Game "Heroes 3" - heroes, skills, features of the passage and recommendations

Even in 2018, “Heroes of Might and Magic 3” hold a solid position in popularity among players. No matter how many new parts come out, most gamers remember this game with love and nostalgia. Below we present a guide to secondary skills in "Heroes III" and not only.


In the game "Heroes 3" the skills of heroes can be divided into three types:

  • Passive (basic). These are skills that in most cases are unique to each individual hero. Some characters increase the attack and defense of selected creatures, others use enhanced spells, while others have bonuses to secondary skills.
  • Primary. Attack, defense, power of magic and knowledge.
  • Secondary Additional skills, thanks to which you can get a completely new character in every single game.

Combining the skills of heroes in "Heroes 3", you can make an invincible character who, even with a minimal army, will turn hordes of enemies to flight.

Hero menu


In each faction, the characters are divided into two main roles - the mage and the warrior. When taking the next level, the first will receive randomly intelligence or magical power, and the second - attack or defense. Of course, everywhere there are exceptions. So, the soldiers from the Citadel (barbarians) are trying to maximize the attack, but the magicians pump all the stats more or less evenly.

In addition, his passive ability depends on the class of the hero. Mages prefer to increase everything that affects magic spells, and warriors - on direct combat contact. But there are also exceptions. For example, Aeris from Stronghold (elves) strengthens the Pegasus, but remains a druid (mage). As a result, he also pumps primary skills more evenly.

Thus, knowing what skills the heroes have in "Heroes 3", you can approximately guess what is pumped from the enemy, even without reconnaissance, and come up with battle tactics in advance.

Primary skills

“Attack” and “defense” are the main primary skills in “Heroes 3”. They directly affect creatures on the battlefield and the damage they deal, adding the appropriate skill value to the monster’s parameters. If the attack of the attacker (soldier) is equal to the defense of the defender, then damage will be inflicted in the range specified in the description of the warrior.

The Power of Magic affects the damage done by spells, as well as the duration of blessings and curses. The most important characteristic for most heroes. So, even when playing for the Citadel, the main task remains to search for cities to pump spells. They give too much advantage in battle.

"Knowledge" gives 10 points of mana for each point. Despite the fact that this parameter seems important to magicians, it is always more reliable to do more damage per turn than to wait for the opportunity to cast a spell again. Yes, and this stat is pumped quite quickly with the usual level increase. Plus, with a lack of mana, you can always learn the secondary skill "Intelligence".

To pump primary skills, there are several ways:

  1. For each level, the hero will receive +1 to a random characteristic.
  2. Wear an artifact with the desired properties.
  3. Find a scientist.
  4. Random event on the map.
  5. "Mercenary Camp" gives +1 to the attack.
  6. Tower Marletto Increases Defense by +1.
  7. "School of War" for a fee of 1000 gold will raise one of the combat skills by +1.
  8. "Arena" gives +2 to attack or defense of your choice.
  9. Star Wheel pumps magic power by +1.
  10. "Garden of Revelation" increases knowledge by +1.
  11. "School of magicians" for a fee of 1000 gold will increase one of the magic skills by +1.
  12. "Library" grants +2 to all characteristics if the hero level is more than 10.

Also, do not forget that in the map settings you can always set the "Revisit" parameter, then the training buildings will give characteristics regularly, about once every 28 turns. Unfortunately, it is impossible to raise primary skills more than 99 in "Heroes 3".

Hero skills

Secondary skills

These skills are aimed at increasing the strength of the hero in any narrow area. They are limited to level 3 pumping (basic, advanced, expert), and it can be very difficult to get some of them. In "Heroes 3" the probability of obtaining skills is not the same. For different classes, the chances of getting one or another skill can vary up to 5%. There will not be an exact table with chances, since such knowledge is practically useless, however, it will be indicated which skills should not be expected in principle.

  • A battle mage (Citadel) cannot learn the skill "Navigation" when leveling up.
  • Undead heroes are not able to master Leadership and First Aid on their own. True, morality does not work on undead, and they cannot be treated, and they do not need these skills.
  • No one except the heroes of Necropolis will learn "Witchcraft."
  • Death Knight (Necropolis) cannot gain Property.
  • The Ranger (Oplot) and the Master of animals (Fortress) are not able to master the "Magic of Fire."
  • The Lord (Dungeon) and Barbarian (Citadel) have no chance of getting "Water Magic".
  • The Mage (Tower), Warlock (Dungeon), Elementalist (Conjugation), Witch (Fortress) cannot learn Resistance.

The remaining skills of the heroes in "Heroes 3" can be learned by any class with one or another chance, not exceeding 10%. True, it is worth remembering that with each increase in skills and level, the likelihood that the necessary skill will drop out increases.


In addition to In the Wake of Gods 3.58, many secondary skills have been reworked due to their inefficiency. In the game "Heroes 3: WoG" skills received significant reinforcement and additional bonuses. Below we will consider all the existing skills in the game with their description, as well as comments on their application. If something remains incomprehensible, you can always go into the game "Heroes 3". Description of skills when clicking on them with RMB is very detailed.


This skill reduces damage taken by troops by 5/10/15% per level.

  • WoG: Skill reduces incoming damage by 10/15/20%.

This applies exclusively to direct attack, and not to spells. In addition, damage is calculated after reduction by the primary defense skill. Despite the obvious “military” orientation, the skill is more suitable for magic classes, since in the absence of a protection parameter the damage received by the troops will be increased, which will allow the “Armor” to work even more efficiently. And in general, in “Heroes 3” secondary skills and their application completely depend on which card is played and who the opponent is.


Allows the player to control the ballista, and also increases its damage at all skill levels.

  • WoG: skill damage increases even more. Plus, the cart with ammunition increases the attacking properties of this weapon.

At its core, a useless skill. In the middle and late stages of the game, it does too little damage and is rather an additional dummy for attack or a destructible obstacle that can block shooters. What developers thought about, creating similar secondary skills in "Heroes 3", is unclear.

In the WoG add-on, it makes sense only with the option turned on, allowing you to increase the number of ballistas and making them a separate combat unit. Given that this unit always goes first, this becomes an excellent way to destroy fast enemy troops.

Fortress inside


Gives a chance to learn an enemy spell if it was used in battle.

  • WoG: Drains mana from an enemy when using a spell, and also gives a chance to interrupt the cast.

Useful exclusively in the WoG version, and then situationally. When pumping, you should rely on who is playing against the player. For example, if a gamer plays against the Tower or the Conjugation, but at the same time chooses the Citadel, then this skill becomes indispensable. On the other hand, if the enemy is barbarians or a fortress, then the skill is completely useless.


Brings 125/250/500 gold per day.

  • WoG: brings 5 ​​* level of gold per day, and also adds some resources at the beginning of each week.

The original version of the skill is useful at an early stage of the game and in small maps where there are not enough cities. The version from the addon is too disadvantageous to use on the main character.

First aid

Heals soldiers in battle, restoring a little health.

  • WoG: Resurrects a certain percentage of dead soldiers after a battle.

This skill is very strong in the add-on and too weak in the original version of the game.


Increases experience gained from all sources by 5/10/15%.

  • WoG: Brings daily 100/200/300 experience per turn. Gives a chance to gain an additional primary skill when leveling up.

The original version is too disadvantageous to spend a whole slot for such a skill, in the addon it can be useful on supporting characters who simply drag troops to the main characters or simply run to collect resources through the "mills".

Warlock in action


Increases unit success by 1/2/3 units.

  • WoG: gives a chance to get additional attack and defense for some units before the battle (30% chance for 3 units at the expert level).

In the WoG version, the skill is too unstable. But in the original, the troops with maximum luck in 2/3 of the cases cause double damage, which is much more useful.


Heals the hero for 2/3/4 points of spells (mana) per day.

  • WoG: returns 10/20/30% of the maximum mana per day, tells the sign of the next week, future spells in the guild, as well as a description of the heroes nearby.

The add-on option wins on all points. However, given the presence in the game of the artifact "wizard's well", which daily completely restores mana, the use of the skill is completely situational.


Increases movement by sea.

  • WoG: Increases attack and defense by 1/2/3 point during naval battles.

The skill is very useful on water charts, but you can always guess so that the battle takes place on land. Therefore, for an addon it is better to choose a more appropriate skill.

Search for a way

Reduces fines when traveling over rough terrain.

  • WoG: increases the number of movement points.

Equivalent skill characteristics. The skill itself is very useful, because the more steps you can take, the more actions per turn will be performed.


Reduces damage from enemy spells by 5/10/15%.

  • WoG: reduction is 10/15/20% at each level.

Everything is very simple. If the game is against magicians, then download without fail.

Buying skills in the addon

Scholarship (literacy)

Allows heroes to exchange spells from 1 to 2/3/4 levels.

  • WoG: Weekly there is a 40/60/80% chance of learning a spell up to 2/3/4 levels.

The skill is practically useless, although it saves time on the movement of heroes between cities. The version of the addon can play well on small maps, where the number of magic guilds is limited.

Intelligence service

Increases the hero’s field of view by 1/2/3 cells.

  • WoG: the hero gains a 1 / 1.5 / 2% chance of a random positive event for each step on the world map.

In the first case, the skill provides good help when playing against the Necropolis with the veils of darkness built and when studying the map with secondary heroes. The second option is of little use.


Spells deal 5/10/15% more damage.

  • WoG: damage increased by 10/15/20%.

Useful skill for any hero who has at least one attacking spell in his arsenal.

These are all secondary skills in Heroes 3 that have been changed in In the Wake of Gods. The following is a list of remaining skills.

Pumped hero


Increases hero mana by 25/50/100%.

The skill is quite situational and depends on how lucky the player is with pumping, as well as the buildings that meet, which increase the primary characteristics. If the hero has a large base supply of mana, then this skill is not worth pumping. In cases where the hero mage receives only spell power, you will have to spend one of the slots for this skill.


Increases the morale of the hero’s troops by 1/2/3 points.

The skill does not affect undead and is useful on large maps with different cities, since troops in the army usually get a moral penalty for mixing with different castles.


Gives extra ground movement points.

The skill is interchangeable with Squeak of the Way. If desired, you can take both, especially if the card is played without the spells "city portal", "teleport" and "flight".

Assault and shooting

Increases damage of all (firing respectively) troops by 10/15/20%

Skills opposite to "Defense". If it is good for mages without protection, then the "Assault" and "Shooting" further strengthen the warriors with high attack. These hero skills in Heroes 3 are simply a must for almost any character.


Allows you to negotiate with monsters that are weaker than the hero, and reduces the cost of surrender.

Great skill for a minor character. In "Heroes 3" skill "diplomacy" does not take into account the primary characteristics. Therefore, having given a few troops to the hero who has not been pumped, he can be sent to hire the appearing monsters from the map.


Resurrects dead enemy troops as skeletons in the amount of 10/20/30%.

A unique and mandatory skill of the heroes of the Necropolis. With the collected mantle of the Lich King, this value increases to 60%, and the dead rebel as Lichs. Recruiting dead at the expense of dead enemies is one of the most winning tactics.

Starting heroes


Allows you to control the catapult and increases its damage.

The skill is good if you have to play on a large map with many cities. For everything else, there's the Earthquake spell.


Allows you to deploy troops before the battle.

A good skill, especially considering that you can advance the army in the middle of the field. It is advantageous to use if the hero has artifacts for speed, and his troops go first. Otherwise, such an arrangement would only be harmful.

Then there were only the best skills of "Heroes 3".


Enables the hero to learn spells of 3/4/5 level.

The skill is required for any hero, even Barbarian (except for cards with 2-3 cities). Allows you to learn spells in captured cities, even if the native level is limited to the third (Fortress, Citadel). Useful for warriors at least because of the spell "city portal".

Magic of Fire, Air, Water, Earth

This set of skills in "Heroes III" enhances the spells of each school, but does not affect their acquisition.

From the point of view of practicality and the order of study, it is difficult to say something unambiguously. The only thing worth remembering is that the magic of the Earth wins in priority over others. Her arsenal includes:

  • "City portal". With an increase in the level of skills, it increases the number of teleportations, and also allows you to choose the purpose of the destination.
  • Explosion is the most powerful attacking skill in the game.
  • "Resurrection" - allows you to restore troops directly in battle and minimizes losses to a minimum.

Other schools are more equitable:

  • Water. Responsible for blessings. Has quite useful spells "Prayer", "Walking on water" and "Clone".
  • Air. Helps with movement on the map and damage in battle. If there is no Explosion, the hero can use Chain Lightning. On the world map, Flight and Measurement Door are useful.
  • Fire. The weakest school of magic for unknown reasons. But it’s worth taking because of just one spell - "Berserk". Forces enemy forces to attack each other. Of the minuses - it does not affect creatures with resistance to magic from level 4. That is, against troops with dragons it can be useless, since the enemy on his turn can simply scatter him.

Thus, we can say that “Wisdom” and “Earth Magic” are the most useful skills in the game “Heroes of Might and Magic III”.


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