Do Russians need a visa to Georgia?

Since Russians still remember the tense moments between Georgia and Russia, when deciding to visit Georgian territory, the corresponding question arises: is it necessary to apply for a visa?

Today, Georgia is one of the most popular areas of the post-Soviet space. Its cultural heritage, architectural monuments, gorgeous mountain nature and a simplified visa regime attract Russian tourists every year more and more.

Based on a law issued in 2015, citizens of ninety-four countries can cross the border of the state without additional fuss with submitting papers for a visa. The Russian Federation is certainly on this list. Moreover, in addition to rest, foreigners can make business visits and purchase real estate without any delay on the part of the immigration department.

Relations between Georgia and Russia

In recent years, the two countries have managed to re-establish dialogue and begin to restore the previous friendly relations, which, incidentally, were ruined by the well-known ex-president Mikheil Saakashvili. Of course, not all diplomatic issues have been resolved, but there is already an answer to one of the important ones. Do Russians need a visa to Georgia? Definitely not.

Modern map of Georgia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia

The authorities of both states are still negotiating to simplify the crossing of border posts. Hopes from the Russian side: cancellation of customs duties, duties and other checks; extension of the stay to an unlimited mark. True, in response, most likely, for the Georgians the Russian border will be just as easily opened. Thus, mutual development will go at an accelerated pace.

Visa-free travel for Russians

You can get to the territory of Georgia both by plane, and by your own vehicle or bus. Despite the fact that you can enter many countries of the Commonwealth by an internal Russian passport, you will need a passport on the border with Georgia, even taking into account the fact that you do not need a visa to Georgia.

The validity of a foreign passport should not end during the trip. Also, the passport must have at least two pages with free space for affixing entry stamps.

If a person drives by car, then a visa to Georgia for Russians in 2018 when crossing the land border is also not required. But at the post should be presented such documents as:

  • Technical passport of the car and its registration certificate.
  • Driving license to drive a car, quoted both Russian and international.
  • In the event that the driver is driving someone else's car, then, among other things, he should issue a power of attorney by which he can transport vehicles outside the Russian Federation. That is, by a simple general it will not work to enter Georgia, the papers must indicate permission from the owner.
  • It is advisable to take out car insurance.

Children entry

Is a visa to Georgia necessary for Russians traveling with children? The answer is no. What documents will be added for the child:

  • First of all, the presence of a personal foreign passport (although the law on the permission to enter a child in your passport has not yet been repealed).
  • Birth certificate to prove kinship.
  • If only one of the parents is traveling, then additional permits are not required from the second (if he has not imposed a ban on the export of a child), but in the case of travel with other persons (for example, grandparents, godparents, sisters, etc.), the parents draw up and assure the permission of the notary.

In a word, the rest will begin unmatched without the presence of complex manipulations at the border control due to the lack of a visa to Georgia for both adults and children.

Entry restrictions

What difficulties can be when crossing the border? Is a visa to Georgia necessary if a citizen previously received a passport mark on the border with Abkhazia and South Ossetia? No, you do not need to issue any visas in this case, but you will have to pay a fine. The above-mentioned republics are still not recognized internationally and were previously part of the Georgian lands, therefore, according to the rules of the latter, crossing their borders is illegal.

The closed border of Georgia from Abkhazia

The sad situation is with regard to road traffic: from the side of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, the road to Georgia is now closed and it will not be possible to enter from these countries, there is only one option - to get with the help of MAPP.

Surprisingly, the fact that a fine is imposed in the above case, but in case of violation of the permissible ninety days of visa-free stay in the country, no sanctions will be applied to the citizen (violation is allowed in the minimum number of days - no more than ten).

Therefore, with immediate plans for traveling to these three countries, Georgia should be put in the first place, since in Abkhazia and South Ossetia they do not find fault with passport stamps.

Long-term tourist visa

Do I need a visa to travel to Georgia if a tourist wants to stay in the country for a period exceeding ninety days? Yes, it is needed, and it takes shape in a specialized place called the Georgian Interests Section of the Embassy of Switzerland. This wonderful place is located in the city of Moscow and you can get into it by driving to 6. Small Rzhevsky Pereulok Street. The applicant first fills out the application form and makes an appointment on the official website of this representative office.

Flag of georgia

All documents are transferred to the hands of employees in person or through a representative both in the form of a folder or by e-mail. All papers are translated into English or Georgian.

Documents required for a visa

To apply for a visa to Georgia, the following documentation should be collected:

  • A foreign passport with validity periods exceeding all stay on the Georgian side and with two blank pages.
  • A completed application form on the official website of the Georgian representative office in Russia. It should be printed and signed.
  • Consular fee check. Sometimes when paying by transfer, an additional fee is charged. This fee is charged in full and amounts to forty lari.
  • One color photograph measuring 35 by 45 millimeters.
  • Printed Health Insurance.
  • A receipt of a paid fine. In the event that there was an illegal border crossing through Abkhazia or South Ossetia. In the event of a primary violation, the applicant will pay four hundred lari.
  • If a person has not reached the age of majority or has any mental disorders, then permission is additionally requested for their departure from guardians.
View of Kazbek

Additional documents

If a visa to Georgia is issued for tourist purposes, then the following is added to the above list:

  • A paper that confirms the applicant’s residence in the country. It can be from either an individual or a legal entity. It indicates the address of the place of residence, or if it is a certain hotel, then its name.
  • Bank statement for the last six months or a certificate from the workplace, a letter from the sponsor and other suitable documents that can prove the applicant’s financial security for the duration of the trip.

Do I need a visa to Georgia if the trip is working? Yes it is. The applicant additionally collects documents for processing a work permit:

  • An invitation from the state bodies of Georgia, a private entrepreneur with a registered individual entrepreneur, or from a legally registered company confirming a two-way labor relationship. It indicates the estimated duration of the employment contract, information on the amount of wages.
  • A certain paper from the employer, indicating the official employment of the Russian.
  • An employment contract signed by both parties.

In the case of training, the applicant shall attach:

  • A document confirming its receipt.
  • A document from the educational institution itself, confirming the training according to the education program established by the law.

If the application is submitted in order to restore the family, then the folder is supplemented with the following papers:

  • Evidence of kinship.
  • Any documents proving the legal presence of relatives in Georgia.

If a person is traveling for personal business, an extract from the public register is required, confirming the status of the owner or co-founder of a company registered in Georgia.

Friendship Monument of Russia and Georgia

Visa Fee

Despite the fact that the country has a visa-free regime, when crossing the border, in addition to presenting a passport, you will have to pay the established fee - fifty lari. This amount is charged for every visa-free entry. Therefore, if a person needs to make multiple border crossings within ninety days, then the cheapest way will be to issue a special permit for multiple visits to a country worth sixty lari. In case of transit, the citizen pays the amount of ten lari. Multiple use transit visa costs twenty lari. And with an extension of stay, the fee will be one hundred lari.

Road to Georgia "Upper Lars"

This payment is made at the bank branch of the customs. If a Russian is engaged in the extension of legal residence on Georgian lands, then he should contact the Civil Registry Agency. By the way, when paying this fee, a commission of 1.5 GEL is also imposed from above.

Important points when crossing the Georgian border

In order to avoid any problems when entering Georgia, it is worth observing all the prescribed customs laws. For example, some things can be transported only in certain quantities and in established weighting standards: cigarettes and other tobacco products should not exceed two hundred pieces, alcohol - not more than four liters, luggage and personal items - not more than one hundred kilograms, imported currency should not exceed the amount equivalent to two thousand dollars.

Georgian customs

Customs may withdraw certain visas for medicines that do not have a prescription, as well as prohibit the import of an animal without an appropriate health certificate.


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