Origami bomb - funny fun

What is a blank sheet of paper for you? “Just paper,” you answer. But for someone who is fond of origami - this is the material from which you can create a unique figure. She will delight not only children, but also adults. After all, this type of activity makes you not only think, but also fantasize, as in the case with the creation of a "dangerous projectile" - an origami bomb.
Origami is a Japanese art form that was originally used for ceremonies. Later, only the upper strata of society could own it. And after World War II, origami became common in Europe and America. Many immediately became interested in this art. They performed figures, both simple and complex. The passion for origami has survived to this day.
Origami bombing is not difficult. It should be noted that there are two types of bombs - classic and "water with wings."
In order to make a classic bomb, you need to have a square sheet of paper. It should lie flat, and the fold lines should be strong and even (it is better to use a plastic ruler for bending).
We will understand in stages :
1. Fold a piece of paper in half from the upper left to the lower right. We invite a ruler. You should get a triangle.
2. Put the sheet again on the table and fold it again, only, on the contrary, from the upper right corner to the lower left. We invite you.
3. Again we put in front of ourselves the resulting triangle, the base of which should be longer than the other sides, and be below. We put the upper corner on the lower right. Smooth contour. Next, the second corner must be put on the left corner. The result is a triangle with a smaller size.
4. Fold the triangle again exactly as described in point 3.
5. The result is a rhombus. We bend the left and right corners to the center. On the other hand, perform the same operation.
6. On one side you should get corners. They must be bent exactly in the middle. If you did the right thing, then there must be a distance between these corners and triangles. In exactly the same way we bend from the other side.
7. The resulting triangles are bent into the finished corners of a triangular shape.
8. From one of the edges you will find a hole. Origami bomb is inflated with the help of the mouth, an empty rod from the handle or arching the edges.

In Soviet times, the origami “water bomb with wings” was popular among children. Let's try to collect it. You will also need a square sheet of paper.
1. Fold the sheet horizontally from top to bottom to make a rectangle.
2. Fold in half again, laying the right side on the left. It turned out to be a square.
3. Take the upper left corner and pull only one layer of paper to the lower right, open and flatten.
4. Turn the resulting product over.
5. Bend the upper left corner to the center. This action is called folding “valley”. You should end up with a triangle.
6. Open the workpiece and flatten another part of it.
7. Now we make the basic form of the “double triangle”: we turn the lower corners to the middle.
8. Again we repeat the folding “valley”: we bend the two sides to the upper corner.
9. On both sides, draw a crease on the top sheet of paper.
10. Now fold these sides to the middle along the outlined lines so that the side corners are in contact in the middle.
11. Fold the upper right corner “mountain”.
12. Fold the bottom left corner “valley”.
13. Above the lower right corner we carry out the same operation and repeat these actions on the other side.
14. Although origami is made of paper, the bomb is easily inflated through the hole using the mouth or an empty rod from the handle.
15. Now we can proudly declare that we made the origami “bomb with wings”. You can fill it with water and blow it up according to all the rules of yard wars. Arming with such bombs is not bad by the day of Ivan Kupal . The main thing is not to forget about safety measures, the shell, of course, is a toy shell, but under certain conditions it can cause harm.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4816/

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