Biography of Alikhanov Anton Andreevich (Kaliningrad). Education, career, family

It is generally believed that a person in senior age with great life experience must necessarily occupy a high state post. However, as the practice of the Russian state shows, this opinion is no longer relevant. A vivid example of this is a man named Alikhanov Anton Andreevich (Kaliningrad), whose biography will be considered in this article.

Alikhanov Anton Andreevich Kaliningrad biography

Birth and parents

The future official was born in the Abkhaz SSR on September 17, 1986. The hometown of our hero is Sukhumi. Anton Andreevich Alikhanov (Kaliningrad), a biography whose parents are listed below, lived in his native land for only 6 years. The dad of the young man - Andrei Antonovich Alikhanov - is a native of Moscow. He has ancestors in his family from Greece and the Don River region. He graduated from Sukhumi Agrarian University, whose specialization was the study of cultures of the subtropical region. After receiving a diploma, he worked at an enterprise manufacturing tea and tobacco products.

Mom - Liana Teiranovna Alikhanova - a graduate of a medical university in the city of Tbilisi. The woman is half Russian and half Georgian. At the moment she is a candidate of medical sciences.

Alikhanov Anton Andreevich Kaliningrad biography parents

The escape

In 1992, the Georgian-Abkhaz armed conflict was in full swing. Having lived for several months under fire, practically without leaving the basement, little Alikhanov Anton Andreevich, along with his relatives, was forced to leave his home, abandoning all material property.

Ultimately, the refugees moved to the capital of the Russian Federation, where they began their lives from scratch. Initially, their stay in Moscow was difficult. In a one-room apartment located near the Kantemirovskaya metro station, nine people lived. Mom almost immediately found a new job. She took the position of head of the gastroenterology department at the city hospital at number 4.

But the specialization of the head of the family turned out to be absolutely useless in Moscow, and he immersed himself in entrepreneurship.

After Andrei Alikhanov completely took on the role of a successful businessman, information appeared in the media that he was a good friend of the First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov, as well as the current State Duma deputy Oleg Mitvol.


Alikhanov Anton Andreevich (Kaliningrad), whose biography is interesting to many today, has been actively involved in sports since three years. Studying in high school, the boy got into the wushu section. Moreover, the training took place twice a day. At the age of twelve, the student was in the judo section. Then he began to delve into the intricacies of mixed martial arts. But in the end, he made a choice in favor of martial art called kudo, in which he achieved significant success, stopping a step away from the black belt.

Alikhanov Anton Andreevich Kaliningrad Biography Nationality


Alikhanov Anton Andreevich (Kaliningrad), whose biography can serve as an example for young people, has two diplomas of higher education. He received both of these documents within the walls of the All-Russian State Tax Academy of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The hero of the article is a specialist in the field of law, finance and credit. The young man did not serve in the army.

In 2012, Alikhanov Anton Andreevich (Kaliningrad), whose biography and parents are often studied by his contemporaries, successfully defended his thesis at the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. The head of the scientific work was Professor Govorin. Following the event, the former graduate student received the degree of candidate of economic sciences.

Labor activity

In 2010, he worked in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. And three years later he ended up in the Ministry of Trade and Industry, where he was appointed and. about. deputy director of one of the departments.

On August 14, 2015, he was introduced to the advisory board overseeing the industry of the Eurasian Economic Commission.

What else did Anton Andreevich Alikhanov do in Kaliningrad? Biography, nationality - all this is indicated, but it is worth adding that he is also a co-author of a plan developed for the development of this region cut off from the rest of Russia in the medium term.

Alikhanov Anton Andreevich Kaliningrad biography wife


At the end of 2015, Alikhanov took the chair of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Kaliningrad region. His competence included overseeing issues in industry and agriculture.

Highest achievement

On October 6, 2016, Anton Andreevich Alikhanov unexpectedly for many by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation began to act as governor of the Kaliningrad region. In July 2017, he was officially registered as a candidate for this post in the upcoming elections from the United Russia party. On September 10, 2017, a talented official was officially elected to the governorship, and on September 29, he fully entered into the law by taking the oath on the stage of the regional drama theater. Thus, Alikhanov A.A. in our time is the youngest high-ranking official in the Russian Federation.

Family status

Anton Andreevich Alikhanov (Kaliningrad), whose biography and wife are described by various media, is happy in marriage. The family brings up two children - son Andrei and daughter Polina. The wife of Anton Andreevich Alikhanov, Daria Vyacheslavovna Abramova, is a certified international journalist. Behind her is studying at MGIMO at the Russian Foreign Ministry. The young woman worked as an editor on television. Currently working remotely, writing layouts for one of the programs.

Alikhanovโ€™s wife, Anton Andreevich


Vyacheslav Abramov - father-in-law of Alikhanov, pensioner, former colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Mogeli Shalvovich Khubutia - wifeโ€™s grandfather, honored doctor of the Russian Federation, transplant surgeon.

Georgy Andreyevich Alikhanov is the brother of our hero, a student at Moscow State Dental University. In his free time, he plays in a musical group.

Alikhanov Anton Andreevich in Kaliningrad (his biography from this fact does not become more beautiful) was also famous for having once been rude to journalists during a press conference. To the question of the media representatives about why the authorities do not want to compensate the residents of the region for the costs of kindergartens, the governor answered briefly and in a boorish manner: "For a head of cabbage!"


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