Musician and model Low Rafferty: biography, career and personal life

Low Rafferty is a bright and attractive guy who won the hearts of thousands of girls. Would you like to familiarize yourself with his biography? Find out how this young man’s personal life develops? We are happy to provide the necessary information.

Low Rafferty

Biography: family

Low Rafferty was born on October 6, 1996 in London. His father does not need a special introduction. After all, this is the favorite actor of many Jude Law. He is familiar to viewers from the films Aviator (2004) and Sherlock Holmes (2009). The mother of our hero, Sadie Frost, is also a professional actress.

In 2000, the family replenished. Judah and Sadie had a daughter named Iris. In 2002, their third common child was born - the son of Rudy Indian Otis. Unfortunately, children could not save the marriage from destruction. In 2003, the couple divorced.

Low Rafferty also has stepsisters. One of them (Sofia) was born by model Samantha Burke, and the mother of the second girl (Ada) is singer Katherine Harding.

Modeling career

Looking at the photos of the oldest son of Jude Law, one thing can be said: he has a spectacular appearance. High growth, a slender body and a beautiful face - all this allowed the guy to become a model.

In 2014, Rafferty Low made his debut at the DKNY show. He confidently kept on the podium. All the outfits on it sat just perfect. After some time, the guy "lit up" at the Dolce & Gabbana show.

Rafferty Low Age

In 2015, one of the largest modeling agencies in the United Kingdom proposed Rafferty to conclude a mutually beneficial contract. And our hero could not miss such an opportunity. He has already starred for British Vogue, as well as for the Effra London lookbook. Recently, the eldest son of a Hollywood actor is the face of the clothing brand Tiger of Sweden.

other hobbies

Low Rafferty spends time not only on participating in fashion shows and photo shoots. He has been fond of music for a long time. Recently, the guy created his own group, in which he acts as an electric guitarist.

Also, the young man considers himself a real football fan. The favorite club of Rafferty Law and his father is Tottenham Hotspur (Great Britain).

Personal life

The first love of our hero was the daughter of the famous rugby player Lawrence Dellagi. Ella conquered the guy with her beauty and high intelligence. However, this novel did not last long.

Is the heart of a 20-year-old musician free today? Perhaps we will have to upset his fans. Indeed, in May 2016, he began to appear at parties in the company of a new beauty. Her name is Molly Murish. She is the daughter of the vocalist of the British band Oasis.


We reported on how Rafferty Lowe builds his career and personal life. The age and hobbies of the guy are now known to you. We wish him success in the musical and modeling fields!


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