Can I write out nowhere? How to leave the apartment

In Russia, there are many questions, and sometimes also difficulties, cause registration actions in relation to the population. In other words, registration. Not everyone knows how to correctly register at a particular address, and if necessary, issue an extract. Can I write out nowhere? And if so, how? Under what conditions? Next, we will try to understand all these issues and not only. The information below will certainly help citizens understand how to properly draw up an extract from housing. In fact, everything is simpler than it seems. And even a person who does not know anything about paperwork can achieve the desired result.

Statement Rules in the Russian Federation

What gives

Can I write out nowhere? And what does this term mean? First, find out what an extract is. What does she give a citizen?

When registering at the place of residence or temporary stay, a person is assigned this or that housing. The tenant can receive services at the appropriate address, as well as use the apartment / house for his needs.

At discharge, detachment from housing occurs. A citizen loses the official right to use and reside in the relevant territory. But for the apartment from which he was discharged, there is no need to pay utility bills.

Usually they are written out when a person needs to change his registration. But there are exceptions. We will talk about them below.

Methods for deregistration

Can I write out nowhere? This is a rather difficult question, especially considering all the existing nuances of the law.

First you need to understand what discharge methods exist. At the moment, there are the following scenarios:

  • voluntary deregistration;
  • automatic;
  • judicial.

The second is found only in relation to temporary registration. Therefore, we will pay more attention to the first and last option.

What is an extract to nowhere?

Is it possible to write out anywhere voluntarily? And forcibly? Not everyone understands what is at stake. What is an extract to nowhere?

Where they are discharged to nowhere

So it is customary to call a citizen deregistration without parallel registration of a new registration. That is, a person simply submits an application for canceling registration or is deregistered in court without immediately securing a new address to the relevant person.

In such circumstances, for registration, you will have to additionally come to the authorized bodies, and then apply for registration at the chosen address.

Legality of action

Can I write out nowhere? To give the most accurate answer, you need to thoroughly study the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The law allows adults to write out to nowhere. Only the state gives a certain period during which it is necessary to issue a new registration. Otherwise, a negligent citizen faces an administrative fine.

But with minors everything is much more complicated. An extract to nowhere in relation to children is illegal. Nevertheless, it is still practiced in some regions. This means that you can remove a person from the register in the apartment even without providing him with a new shelter.

Grounds for compulsory discharge

Is it possible to write out anywhere voluntarily? As already mentioned, yes. The legislation of the Russian Federation offers such opportunities. Only in practice they are not very convenient - for some time in Russia it has become possible to carry out correspondence at the time of issuing an extract. That is, in one visit. Very comfortably!

Nevertheless, sometimes an extract to nowhere still occurs. And as a rule, you can cope with the task through the court. The removal of a citizen from registration in housing is thus possible if:

  • the citizen does not fulfill his duties in relation to payment of utilities;
  • a potential person violates the rules of living in an apartment or house;
  • a person in real life lives elsewhere.

As a rule, all this needs to be proved. And this is the moment that causes the most problems. However, if you try, you can make an extract. Through the court. It is not so common. Therefore, we will not focus much attention on it. But to know how to act if necessary, is also necessary.

Court Discharge Instructions

Can a citizen of the Russian Federation write out to nowhere? Yes, and in different ways. And in court, including.

Is it possible to write out nowhere

Today, for compulsory discharge of a particular tenant, it is necessary:

  1. Collect a package of documents. We will try to consider its components below. We focus on the most common elements.
  2. Write a statement to the court about discharge, and then file it at the place of registration of the defendant.
  3. Take part in the judicial debate.
  4. Receive a court order of a standard form.
  5. Go to the authorized bodies to register the fact of discharge in court.

It sounds very simple. In fact, as already mentioned, everything is not so easy. And as a rule, for compulsory discharge will have to try pretty hard. Especially when a person is the only housing. Under such circumstances, they may not be sent to anywhere.

Documents for the court

How to write out nowhere in Russia? Typically, this practice occurs with voluntary deregistration. But in court you can also meet with the defendant on a similar issue. It all depends on the specific life situation.

In order to file a lawsuit for the forced cancellation of registration, as well as win the corresponding case, you need to most often prepare:

  • statement of claim with a detailed description of the situation;
  • claimant's passport;
  • identity of the respondent (if any);
  • extracts from the personal account of the apartment and house book;
  • the act of non-living of a person at a particular address;
  • witness's testimonies;
  • any extracts confirming a violation of the rules of living in an apartment or house;
  • other materials that help to defend their point of view (photos, videos, correspondence, audio recordings).

As practice shows, discharge through the court can be carried out both with a temporary and with a permanent residence permit. The main thing is to properly prepare for this process. It is possible that in the course of the actions a citizen will indeed be discharged to nowhere.

Instructions for self-deregistration

More common is the situation in which a citizen is voluntarily discharged from housing. Moreover, such an outcome is considered the most favorable. It gives citizens the least trouble. True, a very short period of time is allotted to the search for a new haven. More about this later. First, pay attention to how to correctly deregister in an apartment voluntarily.

To implement the task it is necessary:

  1. Generate a specific package of documents. Its elements can be found below.
  2. Apply to the authorized body with a request to remove a citizen from registration.
  3. Wait a while.
  4. Pick up documents on cancellation of registration at a particular address.

That's all. It is this scenario that gives the least trouble. Moreover, it can be done remotely. But how? And what will be required to translate ideas into reality without leaving home?

Documents for discharge

About Authorized Services

Thinking about whether it is possible to get out of an apartment to nowhere, everyone should understand where a citizen is deregistered voluntarily. With forced sorted out - you need to contact the local court. And what services do voluntary discharge?

There is no unequivocal answer to such a question and cannot be. This is due to the fact that such services are offered by various government bodies. Among those distinguish:

  • passport desks;
  • multifunctional centers (including mobile);
  • single window services;
  • Organizations like My Documents
  • passport and visa centers;
  • migration departments at the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • passport departments at management companies;
  • FMS of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, it is necessary to contact the service located at the place of registration of the potential person being written out. There is nothing difficult or incomprehensible in this. When applying for deregistration at the place of registration, the processing of the request may simply be refused. This is a normal and completely legal phenomenon. There is nothing special about him.

Internet to help

As already mentioned, an application for discharge can be submitted remotely. That is, via the Internet. True, to cope with this task offers only one resource. It is called "Public Services".

I wonder how to get out of the apartment to nowhere? Then it is worth using this technique if a person acts voluntarily. The main thing is to prepare in advance for such an operation.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that in the end, you will still have to come to the authorized body. Namely, for statements of discharge. Completely remotely public services in Russia today are not provided.

Preparing ESIA for work

Can a person write out to nowhere? Yes, for this he will just have to not look for new housing when applying for an extract. There is nothing special about this operation, especially when it comes to voluntary deregistration.

As already mentioned, you can achieve the desired result using the website of the e-government ESIA "State Services". But for such an operation, you need to prepare in advance.

How to write out through the "State Services"

To do this, the user will:

  • register on the website of the electronic government of the Russian Federation;
  • complete the account;
  • activate the profile on the "State services".

The last operation is the most troublesome. We will analyze it in more detail below. Without activating the profile on the State Services, you don’t have to think about getting electronic services. This is simply not possible.

About the activation of "State services"

How to write out when selling an apartment? For example, you can achieve your desired goal using the e-government website of the Russian Federation. But, as has already been said, it is problematic to use "State Services" without confirming your identity. Most electronic services will be unavailable.

You can activate a profile on "State services":

  • through postal services;
  • through an electronic digital signature;
  • through a personal visit to the Population Service Center.

Activating an account on the e-government website of the Russian Federation is free. Moreover, the last alignment in practice is most common. We will get to know him in more detail.

Activation in the Service Center

Can a citizen of the Russian Federation write out to nowhere? As already mentioned, to cope with such a task seems possible, although not always. For minors, discharge to nowhere is illegal. Therefore, the recommendations presented are relevant only for adults.

Want to remotely apply for an extract? It's time to think about identity verification at the State Services. To carry out this operation by personal appeal to the Service Center, a citizen must:

  1. Go to the "State Services" and see the nearest Service Center. You can see such information in the "Activation" section.
  2. Prepare a package of certificates required for identification on the portal. It includes a passport, as well as SNILS and TIN.
  3. Fill out an application for activation of a profile on "State services". It will be issued by authorized bodies.
  4. Get your account activation code on hand.
  5. Indicate the appropriate combination in the "My Account" on the e-government website.
  6. Confirm the appropriate action.

All that remains for the citizen now is to wait a bit. After about 2 weeks, the profile will undergo a final check, after which it will be activated. There is nothing difficult in the described actions.

Instruction: statement through ESIA

How to get out of the apartment through "State services"? If the user already has a registered and activated account, achieving the desired goal will be easier than ever.

Application for discharge from the apartment

To make an extract to nowhere through the e-government website, a citizen will need:

  1. Go to under your name.
  2. Open the catalog of available electronic services.
  3. Find the item "Registration of citizens" in the proposed menu and select it.
  4. Click on the "Unregistration" section.
  5. Read the information about receiving the service, and then click the "Get" button.
  6. Fill out the electronic application form for deregistration. Part of the information in it will be automatically copied from the "Personal Account" on the portal.
  7. Choose a convenient place to receive a certificate of deregistration. In some regions, this item is not available. This is a normal occurrence.
  8. Indicate, if possible, the date and time of the upcoming visit. For these purposes, the system has developed a special electronic calendar.
  9. Check the box "I agree ...", and then send a request for processing.

The case is almost complete. What's next? You need to wait for the invitation from the e-government website, and then come to the authorized body with a certain package of certificates. With their help, it will be possible to pick up statements on cancellation of registration.

Documents for solving the problem

How to leave the apartment in the passport office? In the same way as in other authorized bodies. Only at first it will be necessary to pay special attention to the package of documents necessary for the implementation of the task.

To discharge a citizen to anywhere voluntarily, it is recommended to prepare:

  • personal identifier (ideally, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation);
  • statement of established form;
  • certificates from the place of residence of the citizen;
  • arrival sheet;
  • certificate of ownership of housing (if any).

That should be enough. If a person plans to leave for permanent residence from Russia to another country, it is recommended to confirm the corresponding fact. Then there will be no unnecessary questions and problems.

Housing Time

How to get out of the apartment through the "State Services" and not only, we found out. And how much time is devoted to finding new housing without consequences?

Earlier it was said that a citizen is given a little time to live without a residence permit after discharge. But how much? By law - 7 days. During this period, a citizen needs to find a new home, and then register. If you do not meet the deadlines, you will have to put up with administrative punishment.

The consequences of a lack of registration

Can I check out nowhere? Questions of this kind are increasingly found in a variety of real estate forums. For example, when selling it. Few people want to buy housing with outsiders. There is no guarantee that they will be written out independently.

Is it possible to write out in Russia to nowhere

It was previously emphasized that a certain amount of time is allocated for the search for new housing after discharge. If you don’t meet it, you will have to pay a fine. Can I get out of the apartment to nowhere? Yes, but a long stay without registration is fraught with negative consequences.

To date, the payment will be from 1.5 to 2.5 thousand rubles. A more accurate fine should be specified in a specific region of Russia.


How to leave the apartment? Step-by-step instructions for the implementation of the task were presented to our attention. Now there should not be any problems with deregistration.

How to write out when selling an apartment? Firstly, it’s better to do this in advance. Secondly, you can be guided by the previously proposed instructions for voluntary cancellation of registration.

That's all. From now on, everyone knows whether it is possible to write out to nowhere, as well as what threatens for such an act with an unfair attitude to him.


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