Dizigoteka: home care, reproduction, watering, photo

There are many evergreens indoor plants, and most of them require constant attention and some effort.

This article provides information about one beautiful evergreen indoor plant called dizigoteka. Home care for him is not very difficult, but there are certain features.

Dizigoteka is a plant widely used among flower growers due to its decorative effect.

Dizigoteka: home care

Dizigoteka: photo, description

The plant, as already mentioned, is quite demanding on the care and conditions of its maintenance. First of all, it needs good lighting and sufficient humidity. A certain temperature regime and periodicity of irrigation are also required. It is possible that in this regard, novice growers may even be disappointed in this plant.

Dizigoteka (see photo in the article) is a deciduous ornamental plant from the Araliev family. Australia and Oceania are the birthplace of this flower.

This is an evergreen shrub of small size, with palmately dissected leaves, with notches along the edges. Leaves, depending on the variety and type of plant, can be painted in colors from copper red to very dark, almost black. Flowers, unlike colorful leaves, are inconspicuous and small, gathered in umbrellas.

Looks great dizigoteka. Graceful and original in the shape and color of the leaves, it fits into the interior of any room with dignity.

Dizigoteka: photo


1. Elegant dizigoteka - weakly branching tree-like evergreen plant. Palm-shaped leaves are held on long petioles. Their number varies from 4 to 11. Elongated, serrated or serrated leaflets on the edges have a dark green color. Flowers collected in apical inflorescences in the form of umbrellas are small.

2. Veicha Dizigoteka - an evergreen tree plant, similar to an elegant dizigoteka. Its difference is wider leaves, which have not jagged, as in the first, but wavy edges.

Dizigotek graceful

Indoor growth conditions

Dizigoteke should not be in direct sunlight. In very bright light indoors, the leaves become small and darken. Very demanding for good lighting and the presence of clean air dizigoteka. Care at home for her requires considerable attention, but it is not difficult for experienced gardeners.

The temperature acceptable for growing this plant at home on summer days is +20 to +24 ° C. A very hot weather does not like a dizigoteka. In winter, it is enough for her and +15 ° C, but if possible it is better to maintain the temperature within + 16-18 ° C.

Watering indoor plants

Plant Care

Home care includes plentiful watering in summer and spring. It should be generously moistened at the first sign of drying out of the soil. But overflow is not desirable as well as overdrying.

When keeping the dizigoteca in a cool room, watering indoor plants every 10 days is quite sufficient. If there is hot and dry air in the room, moisten the soil every 5 days.

Watering is reduced when autumn comes. In winter, dizigoteku watered even less. In any case, it is individual for each plant.

The traditional indicator is the drying of the soil between irrigations to a depth of 2.5 cm. Use only soft water, which has room temperature.

It should be remembered that both insufficient moisture and excessive watering can lead to leaf falling. And so that they grow well, you should periodically (several times a day) irrigate them with a spray bottle. In addition, it will help remove dirt and dust from the plant.

Fertilizing has a beneficial effect on the plant. Feeding should be during its active vegetation. Perfectly suited for this universal mixture, designed specifically for such ornamental plants. Moreover, it is necessary to combine foliar and root dressing.

A flower pot (ceramic, large) should be selected according to the advice below.

Large ceramic flower pot


Transplanting dizigoteki need to deal with when the roots from the drainage holes begin to sprawl. This must be done.

A large ceramic flower pot should be 1.5 times larger than the old one. For transplantation, it is necessary to prepare a substrate lighter and rich in organic substances. Be sure to add drainage (to the bottom of the pot), sand, peat and humus, moreover, there should be 2 times more turf land. It is recommended to transplant once every 3 years or slightly less.


In two ways, a dizigotka is seated:

  • Propagation by cuttings is the most practical and acceptable method. You can separate them both in summer and in springtime (there must be at least 2 pairs of adult leaves). You need to hold them in one of the solutions: zircon, rootin, heteroauxin.

After planting the cuttings, the pot should be covered with a bag or a jar and put it in a constant place with weak diffused lighting. Periodically you need to ventilate the pot and spray the ground. It is possible to transplant a dizigoteka after full braiding of an earthen coma with roots.

  • The January and February months are a good time for sowing seeds. You need to soak them in warm water using a growth stimulator. They are embedded to a depth of 1 cm in a pre-moistened substrate.

Before seedlings, the container should be kept covered with a film, which contributes to their rapid germination. You can transplant the plant into a pot when several leaves appear.

Dizigoteka: reproduction

Diseases and pests, signs of damage

Often exposed to the negative effects of diseases and pests dizigoteka. Home care involves both prevention and treatment for their effects.

The main pests: mealybug, spider mite, aphid and whitefly.

What signs determine the presence of pests and what needs to be done to get rid of them?

  1. The presence of scabies is determined by the presence of sticky plaque on the leaves and by shedding leaves. To get rid of them you need to wipe the leaves and branches with a cotton swab dipped in vodka. You can use a soap solution.
  2. The presence of aphids is determined by the appearance of black plaque on the leaves and stems. It can be washed off with water, then rinse the plant with soap or vegetable oil.
  3. Since the whitefly is like a moth or butterfly, it can be detected immediately. The only way to help get rid of it is an insecticide (it helps a lot from different types of pests).
  4. Mealybug is removed with a cloth dampened with alcohol.

After cleaning the plant from all pests, you need to spray a soap or oil spray on it.


As you can see, not only watering indoor plants, top dressing, good lighting and much more are important conditions for their cultivation. For them, including for dizigoteka, it is important to respect, patience and create the most comfortable conditions for their effective growth.

In conclusion, it is very important to note that absolutely all parts of this beautiful ornamental plant are, unfortunately, poisonous. In this regard, if there are animals in the house, and most importantly small children, you need to think carefully about the decision to establish it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4793/

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