Patriot, writer, local historian Vladimir Ivanovich Conchinsky

Conchinsky Vladimir Ivanovich has a specialty rare for the writer: he is a professional intelligence officer. With operational work, he began his service in foreign intelligence. Then there were two long foreign business trips and managerial work at the Central Staff of the Foreign Intelligence Service. Before being appointed by decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin as assistant secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Colonel General Conchinsky worked in the Foreign Intelligence Service as first deputy director. Respect Appreciated. He was awarded many times, and not only by Russian orders.

Scout writer

vladimir ivanovich

Nevertheless, Vladimir Ivanovich did not change philology or profession in his first higher education: several historical studies came out of his pen. His long-standing passion is numismatics: he collects coins minted in Russia at different times. And the research and books are devoted to the history of the native land.

The story of the settlers

The author recreates the chronicle of the native village of Tarutino (Chesmensky district of the former Orenburg, and now Chelyabinsk region). Many in the district who are not indifferent to their native land know their contemporary and author of scrupulous historical research, Vladimir Ivanovich Conchinsky. "Notes of the local historian", in fact, are essays of an impassive chronicler and at the same time - a person deeply interested in the historical truth.

Readers are surprised to learn that immigrants are not at all an invention of Soviet power. For several centuries, the Russian Empire encouraged the outflow of peasants from overpopulated lands to empty lands and planned it. So the All-Union Resettlement Committee, created at the All-Russian Central Executive Committee in 1924, only continued its policy of stimulating the movement of the masses of people to less developed spaces. Vladimir Ivanovich traced the fate of the pioneers farther and deeper, describing how they gained a new small homeland in the Southern Urals, while preserving, however, the characteristics of their culture.

The author of local history books, Vladimir Ivanovich Conchinsky, cites the recollections of old-timers about how a large part of the peasants who were ready to move overturned their decision when they realized that the resettlement policy was necessarily accompanied by collectivization.

South Ural Cossacks

zakonchinsky Vladimir Ivanovich notes of the local historian

But the Southern Urals is noticeable in the country's biography not only by the formation of collective farms and preliminary dispossession, but also ... A topic very close to Vladimir Conchinsky. He described the history of the creation in 1918 of the first socialist Trinity regiment of red Cossacks named after Stenka Razin, the biography and the fate of his commanders Semyon Lovchikov and Alexander Kartashov. And then - the same actors and in the same place, but already in 1937. Repression. A high-profile case about the anti-Soviet activities of the local Cossack organization ...

Devotion to the Cossack family, to which Vladimir Ivanovich Conchinsky himself belongs, is reflected in all his books on the history of the Cossacks. In particular, in the "Personal Directory of the members of the Orenburg Cossack Regiment, awarded state awards of the Russian Empire."

And all this against the background of lyrical narratives about Tarutin nature, its amazing and clean "blue-eyed" lakes, sweeping and touching windmills in its fragility and airiness , as well as skillfully presented interesting and worthy people, famous residents of their native village, including his direct relatives are Zaholzhinsky.

Vladimir Conchinsky

Education of patriotism

Vladimir Ivanovich devoted his life to one of the most, in his opinion, patriotic professions, allowing you to feel involved in events of national importance. And with his creative work, Vladimir Ivanovich Conchinsky pursues the same goal: fostering devotion to his homeland, the desire to be useful to it.

He does not declare: I am a patriot, and you be him. In the books, Vladimir Conchinsky shares his knowledge about his native land, about the people who lived and live next to the reader, and allows his heart to touch the beauties of his native land. By his own example, the local historian makes it clear and believe that each person is significant for the Fatherland.

He knows all his ancestors of many generations, if not by sight, then by name and patronymic. Vladimir Ivanovichโ€™s grandfather, Yegor Conchinsky, went to Stalingrad and the Kursk Bulge in the Great Patriotic War . Then, for more than sixty years, he was listed as missing until the persistent grandson discovered his traces in the Chernihiv region. It turned out that the Cossack Conchinsky in September 1943 died during the crossing of the Dnieper.


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