How to grow roses from a bouquet, if the flowers gave roots?

Have you been presented with a gorgeous bouquet of roses for March 8, for your birthday or for any other occasion? He is so gorgeous and beautiful that it is simply impossible to look away from him! Didn’t it occur to you to try to plant roses from this bouquet in the ground? How to grow roses from a bouquet? They can be planted! And although this process is quite laborious, however possible. True, there is one caveat: roses of Dutch varieties do not take root in our climatic zone, they do not tolerate severe Russian winters, so you should not spend energy on Dutch beauties.

how to grow roses from a bouquet

Consider in more detail the options for how to grow roses from a bouquet. First of all, you need to be patient, given the duration of the entire rooting period.

For the formation of the cuttings, the middle part of the rose stem is ideal. First, cut flowers, leaves. The stem is divided into parts about 15 cm long. Each stalk should have three buds.

The lower part of the seedling is cut obliquely, about 1.5 cm below the buds, and the upper part is cut directly at a distance of about 0.5 cm from the upper bud. The cuttings must be held for some time in water, adding any root stimulant there.

grow a rose at home
Prepared seedlings are planted in small pots, the surface of the earth in which should be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. The stalk is planted at an angle, so that the lower kidney is not deep in the ground, then it is covered with a plastic bottle. Some gardeners advise spraying a bottle of dichlorvos in order to avoid the emergence of such a scourge as a spider mite.

So, the cuttings are planted. How to grow roses from a bouquet? After all, seedlings are very moody. In the future, it is necessary to strictly monitor that during irrigation the land does not become waterlogged, and soil overdrying should also not be allowed.

All that remains is to wait for the cuttings to take root or not. Usually the leaves sprout first and some immediately remove the jar, thinking that the seedling has taken root. Take your time - leaf sprouting is not a sign of rooting of the cuttings. Roots appear much later than foliage.

It is difficult to grow a rose at home. As a rule, less than half takes root from bouquet roses. But do not despair, just maybe the variety is too capricious.

how to grow a rose from a flower
How to grow a rose from a flower growing in the garden?

Similarly, by cuttings. This should be done during the flowering period of the rose (from the beginning of the appearance of the bud until the end of flowering). Cut off the flower and part of the leaves, leaving an escape with 3-5 leaves. The lower leaves are removed, but a couple of pieces should be left on top, they are simply necessary for photosynthesis.

The following steps are exactly the same as described above. Planted cuttings should be covered with plastic bottles (usually cut the bottom and unscrew the lid for ventilation). Bottles should be left on seedlings until next summer. Young roses should not be planted in a permanent place until the third summer.

So, with the question: "How to grow roses from a bouquet?" we figured it out. It’s hard, for a long time, but is it worth it ?! The most important thing is to subsequently be able to protect the new rose: it is imperative to water and feed it, very carefully cover it for the winter, protecting it from frost. With proper care, the rose will quickly grow and begin to bloom, and you can be proud that you could grow a beautiful rose from a bouquet.


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