Jazzway LED lights: reviews and features

LED lamps can be used to illuminate both the premises of residential and industrial buildings, as well as streets, courtyards, squares and parks. Today many companies produce similar products. And one of the most popular brands of LED equipment is, of course, Jazzway. Reviews products of this brand from domestic consumers have earned very good. According to statistics, in Russia, Jazzway lamps are bought every second.


The Jazzway fixtures are produced by the eponymous company, whose head office is located in St. Petersburg. This company began supplying its products to the domestic market in 2008. The main profile of Jazzway is precisely the production of LED lamps.

LED lamp Jazzway

This company has been developing very rapidly over the decade since its founding. In 2018, it is perhaps the most popular company in the Russian market of LED products. Sales offices of this manufacturer are available in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnoyarsk and many other cities of the country.

Currently, Jazzway is part of the Prospect Group. The total area of ​​its storage facilities is approaching 25 thousand m 2 . The company sells most of its products through a distribution network.

What kind of lamps are supplied to the market?

The products of the Jazzway company earned good reviews, including due to its rich assortment. Currently, this company supplies the market with more than 1,500 items of LED products. On sale you can find ordinary lamps of this brand, Jazzway floodlights, flashlights, ribbons, batteries. At the same time, the Jazzway product range is constantly expanding.

Actually, the company itself produces lamps:

  • recessed;
  • tabletop;
  • outboard;
  • industrial;
  • waybills.

At the same time, Jazzway products may be:

  • ordinary;
  • dust and water tight;
  • domestic;
  • industrial.
Jazzway Reviews

The company also supplies LED devices designed for street and architectural lighting. If desired, you can also purchase LED lamps from this manufacturer for lamps and chandeliers of other brands.

Classification of devices "Jazzway"

Jazzway engineers are constantly creating new innovative developments that increase the quality of products supplied to the market and ease of use. The company even keeps statistics on consumer wishes.

Today, this company offers the public several options for LED Jazzway lamps:

  • economy class;
  • Standard Series
  • Combi series.

The advantage of the fixtures of the first variety is, of course, considered, first of all, their low cost. Models of the Standard class have a standard set of functions and belong to the middle price category.

Combi LED luminaires are supplied in a combination housing made of plastic and metal. Jazzway products of this variety are quite expensive.

Panel models Jazzway

These products of the company also enjoy well-deserved popularity among consumers. Like any other similar type, it has standardized sizes. Jazzway LED panels are used in suspended ceilings. Most often they are purchased for installation in offices and office buildings.

Jazzway lamp

Embedded Models

Lamps of this variety are most often used in residential premises. Install them when installing suspended ceilings. Also, products of this type can be used to illuminate walls and interior elements.

Reviews of panel and recessed fixtures "Jazzway"

In most cases, consumers praise these Jazzway products. Recessed and panel lights of this brand are not too expensive. At the same time, judging by the reviews, they are distinguished by a high degree of reliability and can last a long time.

There are practically no negative reviews on the Web about such Jazzway models. Consumers consider that they flicker too much as a drawback of the built-in and panel lamps from this manufacturer. To use the built-in versions of such lighting fixtures, some consumers, for example, advise only in hallways or bathrooms. The fact is that too much flickering of fixtures can be harmful to the eyes.

Technical characteristics of recessed models using the example of LED PPL-RPG

Jazzway devices have earned good reviews, therefore, primarily for their very good performance. The ease of using LED lamps of this brand is explained, of course, first of all, by their good technical characteristics.

For example, the LED PPL-RPG model from this manufacturer has the following parameters:

  • lamp rated power - 12 W;
  • lighting area - up to 4 m 2 ;
  • luminous flux - 960 Lm;
  • color temperature - 6500 K.

Such a LED Jazzway lamp for 2018 costs about 450 rubles.

Industrial models

The main distinguishing feature of this type of luminaire from Jazzway is its high power. Industrial LED models of this brand are intended for lighting workshops of enterprises, warehouses, hangars and construction sites.

Spotlight Jazzway

Industrial appliances Jazzway: reviews

Consumers also have a good opinion on Jazzway products of this variety. To the advantages of industrial models, buyers attribute primarily a high degree of their reliability. Luminaires of this type are supplied by the manufacturer in very durable housings.

Also, consumers consider the versatility to be a plus for Jazzway industrial models. If desired, on the market today you can buy both round, square or rectangular devices of this type of various sizes.

Some disadvantage of Jazzway industrial products, reviews of which in this connection are also negative, consumers consider only that it gives not a particularly strong stream of light. But negative reviews in this regard are left mainly by those buyers who are used to using searchlights of still Soviet production. Such devices actually shine very well. In this parameter, they are inferior not only to the Jazzway model, but also to many other modern devices of this type.

Technical characteristics of industrial fixtures on the example of PPO 1200 SMD

This Jazzway model costs about 650-750 rubles, depending on the supplier. At the same time, she has technical characteristics:

  • power - 40 W;
  • luminous flux - 3260 Lm;
  • degree of protection - 2 IP;
  • glow temperature - 6500 K.

What are Jazzway Overhead Models

Devices of this type can be installed both on ceilings and on walls. Dimensions and power level they are average. Very often, Jazzway overhead lights are installed in offices and public buildings. In form, they are somewhat reminiscent of Soviet-style long daylight lamps. Sometimes such models are installed, of course, in private houses and apartments.

Other types of fixtures: description, specifications and reviews

Desktop models from Jazzway differ in that they are very small in size and low in power. They also give a narrow stream of light. Such lamps are used, of course, most often in residential and office premises. They earned good reviews from consumers, including for their original modern design.

Jazzway Power Supply

Searchlight models from this manufacturer are used to illuminate billboards, courtyards, etc. Lamps in such Jazzway models, reviews of which are good, are installed standard. Judging by consumer reviews, the Jazzway floodlights have a very high performance. Yards, according to many owners of country houses, they illuminate better than most lamps of other brands of the same price category.

Searchlight PFL-C of this brand, the cost of which is only about 350 rubles, for example, has the following technical characteristics:

  • power - 20 W;
  • luminous flux - 1350 Lm;
  • color temperature - 6500 K.

In order to emphasize the features of the exterior of buildings, Jazzway architectural lights are used. Such models are characterized by low power and in most cases give a narrow luminous flux.

Jazzway street lights are marketed in a sturdy aluminum housing. Usually a whole set of diodes is mounted in it. Jazzway lamps of this variety have earned good reviews from consumers, including for their long service life. For reliability, the manufacturer covers their case with special paint.

Lamp street Jazzway

Power supplies: reviews

LED systems in most cases need voltage stabilization. Special power supplies are used for this purpose. Of course, Jazzway supplies such products to the market.

Reviews Jazzway power supplies from consumers have also earned good. Their unconditional advantages include:

  • low cost;
  • small dimensions and light weight;
  • simplicity of design.
Jazzway LED Panels

Consumers consider the only disadvantage of power supplies from this manufacturer is that they need to be mounted on the wall. Also, the disadvantages of devices of this type of Jazzway, some buyers attribute the presence of non-standard contacts.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4795/

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