Lyceum of the Pushkin A. S. Analysis and list of works

Pushkin began to write poetry rather early, and he was not satisfied with all his early works. However, Pushkin’s lyceum lyrics are of great interest to researchers, because it was at this time that the author’s poetic manner was formed.

Lyceum Lyrics

Periodization of creativity

The creativity of A. S. Pushkin is very complex and multifaceted. In each of the periods of his life, the writer turned to various topics, differently related to life phenomena. It is customary to classify Pushkin's work depending on its location. For example, the lyceum period is considered the first, followed by the Petersburg period - the time when the young writer worked at the College of Foreign Affairs. Then the poet was sent to the South Link. Here, in the south of Russia, begins the third period of his work. Then he settles in the family estate of Mikhailovsky, then in Boldino, finally, the second Petersburg completes the diverse work of this brilliant writer.

Analysis of Pushkin's lyrics

Education at Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum

The years spent in the Lyceum contributed to the development of a love of literature. After all, this educational institution had a humanitarian focus. The main subjects were history, literature and foreign languages. In literature classes, students were supposed to submit works of their own composition. Of course, Pushkin was most successful in these exercises. In addition to training sessions, students published their poems in the publications Young Swimmers, Inexperienced Feather, and Lyceum Sage. Pushkin regularly participated in literary readings, followed the news in this area. One of the favorite entertainments of the lyceum students was the collective composition of fairy tales, in which Delvig and Kuchelbecker were the most successful.

Lyceum Lyrics by Pushkin

The first poem by A. S. Pushkin

The first serious literary experience of the poet appeared in print in 1814. It was a work “To a Poet Friend”. It should be said that, like the other early works of the poet, this verse was imitative. Pushkin inherited the style of Boileau. In a humorous and comic manner, the lyrical hero of the poem addresses his friend who writes poetry. He advises him to quit poetry, because "to be glorious is good, calm, it is better twice." Despite his young age, Pushkin anxiously felt the poet's real destiny. This is not someone who can rhyme strings, he must teach, delight the mind, experience and work endlessly without sparing himself.

Already in this early poetic creation, Pushkin shows his easy style, of course, the poet has a good command of the satire genre, in addition, the situations depicted by him are very believable. The genius was able to do what none of the imitators of Boileau succeeded in.

Thus, an example of his attitude to the theme of poet and poetry is already offered by the lyceum lyrics of Pushkin. Briefly, we can say that for Pushkin, writing is the following of muse and inspiration, it is a dedicated and responsible work.

The first triumph of the poet

Pushkin receives true success and blessing for his further work during the exam in Russian literature. As an examination paper, Alexander Sergeevich offers his ode “Memoirs in Tsarskoye Selo”. The main listener and censor was the master of domestic literature - G. R. Derzhavin. Subsequently, Pushkin recalled that he read his poems with incredible trembling excitement, he could hardly control himself. Derzhavin was completely delighted; he wanted to hug the young poet.

Lyceum Lyceum

Pushkin's lyric poetry (poems written in the first three years of study, in particular) shows his ability to work with different genres. He is equally successful in both satire and ode, lyrics, elegies. This skill was especially pronounced in the poem "Memoirs in Tsarskoye Selo." Of course, Pushkin relies on the tradition of Russian classicism, but he brings a fresh stream to the verse, adding an elegiac, meditative mood to the ode genre . When the author speaks about the glory of Russian heroes, he chooses a solemn odic style. After that, the verse becomes smoother and more melodic, at the moment when the lyrical hero recalls the moment of Napoleon's offensive, that he lived in heedlessness and bliss all the years, not knowing that trouble would come. And finally, the poem ends with the same solemn and loud voice glorifying the capital of Russia. This grace embodied all the grace, all the power that possesses the lyceum lyrics of Pushkin. The composition “Memoirs in Tsarskoye Selo” made the author famous. It was after reading Derzhavin that he blessed the young genius for future work and announced that a great poet had appeared in Russia.

Lyceum Lyrics by Pushkin

Lyceum Lyceum: poems imitating light French poetry

Why did Pushkin's poems look unusual and new? Mainly due to language. Pushkin chooses a special poetic style. There are no longer heavy phrases, long lines, difficult for perception of syntactic constructions, which were so characteristic for poets of classicism. Alexander Sergeyevich adopts the style of French poets such as Guys and Voltaire, whose work is called "easy." However, lightness manifested itself not only at the level of style, but also at the level of themes. Lyceum's lyric poetry is a statement of epicureism, a free attitude to life. Pushkin borrowed this motive from his companion in the pen, Batyushkov. Another famous poem of the Lyceum period is the message of 1814 "To Batyushkov." In this text, the poet calls his friend "sloth", "frisky philosopher." Pushkin gives friendly advice to Batyushkov: enjoy life, love, but do not forget the muses.

The main themes of Pushkin's lyrics

Civic Motives in the Early Lyrics

Civil motives now and then appeared in the poems of the poet throughout his career, with the exception of the lyceum lyrics of Pushkin. The verses in which these motifs sound are distinguished by liveliness, energy and youthful uncompromisingness. One of the most famous works is Licinia (1815). In this text, Alexander Sergeevich attracts an extensive layer of ancient symbols and images. The author tells us about the time of Roman decline, when people deified their emperor, when moral standards began to decline. The lyrical hero is a young and ardent poet. He offers his friend Licinius to leave Rome, go to the village and work there with poetry, in a word, condemn the low morals of their time. This work compares well with the poet's freedom-loving lyrics, created by him in the first Petersburg period. However, lyceum lyrics are distinguished by a complete denial of state power, which is dictated by an epicurean view of the world.

Changes in the lyrics

Already in the last years of study at the Lyceum, Pushkin begins to write poems in which notes of sadness appear. This change was marked by the message "To Zhukovsky" (1816). Pushkin will no longer have anacreontic expanse, carelessness. The poet will remain the same optimist, but he does not accept life for the sake of pleasure. In a letter to Zhukovsky, Pushkin expresses his reverence for the work of this great poet. Elegic poems become the mainstream in the late Lyceum period. An example is the poem "Separation", "Desire", "Singer".

An analysis of Pushkin’s lyrics is impossible without drawing parallels between his work and the work of other poets of his time. Alexander Sergeevich conducts a kind of dialogue with his contemporaries, the subject of which is art, namely, what it should be like, what the poet should write about, how to write.

Lyceum of Lyceum: poetry (list)

The most famous poems of Pushkin, written by him in the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum:

  1. "Memories in Tsarskoye Selo."
  2. "Licinia."
  3. "To Batyushkov."
  4. "To Zhukovsky."
  5. "A wish".
  6. "Elegy".
  7. "Riders."
    Lyceum Lyrics


The richest material for research is the lyceum lyrics of Pushkin. Briefly, it can be described as the formation of a poetic manner of the writer, in which the talent of the master of all genres, as well as the ability to work with the word, was clearly manifested. Indeed, already in these verses you can see a harmonious style, lightness and beauty of poetry. The main themes of Pushkin’s lyrics of this period are poetry, friendship, love.


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