Tomatoes: the best varieties for the greenhouse. Reviews and Description

The popularity of tomatoes is great. This is due to the huge variety of their varieties. About which tomatoes to plant in a greenhouse, read the article.

Origin of Tomatoes

The birthplace of the vegetable is South America. There are still wild-type tomatoes. They were introduced to Europe in the 16th century. Initially, they were used as decoration elements, the fruits were considered inedible. And only at the end of the XVIII century they began to be eaten. At the same time, tomatoes came to our country. The Russians apprehensively took the vegetable. They believed that you can lose your mind if you eat at least one tomato. Therefore, the people had another name for this vegetable - dog and mad berries.

What tomatoes to plant in a greenhouse

It turned out to be very difficult to grow vegetables in the Russian climate. Therefore, at first its distribution was limited. But when new cultivation technologies and the possibility of using greenhouses for these purposes appeared, tomato spread everywhere. What tomatoes are the best varieties for a greenhouse? Reviews of this vegetable allow us to conclude that tomatoes are a promising crop. Today they are grown even in areas with harsh climates.

Why do tomatoes have different colors?

Tomatoes come in red, pink, green, yellow, purple and black. It turns out that the color of a tomato depends on its variety. What does it mean? The inside of the fruit peel has dyes, which, depending on the variety, are combined in different quantities, that's all. The color of the fruit does not affect the cultivation technology, which is not difficult. For this reason, tomatoes are grown today all over the world. But exotic varieties are harder to cultivate, so their distribution is limited.

Determinant Varieties

Tomatoes of these varieties are suitable for growing in a greenhouse. They belong to the category of early or early ripe vegetables. When a plant reaches a certain height, its growth stops. Bushes should be formed. It is better to leave one stem in order to prevent thickening, it can lead to various plant diseases. In this case, a high yield can not be expected. Some leave two stems. Extra stepchildren are removed. Usually 3-4 square plants are planted per square meter of soil.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Determinant Varieties

Tomatoes have a number of features, both positive and negative. The first include:

  • Early ripening.
  • Getting a high yield in the early periods. This is facilitated by the structure of the plant. The laying of ovaries occurs more often.
  • Friendly fruiting, as the ovary appears simultaneously on several hands.

Cons of these varieties:

  • For the formation of fruits, it is often necessary to fertilize the soil with mineral nutrition.
  • Peduncle growth is limited.
  • Resistance to disease is reduced due to the fact that determinant plants are not overloaded with ovaries.

Indeterminate Varieties

These are tall plants. Differ in non-stop growth. Ripen later than early varieties, but have a high yield. Formed in one stem, so stepsons are regularly removed. The height of the bush can reach three meters, so the plant needs to be tied up.

Tomatoes best varieties for greenhouses reviews

What tomatoes are the best varieties for a greenhouse? Reviews of gardeners indicate that the most promising are large and fleshy fruits, which belong to the category of salad tomatoes. Indeterminate varieties are not highly resistant to disease. However, their taste and high yield allow us to consider these varieties as the best for greenhouses.

Growing greenhouse tomatoes

To get a good crop of tomatoes, you should provide them with proper care, which consists in watering, fertilizing, pollination, ventilation of the greenhouse. After planting plants in the ground, they should be watered no earlier than two weeks later. Tomatoes do not need excessive moisture, so watering should be normalized: before the flowering period - four liters per square meter, during the period of fruit formation - twelve liters. You do not need to do this daily, once a week is enough. Excessive moisture in the greenhouse prevents pollination. Greenhouse tomatoes need additional pollination. To do this, just shake the inflorescences in sunny weather, ventilate the shelter, and spray the flowers.

Undersized tomatoes for the greenhouse

A prerequisite for growing tomatoes in a greenhouse is to ventilate it, for which a room under a film coating should have windows. It is necessary to monitor the temperature and prevent sudden changes in it. Daytime temperature should be twenty-two degrees, nighttime - twenty.

To get a high yield, a good nutrient medium is needed, for which plant nutrition should be carried out: the first - three weeks after planting in the ground; the second is ten and the third is two weeks.

Tomatoes doll Masha

These tomatoes belong to the determinant varieties with an early ripening period. These are hybrids. They are bred specifically for growing in greenhouse conditions. Low-growing tomatoes for the greenhouse have low bushes, 50-90 cm. Round pink fruits are divided into chambers, there are 4-6 of them. Ripe fruits have a dense elastic skin, which allows them to be stored for a long time.

Tomato doll Masha

The fruits are large, fleshy, their mass reaches 180-250 g. They have a flat-circular shape with barely noticeable ribs. One brush gives 4-6 fruits. Productivity is high, with 8 kg of ripe tomatoes collected from one meter square. Low-growing tomatoes for the greenhouse have an amazing taste, so they are used fresh, they make tomato paste, ketchup, adjika. Tomatoes are resistant to verticillosis, the most common disease.

Tomato Doll Masha propagates by seed and seedling methods. Plants are transplanted when their height reaches 25 cm, otherwise the seedlings may not take root and die.

Tomatoes Spring North

Relate to determinant early ripe varieties. For normal cultivation, greenhouses under the film are suitable without using a heating system. This is a hybrid, bushes of medium growth, shoots are formed poorly, which rarely allows pinching. With one brush, you can collect up to 7 large fruits of 200-300 g each.

Tomato spring north

Tomato Spring of the North has a light red color, a smooth, shiny surface and a dense, juicy pulp of pink color. Their surface is as if specially aligned. The fruits are sweet and sour. Sowing seeds is carried out long before the planting of seedlings in the soil of the greenhouse, in about two months. For good germination, a temperature of at least 23 degrees is needed. On an area of ​​one meter square, 3-4 plants are placed. To increase productivity, tomatoes need to be regularly watered and fed, for which they use complex mineral fertilizers.

Hybrid productivity is high, up to 7 kg of fruits are harvested from one plant, and about 17 kg from one square meter. Tomato valued for juicy fruits, their yield, long shelf life and resistance to disease. Used for cultivation for production purposes.

Tomatoes Major

It is an indeterminate hybrid variety with a mid-early maturity. It belongs to the category of salad vegetables. For cultivation, open ground and a film-coated greenhouse are suitable. The bushes of plants are quite tall, up to 2 m in height, need garter and pinching. Fruits have a rounded shape and raspberry color. The mass of the fetus reaches about 300 g.

Tomato Major

Tomatoes have high taste and marketability: sugar flavor, the same size, dense skin. Harvest high, stable. From one square collect up to 9 kg of juicy vegetables. The tomato variety Major is resistant to diseases such as vertebral rot, verticillosis, cladosporiosis, powdery mildew and tobacco mosaic. Tomatoes Major are ideal for cultivation for production purposes.

Tomatoes Azhur: description of the variety

Any climatic conditions and regions, open beds and greenhouses are suitable for their cultivation. The tomato is very decorative. The leaves of the determinant bush are carved, are the decoration of a compact plant that does not require a garter. When the bushes are heavy with ripening vegetables, they sink to the ground and lie. Tomatoes are not susceptible to various diseases, they are not afraid of the invasion of any pests.

Openwork tomatoes grade description

Juicy fruits are large, have a rounded shape, raspberry color, dense skin and delicious pulp. Weigh up to 400 gr. Productivity is high, regular, about 5-7 kg from one bush. These tomatoes are the best varieties for the greenhouse. Reviews of tomatoes of determinant varieties allow us to conclude that these vegetables are a very promising crop for cultivation on an industrial scale.

Tomatoes Bourgeois

This is the best determinant hybrid variety of greenhouse tomatoes. The ripening period of these undersized tomatoes is 4-5 months. The bush is very leafy, low, only 1.80 cm or less. They are absolutely not afraid of diseases and insects.

Tomato bourgeois

Tomato bourgeois has different sizes, the mass of some copies reaches 500 g. and even more. Due to the dense peel, the fruits are well transported, which allows them to be used for production needs. Taste superior to expectations: fleshy meat, juicy, sweet. Bourgeois tomatoes are distinguished by a high yield; 12 kg of vegetables are removed from one square. Use fresh, for salads, salting and preservation.

This variety has a lot of advantages. To the above, you can add that these tomatoes are the best varieties for the greenhouse. Reviews of gardeners about this culture are positive. They like that the plant tolerates heat and lack of lighting, lowers and rises in temperature, stores for a long time, has many fruit ovaries, which significantly increases the yield.

Tomatoes Happiness

This hybrid belongs to the indeterminate variety. Suitable for growing in a greenhouse under a film. The bush is tall, requires formation and garter. Variety of tomatoes Happiness has a salad purpose and a surprisingly pleasant taste. Ripening period is mid-ripening. The sizes of dark green leaves are average.

Variety of tomatoes happiness

The fruits are large, their mass is 270 g. The shape is round, ribbed, and the density of the peel is medium, which reduces the shelf life. The unripe fruit has a light green color, and the ripened one has a pink hue. Productivity is very high - 18 kg per square. Not suitable for use on an industrial scale.

The benefits of tomatoes

Tomatoes have not only great taste, but also a lot of useful substances and healing properties. There are so many minerals and vitamins in this vegetable that it is enough to consume 2 medium tomatoes daily to provide the body with all the necessary useful substances. Tomatoes normalize digestion, tidy up the acid-base balance, and thus prevent aging.

Tomatoes are beneficial for gastritis, but only to those people who have low acidity. Due to laxative properties, they are used during constipation. Tomatoes are useful in many diseases. Tomatoes are excellent antidepressants, they contain hormones of happiness (serotonin and thiamine), due to which the mood improves, and depression has disappeared. Tomato is the best vegetable in the fight against fatigue, mental and physical disorders. Also, this tomato can bring many benefits not only to health, but also to female beauty.


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