How to play on the IS-3? IS-3 in World of Tanks

With the release of the already legendary arcade tank simulator World of Tanks, fans of heavy weapons from the Great Patriotic War got a unique opportunity to participate in mass battles. Here the victory is determined by the balance of the team, the correct selection of military vehicles and winning tactics.

tank is 3

The IS-3 tank, which appeared at the very end of the war, was introduced by the developers into the game. At the moment, he is rightfully considered one of the most popular. Many teams include him in their composition, especially during important matches.

For beginners who seek to achieve a high position, the question arises of how to play on the IS-3. Without this, it is unlikely that serious success will be achieved both in random battles and in clan wars.

Theoretical component

Why is it important to know as much as possible about the IS-3? World of tanks - A team game and balanced in many components. Therefore, there are several reasons for studying the characteristics and characteristics of combat on a specific technique:

  • Proper use of a combat vehicle during a battle.
  • Effective interaction with your partners.
  • Using weaknesses to destroy an opponent’s car.

In other words, players who themselves know how to play on the IS-3 can also make the right decisions to cover their ally, choose the right tactics during the battle with enemy equipment, etc.

The player’s experience is of great importance, but the theoretical component helps a lot. You need to know the power of your tank, the strength of the IS-3 armor, the penetration of certain zones in order to behave properly in battle.

TTX combat vehicle

Before us is a Soviet tank in a classic layout. At World Of Tank, the IS-3 is an 8th-level heavy tank. On it, you can install a fairly quick-firing 122-mm gun BL-9, an engine V-2-54IS with a capacity of 700 liters. from. and a fire probability of not more than 12%.

The performance characteristics of this combat vehicle are as follows:

  • Good maneuverability and high speed for a tank of this class.
  • Powerful gun that does good damage.

At the same time, one cannot but note the poor visibility and not very high accuracy of shooting, as well as the presence of a number of weaknesses in the armor protection.

Such performance characteristics help determine how to play the IS-3 in various battle scenarios. Most often, he performs a kind of assault mission - captures certain points, occupies important positions, supports attack and movement on the map, etc.

how to play is 3

Combat effectiveness and strengths

The IS-3 tank has a number of undeniable advantages that set it apart from other vehicles of the 8th level.

The main advantages usually include:

  • Good frontal protection with rational angles of inclination of armor plates.
  • High level of tower security.
  • High maximum speed, maneuverability.
  • Low visibility of the tank.
  • Powerful gun and quick turret rotation.

How much does this determine the popularity of the IS-3? World of Tanks is already associated with advanced Soviet technology from the Great Patriotic War.

Before us is a high-speed and maneuverable machine, capable of inflicting significant damage to the enemy. Accordingly, during the match it is necessary to know how to play on the IS-3 - constantly move forward, help to conquer heights and important points on the map, and actively participate in close combat.

is 3 world of tanks


There are certain disadvantages to be reckoned with. Among them, experienced players and specialists include:

  • Low margin of safety.
  • Limited viewing range.
  • Vulnerable ammunition and weaknesses in armor.
  • Low firing accuracy.

Thus, we can conclude that the IS-3 tank does not withstand hits very well, therefore it is not the best candidate for achieving the Steel Wall achievement. Do not use this tank to close narrow passages or as the main recipient of damage in the battle. Also, due to its low accuracy, it is not very suitable for ambushes and firing from cover for long distances. A standing tank is easy prey for enemy self-propelled guns, as well as other equipment that gets the opportunity to conduct targeted fire at the combat station and look for other IS-3 penetration zones.

crew is 3

Basic fighting style

The entire line of Soviet heavy tanks "Joseph Stalin" in the WoT game has approximately the same characteristics, therefore their battle tactics are approximately the same. Each player on the IP must remember this and clearly follow his role, so as not to let his comrades down.

Of course, each match develops in its own way, and you can never accurately predict what will happen in the next moment, so it happens that the ISs take on other tasks. But this is, rather, an exception to the general rule.

The main aspects of the fighting style and tasks:

  • Active actions at short and medium distances.
  • Support for strong and powerful allied tanks of levels 9 and 10.
  • Storming important points on the map.
  • Breakthrough the enemy’s defense in the most vulnerable places.
  • Sudden attacks from the flanks, approach from the rear.
  • Base defense, cover from the rear.

As such, the IS-3 becomes the most effective in battle. Although, of course, a lot depends on the allies. Often this tank of level 8 becomes the main striking force.

world of tank is 3

Crew and equipment

The IS-3 crew plays a large role in the battle, so due attention should be paid to it, especially in the later stages of development. Improving the characteristics of crew members should be in accordance with the basis of the combat mission - breaking through enemy defenses and assault operations. It is also necessary to eliminate the most typical disadvantages of this machine.

Thus, the most useful skills for learning are:

  • The Brotherhood of War.
  • Repairs.
  • Sniper (to increase accuracy).
  • Contactless warhead (to reduce the vulnerability of this weak point).
  • King of impassability (to improve driving performance).
  • Virtuoso (to increase effectiveness in close combat).
  • Jack of all trades (to increase efficiency when injuring one of the crew members).

Crew Pumping Options

In principle, each player has the right to choose perks depending on their own preferences. In that case, if you like to carry out assault missions to break through the defense, then you should increase speed and driving qualities. If preference is given to dueling at short and medium distances, then the combat parameters and the effectiveness of the crew’s actions should be improved.

penetration zone is 3

The most dangerous opponents

This heavy tank is well protected, so you can not really be afraid of various opponents. Although this does not mean that it is worthwhile to climb into trouble on such a machine . Accurate tactics using their strengths are the key to success in any battle.

The IS-3 is practically not afraid of the attack of vehicles below its level, although their guns may well cause unpleasant damage - damage to tracks, injure crew members, etc.

The most dangerous are the long-barreled 105-mm guns, so it is better to be more careful against opponents with such guns.

Among dangerous opponents, it is also worth noting the tank destroyers at medium and long distances. The IS-3 itself under such conditions is not very good, while the AT deals very good damage due to long-range hits. In addition, a small viewing range and a noticeable spread often interfere with detecting and hitting an enemy machine in an ambush, so you have to unintentionally open the sides and other weak points.

is 3 penetration

IS-3 in clan wars

Ordinary games with random allies and rivals often differ in several characteristic features:

  • Low organization.
  • Almost complete lack of coordinated tactics.
  • The big role of improvisation.
  • Dependence on "randomness" (game accidents).

In clan wars, this is not the case. There is a clear coordination of hostilities, and players use the strong qualities of each machine.

The IS-3 is constantly on the move, carrying out assault missions. He practically does not stand still, making minimal reconnaissance and diverting the attention of the enemy. Slower and heavily armored tanks, as a rule, operate in the same direction, trying to squeeze the opponent out. The player on the IS-3 also needs to "read the course of the battle" in order to occupy the most successful positions.

When moving forward, one should not immediately open fire on enemy tanks, since the firing accuracy of the IS-3 is low, and the stop (for better aiming) threatens to take serious damage. Therefore, you should move from cover to cover, causing damage to the closest rivals. Having taken a favorable position at the forefront, this tank can be a very serious force.

However, it is best to look for weak spots in the defense, move to the flanks, lure enemy tanks under SPG and PT-SPG shells, and support slow Allied tanks. In this role, the IS-3 is able to determine the tactics of battle, and sometimes turn the tide of the battle in its favor.


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