Volturi Marcus: character description, characterization

In 2005, the first vampire saga by Stephanie Meyer , Twilight, was published. From that moment on, teenagers all over the world literally fell in love with the heroes of the books of this writer. In addition to the beautiful love story of Bella Swan and Edward Cullen, many readers were interested in the powerful vampire clan Volturi, whose members drank a lot of blood from lovers, fortunately, only in a figurative sense. Let's find out about the fate of the most humane of the heads of the clan - about Marcus Volturi, as well as about the performer of this role in the film adaptation of the project.

"Twilight" - a saga that conquered the world

For those who have not read Meyer's books or have done this for quite some time, let us recall what they are about.

clan cullen

So, in the world of Bella and Edward, vampires have been around for millennia. In ancient times, they ruled the world, turning people into slaves. When the clan of ghouls from Italy Volturi came to power, everything changed. The vampire community agreed that it is better to hide their existence from humanity.

clan volturi

In the following centuries, the Volturi successfully continued to rule and make their clan stronger and stronger, by attracting new and strong vampires to their ranks. Gradually, they began to fear a peaceful family of Cullen vegetarian ghouls, in whose ranks there were many strong and independent vampires.

The situation was aggravated by the appearance in the family of a girl named Bella Swan, who had the gift to withstand any non-physical manifestations of the bloodsuckers' abilities. She fell in love with one of the Cullens - a vampire named Edward, and for the sake of him joined the clan.

This love went through many trials, thanks to her, the daughter of Bella and Edward Renesmee was born - a half-vampire, a half-man of Renesmee. The girl became an occasion for the Volturi to try to destroy the Cullens. But so far the ruling clan has failed to do so.

Who is Marcus Volturi?

At the head of the ruling family are three vampires Aro, Caius and Marcus. The latter is considered the most ancient ghoul of all existing on Earth.

Marcus Volturi and Bella Swan Fanfiction

However, the position and power do not please Marcus Volturi. To everything that happens, he relates with apathy. And although he himself could have headed the clan, he does not do this, voluntarily submitting to Aro.

As for ordinary people, he is known to them and very revered under the name of St. Marcus - the legendary priest who liberated Volterra from vampires.

Character Description and Characterization

Since his conversion occurred at the age of nineteen, this hero forever retained the appearance of a young man. By the way, in the cinema Marcus was "aged", turning into a forty-year-old man.

Marcus Volturi and Girl

This character has tarry hair and red eyes, which sometimes are capable of turning black when he thirsts.

Being quite tall (183 cm), the oldest of the Volturi has a pleasant appearance and is quite elegant. Like Aro, he enjoys collecting antiquities. However, he prefers books to luxuries, of which he has a lot.

As for abilities, in addition to the standard vampire set, Marcus is a strong empath. Unlike Aro or Edward, he is not able to read thoughts, but he does not need it. After all, he can easily feel how people or ghouls relate to each other and their moods.

If this vampire wanted - he could take power from Aro, because, unlike him, Marcus does not need bodily contact in order to find out the true infusion of someone. In addition, he is the oldest known bloodsucker. But the character of this vampire never had a real thirst for power and meanness. Therefore, Aro is so easy and manages to use it for his own purposes.

Judging by the future that Alice showed, Marcus is not averse to dying and perceives death as a deliverance from his thousand-year pain after the death of Didima.

Biography before treatment

To better understand the character of this hero, you should find out his story.

Marcus Volturi was born around 1350 BC. in Greece. But this date is very approximate, since the vampire himself did not know when he was born, since his family was too poor and did not know the letter.

From childhood, he was interested in relationships between people and tried to learn how to understand how and who belongs to whom.

When Marcus was already a youth, he met a pale beauty vampire in the forest, who turned him.

Acquaintance with Aro and the appearance of the Volturi

Soon after realizing his own essence and accepting it, Marcus met with the younger and more ambitious vampire Aro. He liked the ideas of a new friend about creating his own powerful clan of ghouls. So there were Volturi.

Over time, they became more numerous and powerful. The clan was led by three: Aro, Marcus, and Caius.

The beautiful and sad love story of Marcus and Didima

Despite the rise of the Volturi, in order to become the head of the whole ghoul community, they needed to defeat the Romanian clan, which for many centuries ruled the whole world.

To this end, Aro began to seek and recruit vampires with outstanding abilities. Moreover, when his younger sister Didima grew up, he turned her in the hope that the girl would be as gifted as he was.

That's just her gift was the ability to bring happiness, which seemed Aro useless. Despite this, he accepted her into his clan, where the girl and Marcus Volturi met.

Soon, love broke out between them, and they got married. This feeling influenced their views and aspirations, and the lovers decided to leave the clan in order to live separately from everyone.

aro volturi, marcus

However, this was contrary to the plans of Aro, who needed Marcus and his gift in the ranks of the clan. Therefore, the leader Volturi secretly killed his own sister. As he expected, her husband was beside himself with grief and, not finding the unknown killer, returned to his native family.

After the death of a beloved

Life without Didima was unbearable, so Marcus even tried to commit suicide. But Aro used Chelsea's gift to alleviate his pain and persuade him not to die.

Although Marcus remained alive, now he looked at the world with apathy and was indifferent to the ambitious plans of the leader Volturi.

Because of his indifference to everything, the vampire turned out to be an excellent judge. Devoid of preference and seeing the real essence of the relationship between others, Marcus became able to correctly assess the situation and make balanced, and most importantly, the right decisions. This brought him a certain share of fame and respect, but not happiness.

Edward, Bella and Marcus Volturi

The protagonist’s first acquaintance with this elder occurred in the second book, New Moon. This happened after Edward (believing that Bella was dead) came to the Volturi and asked to take his own life. Following the beloved, a girl followed the lair of the lords, hoping to have time to save him.

When the elders tried to sort out their situation, Marcus felt the power of love between Bella and Edward. This reminded him of his own fate, so he reacted with compassion to them.

Marcus Volturi and Renesmee Fanfiction

In the future, this hero appeared in the fourth novel of the series - "Dawn". Together with the Volturi army, he participated in deciding the fate of Renesmee. Seeing the true relationship between the girl and her parents, the vampire realized that the baby was not a threat. For this reason, he was the only one from the clan who voted against the murder of the girl.

Unfortunately, his opinion was not taken into account.

Christopher Heyerdahl - the actor who played Marcus in the film adaptation

On screens, the image of this sad vampire was embodied by the Canadian artist Christopher Heyerdahl.

marcus volturi actor

Although Markus Volturi with the actor came much older than his book counterpart, the audience liked this director's interpretation. Moreover, Heyerdahl managed to make the whole world fall in love with his hero, despite the fact that he had very little screen time.

In addition to participating in Twilight, the artist became famous for his small roles in the top-rated television series of recent decades. “Her Name was Nikita”, “Stargate: SG-1 and Atlantis”, “Clairvoyant”, “Secrets of Smallville”, “Supernatural”, “Castle”, “Nikita”, “Hell on Wheels”, “Arrow”, “Gotham” "," Minority Opinion "and this is far from a complete list of projects starring Christopher Heyerdahl.

It is noteworthy that he approached each role with special attention, so that his characters are not like each other.

Marcus fanfiction

The aura of a sad lover, with which the image of this vampire is fanned, made him the favorite of many readers. Many of them not only admired the hero’s devotion to their dead beloved, but also dreamed that in the future he would still find his happiness. That is why a lot of fan fiction is dedicated to Marcus Volturi.

Interestingly, in the role of a new lover, fans represent different heroines of the saga. For example, in the popular amateur work Half-Blood and the King, an example is given of the most unexpected close relations between Marcus Volturi and Renesmee.

Fan fiction dedicated to this unusual pair began to appear like mushrooms after the rain, after the publication of the aforementioned creation on the net. Moreover, many of them were compiled as a continuation of the history described in this work. This is “No longer yours”, “Lost SMS”, “Unexpected guest”, “Objections”, “He knows how to wait”, “Personal hell” and others.

More unexpected was the appearance of a pair of Marcus Volturi and Bella Swan in the fanfiction “Power of Love” and “Love of the Vampire, or Failed Revenge”. However, this is more an exception to the rule, while Marcus's sympathy for the lovers of Bella and Edward became the reason that he became a private guest in other amateur stories.

Another candidate who, according to fans, is able to heal a wound in the heart of this hero is the adoptive mother of Edward. The love story of Marcus Volturi and Esme Cullen in A miragem fan fiction is most vividly described.

Marcus Volturi and Esme Cullen Fanfic

The indefatigable fantasy of fans constantly creates more and more new stories about Marcus gaining his happiness. But in fairness it should be noted that if this hero can fall in love with another, then he will lose his uniqueness and charm of the sad sufferer, which makes him so attractive to many. So let's hope that if Stephanie Meyer decides to write new books of the saga, he still will not change the storyline of this character. The maximum will allow even the vile Aro to kill her beloved.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4886/

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