Periwinkle: planting and care are easy

Periwinkle, planting and care for which is virtually effortless - a very beautiful plant. When growing it, you will not have trouble. This plant will endure snowless frosty winters and sparse watering in summer without any problems. His ability to grow in the shade is simply amazing. It is not a problem for him to settle down under a tree and at the same time bloom luxuriantly and beautifully.

periwinkle planting and care
A classic option is a flower with a whisk of bluish-blue color. However, there are other forms. The plant owes its decorativeness not only to flowers. The leaves, which are distinguished by a dark green color, dense texture and leatheriness, are an unusual carpet that does not lose its decorative qualities even in warm winters. Extinction can only be partial, and restoration does not require a large amount of time. There are deciduous and evergreen varieties.

Such flowers and plants can be successfully combined with lilies of the valley or late tulips. Their ripening will occur at about the same time, and the garden will be filled not only with a pleasant aroma, but also with unforgettable beauty. When choosing a landing site, you should prefer one that will be open to the sun in the morning. A thick shadow will affect the flowering, and it will not be so long.

flowers and plants

A periwinkle, planting and care of which should not cause special problems, still requires some attention from the gardener. Separate bushes or layering can be planted in spring or autumn, the depth should be no more than five centimeters. All that is required is timely watering. After the plant has taken root, it will begin to grow with a continuous carpet. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the timely removal of stems. They should be guided, so that in the end a beautiful border will be formed. It can even be trimmed slightly.

The periwinkle, the planting and care of which is simple, is characterized by small tenacious roots that grow throughout the stem. As soon as they find themselves on earth, they immediately try to grow. From moist soil it is not difficult to remove young rooted layering. However, if the plant is already old, some difficulties may arise. Therefore, it is better to immediately direct it in the right direction so as not to add unnecessary problems to yourself.

Pests and diseases do not bother periwinkles too much. Planting and caring for it require careful attention in the winter, if severe frosts without snow are expected. For such times, it is better to use shelter from leaves or special synthetic materials. It is advisable to warm the flowers for two years, until they are fully strengthened.

Ixia planting and care

Another popular perennial is ixia. Planting and caring for it does not require much effort, but it is worth noting that the life of the inflorescences is short and rarely lasts more than three weeks. After that, the whole plant fades, and its appearance is unlikely to interest anyone. However, during the flowering period, you can admire the brilliant colors, which can have a color from bright yellow to green and brown.

They bloom on a clear day, and close at night or on cloudy days. So they can be considered a kind of weather predictors.


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