White dots on the nose of the newborn. Why does a newborn have white dots on his nose? When do the white dots on the nose of a newborn pass?

With the advent of the baby, young parents have a lot of worries and troubles. Each pimple on the body of a crumb can cause suspicion and a desire to urgently consult a doctor. But you should know that there are physiological characteristics of the body to respond to the world. So, white dots on the nose of a newborn can greatly scare the family. But in vain. They occur in 80% of babies in the first weeks of life. Where do they come from? Is it possible to avoid their appearance so that the skin of the peanut remains perfect? We will consider all this in the article.

what are the white dots on the nose of the newborn

Is it worth the alarm?

An exciting period of childbirth has passed, the first days in the hospital, finally a young family is at home, without the supervision of doctors and experienced nurses. To monitor the health of the crumbs is perhaps the most important duty of mom and dad, apart from feeding, hygiene and other mandatory processes and procedures.

It is worth noting that the rashes on the skin of the baby often can talk about the onset of serious diseases or allergic reactions. But there are those who should not bother you. One of them is the white dots on the nose of the newborn or near the eyes. They are physiological, natural in nature. The skin of the crumbs, which was all nine months in the amniotic fluid, simply adapts to the outside world.

white dots on the nose in newborns

White spots on the nose of the newborn: when they pass, the causes of the appearance

White dots on the baby’s face can be seen both immediately after birth and a week later. Doctors explain this by the fact that in the first case, the cause of the occurrence is an excess in the body of crumbs of mom's hormones.

The next reason is blockage of the sebaceous glands. And then milies appear on the skin of the baby. They are several pimples resembling small pearls. They pass within a month.

Worried about the appearance of white pimples on the skin of the baby, there is no need. They disappear on their own, without leaving any scars or scars. The only thing is, try to make sure that you do not injure acne, cut your baby's nails in time. It is very easy to bring an infection with damage to the skin, which can lead to serious diseases.

Acquaintance with the outside world

Even in the maternity hospital from parents you can hear the question: "What are the white dots on the nose of a newborn?" The answer to it is quite simple, these are ordinary miles, which are found in almost all the crumbs that have just been born.

As a rule, they appear 1-4 days after birth. They are a collection of small white dots the size of a needle eye. Milia is an accumulation of secret. Simply put, blockage of the sebaceous glands and, as a consequence, ducts. Remember, all baby systems are improved and actively adapt to new living conditions during the first month. Pimples can not be squeezed out, smeared with alcohol solutions, brilliant green, iodine, apply Vishnevsky ointment and other means that remove suppuration.

All that is required of the parents is to ignore the white dots on the nose of the newborn. No matter how funny it may sound, but only this method will help them get through faster.

There are situations that should alert the patronage nurse:

  • points increase in size and spread throughout the body;

  • do not pass after a month.

This may be an individual feature of the baby, but it is still better to consult a dermatologist.

white dots on the baby’s nose

Or maybe ordinary flowering?

Another reason for the appearance of such pimples can be hormonal imbalance. In people, this phenomenon is often called the "flowering" of the skin of the baby. Pimples appear in small quantities on the face of the child, then they can acquire a reddish tint.

And in this case, the white dots on the nose of newborns do not require medical intervention. The only thing you need to follow the rules of hygiene. Be sure to wash your hands before taking the crumbs.

What can be done to make the points go faster?

“Why does a newborn have white dots on his nose?” - Perhaps this is the most popular question of young parents. The main reason is the physiological process that occurs in every second child. By the age of two months, the baby's skin adapts to external environmental conditions and will be perfect, smooth, without flaws. The main thing in this period is in no case to squeeze pimples.

If, nevertheless, the white dots on the baby’s nose are very disturbing, you can suggest the following methods that are unlikely to help, but certainly will not harm the baby:

  1. Wipe the baby's nose after bathing with a weak solution of a string or chamomile. Brew grass according to the instructions on the packaging. Water should only be boiled. It is better to use a sterile bandage or sponge.

  2. Some doctors recommend bathing the baby in water with the addition of potassium permanganate. But remember, the color of the water should have a slightly pink tint. Excess of this solution can cause severe burns and allergic reactions to the delicate skin of the crumbs.

  3. Do not forget about the basic rules of hygiene, wash your child several times a day with boiled water.

Remember, white dots on the nose of a newborn, the photos of which are presented below, do not require any action at all.

white dots on the nose of a newborn
You do not need to treat them. Miles usually go by the age of two months.

Strongly forbidden

Having found white dots on the face of the newborn, parents need to know what is strictly forbidden to do:

  1. Wipe with tinctures containing alcohol. Such methods will lead to burns on the skin of the child.

  2. Exclude treatment with brilliant green, iodine, fucorcin.

  3. Fat cream, oil, lotions are also no helpers in this case. They will only “clog” the pores, pimples will pass more slowly.

  4. Drying the skin with powders is also not worth it.

  5. Take medications (antibiotics, antihistamines, sorbents). All medications can only be prescribed by a doctor.

  6. Squeeze pimples, try to remove them from the baby’s face in every way (use the peeling method, laser intervention, and more).

Cases are known where treating regular miles was the cause of serious skin damage in babies. Remember, before applying one of the above methods, you need to consult a pediatrician and dermatologist.

why does a newborn have white dots on his nose

Prevention measures, will they help?

Many parents are interested in whether there are any preventive measures in order to prevent the appearance of pimples in a newborn? In 90% of cases, they simply do not exist, since these are processes that are not dependent on the person. Similarly, the skin of the baby adapts to new conditions. But so that the miles do not grow into something more, you need to follow these rules:

  • If the baby is breastfed, follow a strict diet for her mother. You do not need to eat chocolate, tomatoes and other prohibited foods from the first days of the baby's appearance.

  • Is the child an artificial person? Then carefully and correctly select the mixture.

  • Ask your doctor or foster sister how best to care for your baby skin.

  • When washing children's items, use only special powders or soap.

All this will help you avoid allergic rashes.

When should I see a doctor?

White dots on the baby’s nose are a fairly common occurrence. But there are cases when, upon detection, you must immediately consult a doctor:

  1. In addition to the points that appeared on the face, the baby's temperature rose sharply above 38.0 ° C. Remember, in this case, you should not give any antipyretics to the consultation and arrival of the doctor.

  2. Skin patches appear reddened and inflamed.

  3. When touching acne, the child reacts with crying, clearly making it clear that they are painful.

  4. Inside the pimples contains pus or anemone.

  5. White dots are large in size.

  6. With the appearance of acne in the child, the general condition has changed (eating poorly, sleeping, often crying, nervous).

In these cases, the appearance of white dots may indicate the onset of serious diseases, so you can not do without consulting a doctor.

white dots on the nose of a newborn photo

It's worth remembering

In conclusion, I would like to remind once again that miles are characteristic for 80% of newborns. Occur due to blockage of the sebaceous glands. White papules are small in size, localized most often on the nose, but can also be on the cheeks, forehead, and chin of the baby. The manifestation from one or several sides of the face is possible. There is no pus inside the pimples, so they do not pose a danger to the baby's body. As a rule, they pass on their own, without requiring any medical intervention.

white spots on the nose of the newborn when they pass

White spots in a newborn, if they are caused by physiological characteristics of the body, need not be treated. In special cases, when the skin itself can not cope, the doctor may prescribe the use of ointments containing panthenol. But this happens quite rarely.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4827/

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