Infantility is the immaturity of an adult.

It’s difficult to determine a person’s maturity, especially if you have no experience interacting with him in a situation of shared responsibility. But sometimes immaturity is simply striking. And more often we meet her among the female representatives. And this is not about situations of mental illness, just the behavior of such women and girls is normal - but not age-appropriate. And it's not about the pink bears that she attached to her handbag, everything is much more serious.

In the center of the universe

Infantilism is, first of all, an internal refusal to recognize oneself as an adult. The most common symptom is "everything for me." In this case, the infantile girl believes that all events and people simply exist in order to help or hinder her, as well as to guide her on the true path.

infantility is

Caution! Fatalism

Although this symptom alone is not enough. Sometimes mature people are subject to religious fatalism. And arguing with them is quite difficult. To the objection that it is impossible for all people to be given signs at the same time, you will receive the answer that nothing is impossible for God. Therefore, if you doubt, a mature person will give you this argument. And infantilism is an unwillingness to think deeper than usual, therefore an immature person is confused in response to such criticism, and he is unlikely to mention God.

Victim position

infantile woman

Also infantilism is a reluctance to take responsibility. If an immature person makes a mistake, he will not admit it. Teachers argue that in primary school often in response to the question "Why aren't you ready?" young students answer: "It so happened." The older they get, the more sophisticated the excuses become. However, this does not mean that the girls have psychologically matured, they just learned to throw off responsibility in ways that are more acceptable to society. A mature woman will say: "I am guilty of what ... I am ready to do ... Or other options at your discretion." An infantile woman will blame circumstances and will look like a victim of events or other people.

Deep hunger

infantile girl

Still immature personalities talk a lot. And they hardly listen. Therefore, they often have problems with friends, especially if immaturity is delayed. Everyone in childhood goes through a stage of self-interest only, but some cannot go further and learn to listen, not just talk. The deepest reason is that a person does not receive the type of information he needs in due time, and therefore the psyche cannot develop correctly. Infantilism is a kind of developmental delay. A good psychologist will help recover, which will help you find ways to “get enough” of the necessary information. It literally works wonders, and finding one yourself is often not easy. Moreover, an infantile person often cannot realize his problem.

Immaturity is often very attractive. This is the immediacy, the brightness of emotions and the alternative way of understanding that a person offers to others. So an immature person needs to be handled carefully and gently to help him or her become psychologically older.


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