Stages of House Construction

Before deciding exactly where to start building a house, you need to once again think about whether it is advisable to evaluate the final price of this event, as well as the timing. In the event that you can still decide on this, then start building, you need the following.

The first is to decide what the house will be like. To do this, you can see finished projects of wooden houses . Subsequently, a lot will depend on which one you like best.

The second is the search for a site that will be used for construction. Land must meet your criteria and ideas.

At the next stage, we obtain a building permit. It should be issued in the administration of the settlement in which the site is located.

The third. Here it will be necessary to develop a project for the house. If this is not done, then after some time certain difficulties may arise, the solution of which may well lead to the fact that construction is more expensive than a dozen percent. In principle, you can not order project documentation with a full package of various documents and references. You can work with a designer or an architect privately. A person who has impressive experience and relevant qualifications will fulfill all your wishes, and also take into account various nuances that you could not even think of, especially when you need a large wooden house, the construction of which involves a large number of features.

Once all of the above is done, you can occupy the building itself.

At the very beginning, it should be taken to the site axis of the building. Next, you can start land work, i.e. to trenching and digging. Then we build the foundation of the house, after which it will already be possible to do the construction of walls, as well as the installation of various coatings. When all this is done, we proceed to the construction of the roof. After all the above work is completed, you can consider the frame completed.

After the construction of the frame, we do the work that is needed in order to get a passport at home. These include: primary wall decoration, internal electrical wires, floor screed, ceiling sheathing, installation of an external door, as well as filling window openings. If all this has been done, then now you need to go to the bureau that is involved in the inventory of the premises and get the appropriate certificate. When the necessary document is in your pocket, you can do further home improvement.


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