How to tie grapes to increase its yield

As soon as the snow leaves the ground, beginners and experienced gardeners begin to swarm in the gardens, checking the condition of trees and shrubs that had to survive the cold and frosty winter. Not the last place is taken by the care of grape bushes, because cover varieties must be opened, and non-covering varieties should be examined for the presence of frozen vines. Be that as it may, but with the advent of spring there is a mass of urgent matters. It is then that gardeners have a question about how to tie the grapes in order to conveniently arrange the branches and at the end of the season to collect a decent harvest.

how to tie grapes
First you need to examine the kidneys on the vines. They need to be cut and checked to see if the fabric is alive. If the eyes are green, then the branch can be tied to the trellis, and if brown, then you need to leave it for a while to see if they come to life or not. Before tying the grapes, dead vines must be cut so as not to interfere. The main thing is considered to be a β€œdry” garter when the kidneys have not yet woken up, because they are very fragile and can break off. A "green" garter is only necessary to strengthen the overgrown shoots.

how to tie the grapes

To know how to properly tie the grapes, you should determine its age. Young seedlings (up to two years) are attached to the stakes, and starting from the third year, you already need to pull the trellis. To do this, prepare wooden or metal supports. Before you tie the grapes, you should decide on the formation of the bush. If it is bilateral, then they retreat 1.5 meters from the seedling in both directions and dig in the supports. If the formation is one-sided, then on the one hand they retreat by 0.5 meters, and on the other by 1.5 meters.

At a height of 0.5 meters from the ground pull the first row of wire. In total there should be about 3-4 rows, depending on the height of the grapes. It is not necessary to use wire, you can use old wires, wooden slats or twine. Last year's vines are tied to the first and second row in a horizontal, inclined position or in the form of an arc. Vertically, the branches do not bind, because the lower buds slow down growth or may not wake up at all. Unnecessary shoots are lengthened by a meter, and the yield is noticeably reduced.

how to tie grapes in spring

How to tie grapes in spring depends on the location of the fruit vines. When the buds have not yet blossomed, you can conveniently arrange all the branches on the trellis, tie them up, thereby increasing the yield. Perennial vines should be placed semi-fan or fan, but the branches with buds are tied at an angle of 45-60 degrees, it is also possible to tie the arch horizontally. During the season, the stems can be damaged due to friction on the wire when thickening or swaying from the wind, so they are tied in the form of a figure eight, that is, freely. To fix the vines well, their ends are tied more tightly, for this purpose any garter material is suitable.

How to tie the grapes, you need to know both a professional and a beginner, because the harvest depends on this procedure. If everything is done correctly and on time, then the buds on the vines will develop correctly, and this will significantly increase the number of fruits.


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