Sewer wells: types, sizes, device

Improvement of a private house or settlement is closely related to water supply and, accordingly, water disposal. Therefore, the sewer well is an indispensable part of the life support of a civilized society.

Several decades ago, only reinforced concrete wells were used , and sometimes wells from improvised means. Nowadays, plastic wells are becoming more and more popular.

Below we will consider in more detail what types of wells are and why they are needed. And also what are the advantages and disadvantages of products from different materials.

Classification of sewer wells

Wells for sewers can be classified in several ways: by the material of manufacture, by the network of the installation and by the method of use.

According to the material of manufacture, the wells are divided into:

  • polymer (plastic) - any durable plastic is suitable;
  • concrete and reinforced concrete - made of concrete rings;
  • brick - brickwork is applied;
  • from improvised materials such as tires.

According to the network on which the installation of wells is carried out, they are divided into:

  • domestic - necessary for the reception and disposal of wastewater and fecal matter from residential buildings;
  • industrial - used for the reception and removal of waste from production and various chemical masses;
  • drainage - necessary for the removal of groundwater, which can cause destruction of the foundation or swampy terrain;
  • stormwater - used to drain rain and melt water.

Well classification by purpose:

  • inspection (revision);
  • differential;
  • filtrational;
  • cumulative.

Let us consider in more detail the types of wells for their intended purpose and for the material of manufacture.

Viewing wells: purpose, types, device

An inspection sewer well is necessary to monitor the entire sewage system and timely repair any breakdowns. It is for this reason that they are mounted where the occurrence of faults is most likely. Also, such a well is needed for cleaning and repair if necessary.

Sewer well

The sewer well device consists of such parts as:

  • bottom where the outlet and inlet pipelines are connected;
  • working chamber;
  • directly the well shaft;
  • inlet neck;
  • manhole cover (should be easily accessible).

Wells of this type must be installed:

  • in the place where the observation should be, even when the occurrence of a breakdown is unlikely;
  • where side pipes are connected to the main pipeline;
  • in the place where the flow is provided;
  • where changes in the parameters of the pipeline (slope or diameter) take place, which, in turn, can affect the speed and width of the stream.

Viewing typical sewer wells are divided into:

  • Rotary. They are installed where the sewer pipe turns 90 ° . Such places are quite problematic due to blockages.
  • Linear They have the simplest design and are mounted on straight sections of communications at a certain distance (35 m or 50 m depending on the diameter of the pipe).
  • Nodal Such wells are installed where it is necessary to make branches to the main pipeline.
  • Control sewer wells are installed where local pipelines are connected to central ones.
  • Flushing. These wells are installed at the very beginning to flush the network.

Inspection wells are installed in areas longer than 50 m, every 35-300 m, depending on the diameter of the pipe: the smaller the cross section, the smaller the distance. For private houses, the first viewing well is installed 3-12 m from the house.

Overflow Wells: Classification and Design

Their main function is to regulate the speed of runoff water. Depending on the task that they must perform, overflow sewer wells also have their own classification. By their design, they are divided into the following types:

  • Quick currents are the simplest kind of well. The bottom line is a sharp slope, which greatly accelerates the flow.
  • Tubular. The main element of such a well is a vertical pipe. It is used if the drop height is not more than 3 m, and the pipe diameter is not more than 60 cm.
  • Wells with a baffle-spillway wall have a rather simple design. The bottom line is to slow down the wastewater thanks to the wall mounted in the middle.
  • With the presence of a discharge of a practical profile and a water well.
  • With cascade differential (multi-stage). The flow of water slows down due to differences from one stage to the next.

The device of a sewer well of this type is necessary:

  • when it is necessary to bypass other communications or pipes;
  • to reduce (in some cases increase) the speed of runoff water;
  • when the laying depth of the incoming pipeline becomes less;
  • in case the site has a natural slope.

Accumulation wells

Accumulative sewer well - the largest of all types. Its main function is to collect all sewage that comes from a private home. The size of such a well primarily depends on the number of people living on the site. It is considered the most environmentally friendly type.

Wells of accumulative type are usually mounted at the lowest point of the site. Thus, a natural angle of inclination is achieved, which allows the drainage water to move spontaneously under the influence of gravity.

Sewer well installation

A prerequisite for a well is its tightness. Since the presence of gaps allows sewage to seep into the ground. And this, in turn, causes the appearance of very unpleasant odors. It is also possible to get into groundwater.

In the storage well, the sewage is divided into layers: heavy precipitation falls to the very bottom, and light inclusions remain on top, respectively. Such a well is cleaned with the help of sewage machines.

Filtration wells

Wells with a filtering function are similar in their function to accumulative ones. The difference lies in the fact that the drainage water does not linger, but rather moves into the ground, before going through the so-called filtration. Thus, the collection and purification of incoming water is carried out.

Filtration wells have a design similar in principle to other types, but the main difference is the lack of a bottom. More precisely, it is, but not in the usual sense. The basis of the device is replaced by a natural filter of many layers and steps. The filter layer includes a mixture of coarse sand and gravel.

Such wells can only be installed where the ground has a high absorbency. For example, peatlands, sandstones, sandy loams. But on clay soil to establish such a well does not make sense because of the high density of the soil. It is forbidden to install on rocks that have cracks due to the possibility of runoff water getting into drinking water. Above groundwater, the structure should be no less than 1 m higher.

Septic tank installation

Mandatory requirements:

  • the distance between the drinking water well and the filtration plant is at least 30 m;
  • filtration area for sandy loam - 1.5 m 2 , and for sandstones - 3 m 2 (recommended) ;
  • water consumption per day no more than 1 m 3 (this is usually enough for a family of 5 people);
  • in the presence of plastic water pipes, the distance should be at least 1.5 m.

Reinforced concrete rings of sewer wells

They have been used for a very long time. According to experts, concrete sewer wells are the most durable and most effective. From this material, you can install any type of well, but most often it is viewing and differential.

Concrete Well Rings

Typical sewer wells have these advantages:

  • Low price, even taking into account labeling and purpose.
  • You can install on any soil.
  • Convenience and ease of installation. Although this requires the involvement of major equipment.
  • Long service life.

Disadvantages of reinforced concrete sewer well:

  • Concrete rings are made as standard as possible. Accordingly, the installation location is not taken into account, and this causes some inconvenience - holes for pipes are drilled directly at the installation site.
  • Since the well is prefabricated, there is an opinion about poor sealing. An exchange of water passes through the holes: ground water enters the well and overfills it, and waste water enters the soil, which poisons it.
  • Inconvenient cleaning. This can be done only by two and only by manual labor.

Plastic for wells

Plastic sewer wells are gaining more and more popularity. It is difficult to believe that this material has only recently begun to be used for sewage systems.

Plastic well

Advantages of plastic wells:

  • No need for ongoing maintenance. Previously, it was required to make a volume of at least 70 cm for a person to crawl through. Now you can make a well with a diameter of 30 cm, saving material and installation effort.
  • Easy to lift due to light weight. Corrugated pipe is easy to compress and extend, which is very convenient in various situations. It is also easy to transport and mount.
  • Long period of operation. As you know, plastic does not wear out for a long time.
  • Full waterproofing. Only mechanical damage can break it.
  • Resistance to aggressive environment, which certainly arises from sewage.
  • Resistance to temperature drops - from -50 to +70 on the Celsius scale.
  • A smooth inner surface that avoids various growths.
  • The ability to use to repair old concrete wells (just insert inside).
  • The presence of finished holes for pipes.

Disadvantages of plastic:

  • not suitable for soil with the possibility of seasonal shifts;
  • not designed for large volumes.

Existing sizes

The dimensions of plastic sewer wells are mostly standard, regardless of configuration and structure.


Consider in more detail the possible parameters of plastic wells:

  • inner diameter of the well: 0.6-1 m, 1.2 m and 1.4 m;
  • well height: from 1 m to 6 m;
  • well wall thickness: 2.5 cm, 3.1 cm, 4.4 cm, 6.2 cm;
  • neck height: from 50 cm to 80 cm;
  • branch diameters: 11 cm, 16 cm, 20 cm, 25 cm, 31.5 cm, 40 cm and 50 cm;
  • the length of the pipe is usually 30 cm;
  • the distance from the bottom of the well to the nozzle is also usually 30 cm.

If we talk about concrete rings, then their height is 0.9 m. But the diameters are: 0.7 m, 0.8 m, 0.9 m, 1 m, 1.5 m and 2 m.

Well size calculation

To calculate the required size of the sewer well, you can use a simple formula.

For example, you can take a family of 3-4 people. One person consumes about 150 liters per day, which means that for the whole family - about 700 liters. It is important to remember that data on water consumption by household devices are not taken into account here. The three-day rate will be about 2.4 m 3 . You also need to consider the fact how often guests are. Since, as a result, the wastewater that enters the well should not be higher than 1 m.

Sewer well installation

To calculate the required number of reinforced concrete rings, you can use this formula.

As an example, take the daily amount of runoff water - 600 liters. Then we multiply this number by 3 and as a result we get 1800 l (1.8 m 3 ). Concrete rings have a standard height of 90 cm, and the internal section is in the range from 0.7 m to 2 m. Take a value of 1 m. Now, consider the volume: Pi number (3.14) * radius squared (0, 5 * 0.5) * well height (0.9 m). As a result, we get 0.7 m 3 . We look at the previously calculated number of wastewater and get 3 rings (with a margin).


Sewerage is something that a modern person cannot do without. A well is an integral part of the sewage system. They are necessary for the collection of sewage, cleaning of blockages and repair work of pipelines. A variety of forms and the correct selection of material greatly facilitate the solution of many issues related to the sewer system.


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