviews

A reserved place, far from the noise of big cities, allowing you to calmly relax your soul and enjoy the sea views and beautiful mountain landscapes - Laspi Bay. This is an excellent oasis on the Crimean coast with clean clear water and a unique climate.

crimea laspi bay

Pages of history

Always famous for its picturesque places of Crimea. Laspi (bay) is rich in fresh water sources, near which there were lively settlements. However, in 1790 there was a major earthquake that forced people to leave this picturesque bay. At the beginning of the last century, the shores began to settle in again.

Now in Laspi Bay there are comfortable hotels, cozy recreation centers, which provide their guests with all the necessary conditions for living. It is important that so far there is neither the inherent infrastructure of the city, nor the private sector. Therefore, a vacation in Laspi guarantees the absence of noise inherent in civilization.

Climatic conditions

Laspi Bay has its own climate, different from that of the south coast. The bay is reliably protected by high mountains from cold winds, and protruding capes do not allow a cold current to enter it. Therefore, the resort area of ​​the bay is the warmest territory of Crimea. The average annual temperature is about +15 degrees.

In summer it is warm enough, at times the temperature reaches +25 degrees. But cool sea breezes and low humidity help to better tolerate summer heat. A great time to relax is the velvet season. This is the period from September to October. Night air temperature does not fall below +17 degrees, during the day the air warms up to +22 degrees. Its warm climate attracts many tourists Crimea. Laspi (bay) will be a great place to relax with the whole family.

laspi bay crimea

The climate in Laspi Bay is subtropical Mediterranean. Precipitation is less than on the rest of the coast of the southern coast of Crimea. Therefore, here the humidity is somewhat less.

The air temperature in winter fluctuates around +4 degrees, the water is quite cold - the temperature is +8 degrees. The beach season in Laspi Bay is quite long, it starts in May and ends in October. The warmest sea is in the summer, when the sea temperature reaches a maximum of +26 degrees.

However, winds often appear in the bay of Laspi, the direction of which is from the coast to the open sea. Thus, they carry away warm, warmed waters, which are replaced by cold layers. Water temperature can drop by 12 degrees in a few hours. But a couple of days is enough for the water to warm up to the appropriate temperatures, since the depth of the bay is small.

Types of rest

Laspi Bay (Crimea) is a special place, distinguished by calm and silence. You need to go here alone for inspiration or with your family.

The secluded location of the resort area allows you to fully enjoy the silence and a peaceful break from the bustle of the city. Laspi Bay has no nightly entertainment with noisy discos. Here, everything has the potential to enjoy fully beautiful scenery, a unique climate and absolutely clear sea water.

There are few comfortable comfortable zones for an excellent beach holiday in Laspi Bay, as the mountains come very close to the sea. Rare pebble beaches alternate with a heap of stones and boulders, here most of the beaches are at the disposal of boarding houses. For a family holiday, the bay of Laspi (Crimea) is ideal. Pensions in this area are affordable, so it is better to book rooms in advance.

laspi bay crimea rest

Despite this, it is quite possible to find a comfortable place for swimming and sunbathing. Remote summer beaches are freer and more comfortable than those located near recreation centers. Some boarding houses have equipped concrete beaches located on boulders and stones.

For thrill lovers

The water in Laspi Bay is very clear, in calm weather visibility is about 15 meters. Divers will enjoy jumping into the sea from protruding rocks and stones. The transparency of the water allows you to dive and enjoy the beautiful stone ridge, excellent views of underwater landscapes and a variety of marine life. Lovers of cycling or hiking will find beautiful and interesting places. Thrill-seekers have the opportunity to fly a paraglider.

Anyone will like the bay Laspi (Crimea). Rest here can be spent with benefit for health and soul. Seascapes will delight you around the clock, and fresh air will positively affect the health of every member of the family.

crimea dream bay laspi

Natural attractions

The surroundings of Laspi Bay are rich in interesting places, most of which are of natural origin. Getting to them is quite difficult due to the mountainous terrain. In the northwest of the bay, at Cape Ayia, there is a nature reserve. Here you can find rare animals listed in the Red Book. This also includes unique pine groves. Crimea is famous for its special nature. Laspi (bay) was no exception, in this area there are many diverse landscapes and park areas.

Nearby is a beautiful bay, you can get into it only from the sea. Its name "The Lost World" speaks for itself. Two amazing mountains - Kush-Kaya and Ilyas-Kaya - will appeal to lovers of active walks. At the top of Ilyas Kaya, you can find the well-preserved ruins of an ancient Greek monastery, located above a steep cliff. Archaeologists date this monastery to the middle of the first millennium. These sights are breathtaking, so more and more tourists want to visit the Crimea. Laspi Dream Bay will give guests only positive emotions.

Not far from the monastery is an amazing place - "Temple of the Sun." Scientists are still hunching about whether this creation is man-made or natural. This is a surprisingly correct arrangement of several stone ledges located strictly in a circle, with a central block stone.

laspi bay crimea boarding houses

All hotels and resorts located on the coast of the bay of Laspi are built relatively recently. They are quite comfortable and take into account all the wishes of the guests. Active outdoor activities are beneficial for children and adults and are an excellent preventive measure against colds. In any case, rest in the resort area has a beneficial effect on the well-being of vacationers. Only because of this is worth visiting the magnificent Crimea. Laspi (bay) is a great place to spend a vacation.

Guest reviews

Young people do not seek to stay in these places; they prefer more developed resort areas. But couples are happy to rent rooms in boarding houses and relax for several weeks. People talk about how they like the fresh air and the cleanest sea. It is convenient for children to play on equipped beaches, and parents can have a great time in a special atmosphere of harmony.

Laspi Bay (Crimea) will give a lot of positive impressions. This place deserves the attention of everyone who likes to be alone with nature.


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