What plants get from the soil: a brief overview

How often does a person think about how plants live? How do they breathe or eat? They, like any other living organism, have organs. So, it is known that plants get moisture and nutrients from the soil through the roots. They also feed on leaves, absorbing light and carbon dioxide.

The root as the dominant organ of the plant

Plants are living organisms whose leaves in the sun produce nutrients for their existence. The organs of a plant are composed of root, stem, leaves, flower and seeds.

What plants get from the soil
Relating to the organ of plant growth, the root is the basis of a living organism. Firmly entrenched, the root from the soil absorbs moisture and nutrients. From it, the necessary trace elements come further to other organs.

Plant root nutrition

The predominant constituents that plant organisms need are nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium. Note that plants receive from the soil and auxiliary substances - these are boron and copper, zinc, manganese and others.

Given that the predominant nutrition of plants is consumed from the soil, they need careful fertilizer, so their reserves of nutrients are replenished. Plant organisms that live in the open ground consume them in significant quantities due to the fact that the area of ​​root growth is quite spacious. During the life of plants in closed ground, the necessary substances should be given more often. The combination of the most important components in the development of plants determines the function that contributes to their growth.

The role of absorbed trace elements in plant life

It is very important to remember that each component is needed by plants in a certain amount, its lack or excess can lead to metabolic disorders of various substances in the plant.

Root from the soil absorbs
Nitrogen is involved in the formation of chlorophyll, as well as the development of leaves and trunks.

Phosphorus promotes flowering and root formation of the plant.

Potassium plays a large role in plant photosynthesis. It promotes the formation of flowers and fruits, increases the immunity of the plant.

Calcium - an important component for creating strong stems, is responsible for the uniform distribution of moisture in the plant body.

Magnesium is a stimulant of root activity in the process of consumption of nutrients.

Iron promotes the transfer of oxygen through the tissues of the plant.

Copper provides the plant with respiration, slows down the aging process of its cells.

Aluminum provides bright colors and flowering.

Soil composition

The soil is the upper loose and fertile layer of the earth in which plant organisms exist. How to understand what substances the soil consists of, while having a characteristic dark color? Here's the thing. Fallen leaves, as well as the remains of dead plant and animal organisms, decay, form humus. He gives a dark color to the soil.

What substances does the soil consist of?
A variety of microorganisms live in the soil, which process the remains of dead animals and plants into mineral elements. The latter, in turn, dissolve in the waters of the soil and form exactly what plants get from the soil in the future.

The mineral layer of the soil contains a small presence of living organisms. However, it is in it that there are many mineral salts.

The soil also consists of water, air and a variety of particulate matter. Solid particles of inorganic origin include rocky residues, clay and sand. Clay particles form into lumpy compounds and thus retain moisture, as well as the necessary elements.

An irreplaceable element of the soil is the water filling the space between solid particles. The presence of water in the soil is the main condition for the development of all necessary processes in it.

Nowadays, what plants get from the soil is largely dependent on people. Therefore, the soil needs not only to be protected, to increase fertility, but also to be wisely used.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4817/

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