Vadim Zadorozhny: biography, photo, family. Museum of Technology Vadim Zadorozhnogo: address, reviews

If you want to visit the Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology, how to get there by Moscow public transport is described in detail in our article. From the Tushinskaya metro station there are buses and minibuses No. 568, 549, 541, 151 to the Lipovaya Alleya stop , and from the Strogino metro station the minibus Strogino-Zakharkovo. It is impossible not to notice the Museum of Technology of Vadim Zadorozhny. Its address is as follows: Arkhangelskoye village of the Krasnogorsk district of the Moscow region, Ilyinskoye highway, building 9.

Vadim zadorozhny

Other information

An adult ticket costs 300 rubles on weekdays, and 400 rubles on weekends and holidays. Pupils, full-time students, invalids and pensioners will pay 150 rubles for entry, and 250 on weekends. If you do not attend the internal exhibition, the entrance will cost 100 rubles. Photography and video cost 150 rubles.

Opening hours are as follows: on weekends and holidays the Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology is open from 10.00 to 21.00, and closes earlier on weekdays at 19.00. The museum is closed on Mondays.

Here, right on the territory, a souvenir shop, a field kitchen, a restaurant are open. There is a car parking. The first half hour of parking is free. Further, until the 90th minute - 100 rubles, the rest of the time - 50 rubles per hour.

You can book a tour in English. It is proposed to ride a military or retrotechnics - for a fee. You can also practice assembling and disassembling some weapons.

Everything offered is so interesting that visiting the Vadim Zadorozhny Museum, whose address is given above, is highly recommended. Touching real German and Russian tanks of the war, motorcycles and cars that belonged to the first persons of various states, to see artillery and small arms of various types of production nearby - all this is very informative.

Museum founder

The founder and owner of the Museum of Technology Vadim Zadorozhny does not sit still: he has a huge farm - ten thousand square meters of exhibition space, more than a hundred rare cars. There are also airplanes, rocket launchers, tanks, guns, and various small arms. And all this from scratch, in just ten years, Vadim Zadorozhniy created. The photo shows us an extremely purposeful person.

Museum of Vadim Zadorozhny

What prompted a person to such a big deed, says Vadim Zadorozhny himself. “In our country,” he says, “the biggest shortage is pride in the homeland, patriotism. This museum is a tribute to our (and not only!) Historical past. Sooner or later, everyone asks: what am I, why am I I live here on earth? I’m trying to answer this question for myself. "

About pride

The museum object, in this case - technical, automobile, military-historical, is an attempt to create a completely and completely disinterested space. A person getting here must inevitably feel pride in his country and the joy that he lives in Russia.

Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology

Here comes the understanding that Russia is still ahead, the museum must definitely awaken such hope. This is done so that thousands of children and adolescents attend these exhibitions on weekends, so that foreigners are amazed that such a museum exists. This is the established lifestyle of the creator; he has absolutely nothing to do with business.

About the lack of business

Nothing is sold here! Cars are being restored purely for the Museum, and then exhibited. When extra money appears, the equipment found in Russia or abroad is acquired. Today, there are so many cars for restoration that the car fleet, for example, will not be replenished yet. Firstly, prices have risen, and secondly, a huge amount of equipment is awaiting restoration, which Vadim Zadorozhniy does.

Vadim zadorozhny biography

The museum lives only by renting part of the floors, the proceeds are invested in development. This economic scheme allows for self-financing, the museum does not receive and does not expect subsidies from the state. And this scheme is bad, good, but it works. The museum was founded in 2003, it was then that the first brick was laid. Not in today's number of exhibits, of course. Then it was not too expensive to rent land and start building - without the extraordinary, cosmic sums that would be needed now.

civil position

Rich people have billions of dollars in bills. These people are the numbers themselves. They live with this money and die with it. Without switching them into beauty, into creation. A museum is not a business, but a love of the motherland. And also this is creativity. Indeed, the restoration of technology will not yield to the restoration of painting.

Here we need not just technical knowledge, but also the deepest historical knowledge: any discrepancy is a departure from the original. Masters involved in restoration, to the very depths, learned motor vehicles of any period, they must know the repair base of equipment of the appropriate time.

Vadim zadorozhniy date of birth

These are creators, fans. Vadim Zadorozhny treats museum matters as the most important thing in his life. He is a keeper, lovingly guarding every exhibit, necessary for understanding both today and the distant future. Museum of Vadim Zadorozhny - not collecting, museum - preservation.

About exhibits

In the restoration now there are only more than one hundred cars, one hundred motorcycles and much, much more. The acute shortage of space that Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology feels is one of the biggest needs and problems. The exposition now occupies about ten thousand square meters. It is necessary to build a much larger building. He is constantly looking for the Museum of Vadim Zadorozhny how to get to such means in order to create the best exposition of equipment not only in Russia but also in Europe.

And now any car in the museum can be started and driven, all to one! And this is the main quality of such a place as a museum of living history. Restoration may be a very costly process, but it is worth it! Each car is embroidered, remade. And here it is not so important: this car of the fifties or even earlier, - it takes a lot of time, and also forces. Proper restoration costs up to two hundred thousand dollars, and this is only one car. If the masters are systemic, responsible, in love with technology, then everything will turn out necessary.

Parades on Red Square

We, living in this country, are responsible for maintaining the memory of our past. Including those parades that are held on November 7th. In addition to the T-34 tanks, our country can no longer set anything! The country has no running equipment! Maybe ten dozens of “thirty-fours” that the state is following will gather from all cities and weights.

Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology

The museum understands its responsibility in this matter. After all, practically the very last moment comes when you can try and recreate the technique that will adequately represent the historical past of our country. Vadim Zadorozhny, whose biography is adorned with such a fact as the creation of one of the most interesting museums in Russia, reverently refers to each historical exhibit. And he dreams that many of them will cause grateful amazement at those who watch the parade on Red Square.

More about exhibits

There are no uninteresting exhibits that history would not have stood for. And here they treat everyone with due respect. As if in a family where there are many children, everyone is loved equally. However, the exhibits are not children, but the story is not their mother.

Here is a car that once belonged to Hitler, the Grosser-Mercedes-770. In this convertible (armored!) The Führer took parades. This, of course, is the world top. You look at it and fascist Germany, “Barbarossa”, is standing in front of your eyes, and your heart is contracting with anger, and sucking under the spoon with a feeling of powerlessness. Looking at this exhibit, you clearly see and understand the very core of the ideology of fascism.

Subsequently, this car was presented to Pavelic, the Croatian dictator. And when Broz Tito defeated Yugoslavia, he presented this car to Stalin. Joseph Vissarionovich disdained to drive the enemy’s car and donated it to Uzbekistan - the first secretary. After many decades, this car was bought at the Museum of Technology Vadim Zadorozhnogo. The feedback that comes about such an exhibit can be imagined. Is there a person who does not want to see it with his own eyes? It remains only to remember how to get to the Museum of Vadim Zadorozhniy.

Celebrity Cars

No less interesting car - ZIS-115. The armored monster belonged to Stalin. Through these very glasses, cloudy from time to time, Stalin examined his empire. In the back seat is a mannequin depicting a leader. A little wrong - Stalin did not like to go behind, preferred a place next to the driver.

Hitler’s Mercedes will soon be restored and will be on display like Stalin’s car. Nearby is already the ZIS-110B, which Beria drove. Here is the car that Brezhnev once presented to Honneker. The latter met precisely with this car Ernesto Che Guevara with Fidel Castro.

There are cars in the museum that belonged to such people as Gagarin, Gorbachev, Yeltsin, and Patriarch Pimen. And, of course, the car of Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, which he drove himself, is a short two-door ZIL. No less interesting cars of many other historical characters. Rear Admiral Horthy - Hungarian dictator, fascist. It seems you can guess by sight, without clues. And also - the car of Heinrich Schlosser, who was the head of a chemical concern, an associate of Hitler.

Air of history

The history of a car belonging to the drug industry of the aviation industry Mikhail Ivanov is very interesting. This is the Buick of 1929 assembly, almost without a run, since it was re-opened only in the early 90s. This car was most likely donated to an official who traveled to America to buy aircraft engines. The Buick was loaded onto a ship, perhaps as a gift or even a "kickback" for a profitable enterprise.

The closer the border of the Soviet Union was getting, the more Ivanov guessed what bad story he could get into with this car. Upon arrival, the Buick was secretly hidden in Malakhovka, and this new car stood in the garage until the end of the 90s - with its own interior, in its own paint, with its own wheels. It was tightly covered with blankets, and under them smeared with a thick, thick layer ... of Ballet cream.

The collector (recently, unfortunately, deceased) Mikhail Statsevich handed this car over to the Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology. And here is the most interesting: the wheels of the car have not been lowered since 1929. And Stalin’s car also holds the air of historical time in wheels.

The principle of selecting exhibits

Vadim Zadorozhny tries to choose masterpieces, guided by an inner instinct. That is why the Museum has collected exhibits so charismatic, giving an idea of ​​the era of engineering, tank building, aircraft building, engine building. Something was bought at auctions, something was exchanged or bought from collectors. Now there is almost no interesting equipment in Russia: either exported abroad, or settled in private collections.

museum of technology of vadim zadorozhniy how to get

The collection that Vadim Zadorozhny collected has a biography that presents the history of world technology - it includes motorcycles, cars, and even aviation rarities. One of the important directions that the museum follows is the restoration of aircraft - both Russian and Soviet. The exhibits of the aircraft industry of the Great Patriotic War are in a separate program - “Winged Victory Monument”.

A large show was being prepared for the centenary of aviation, and the Vadim Zadorozhny Museum is the only place where there is a squadron of veteran cars that are alive and on the fly. Nowhere else in Russia is there anymore. These planes with stars on their wings are now flying in a wide variety of skies - in both English and French, even in the United Arab Emirates.

We must admit that our heroic military past is admired everywhere. And - yes, already two parades over Red Square flew off! Museum aviation is based partly in Novosibirsk, partly in Zhukovsky. Together with DOSAAF, the museum will rebuild the 1936 airfield in the Kaluga Region. And there will be assembled heavy equipment - tanks.

Glossy exposure

Under the roof of the museum are Mercedes, Horci, Fords and Cadillacs sparkling with nickel and varnish, born in the first half of the twentieth century. And Soviet equipment - heavily armored limousines of rulers from Stalin to Brezhnev, exhibited here along with cars and motorbikes of protection, has no less brilliance.

museum of technology of vadim zadorozhniy how to get

Above these cars, as if planes suspended from a high ceiling fly - they are also assembled at the beginning of the twentieth century. There are aircraft, and German, and English, and Soviet production. Antique motorcycles and cars occupied two floors of the museum, and they are in the basement, where the exposition is literally just restored equipment. In total, the museum's collection of more than one hundred rare cars.

New position

In early summer, there was news that the director of the Arkhangelskoye estate museum, Andrei Busygin, was fired, and Vadim Zadorozhny became his successor. He inherited a very problematic inheritance: here, illegal construction right in the security zone, and even attempts to cancel the protection status. Everyone who knows Vadim Zadorozhny really hopes that he will be able to shoulder this burden.

About personal information

As for the personal data of the owner of a private museum, Vadim Zadorozhny, whose family lives in the elite village of Odintsovo district, is very careful about privacy. And this is not only understandable, but also worthy of special respect. Therefore, there is not much information about such a person as Vadim Zadorozhny. His wife is practically unknown to his world. True, a note was made that she was left unadorned at the price of one and a half million dollars by a thief-maid. But even names are not indicated there. It is likely that this is an ordinary "duck", in addition, few people are interested.

Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology reviews

Also, it was not possible to calculate another information that Vadim Zadorozhniy stores - the date of birth. But there is a place of birth. Even two. True, these two cities are not far from each other - Uzhgorod and Ivano-Frankivsk, which are located in Western Ukraine. By education, Vadim Zadorozhny is an ordinary history teacher. Here it is!

Zadorozhniy businessman

He learned to work with technology in the early 80's. As a student at a pedagogical institute in Moscow, he earned money by buying up emergency Zhiguli cars in Western Ukraine, and then repairing them and putting them on sale in Moscow and Kiev. And he got into real business already at the very end of the 80s, having worked eight years as a history teacher in his homeland in high school.

He liked to teach, but wanted money, so he had to leave. Zadorozhny started with real estate and commerce in his own antique shops. Business quickly went uphill, now Zadorozhny owns not only all kinds of real estate, a hotel, several restaurants in Moscow, but also impressive woodworking, logging companies, a travel company specializing in fishing and hunting in Siberia and the Far East. Profits, according to Zadorozhniy, are not spent on themselves, everything is in the museum.


However, the museum has long since left its hobby position, now it is already a business, and it’s cool. Zadorozhny does not part with the phone; he has constant business trips and business meetings.

Vadim zadorozhniy family

He began collecting cars in 1999, after purchasing the 1939 BMW DA3 Wartburg. Then it could be done without straining too much - two or three thousand dollars for almost any European car imported into the USSR after the Second World War. Then the “coolest" cars of the beginning of the twentieth century appeared in our country.

From the history of the museum

By 2001, the collection of Vadim Zadorozhny grew so much that he decided to design it as a car club. There, of course, retro car restorers, specialists in their maintenance pulled themselves together. So a certain administrative structure was created. The construction of the museum began on an abandoned field.

In 2004, the collection already consisted of several dozen rare cars. They were transported from the Moscow industrial zone, from the place of storage, to a brand new three-story technical center, and a year later the museum storehouse was completed. Already in 2008, the main building of the complex was erected, which housed the main part of the museum's exposition. Investments for all this took at least twenty million dollars, according to experts.

Near the exposition were restoration workshops, car repair and maintenance services, a section for preparing cars for rallies and all kinds of retro-runs, a workshop for the restoration of rare motorcycles and a diagnostic laboratory. There is also a service service for modern cars at the museum. There are a lot of orders - around expensive summer residences, elite cottage villages.


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