Patterns for knitting with a description. Simple ornaments

Today, needlework is becoming more widespread. The increase in its popularity is partly due to the fact that the market is oversaturated with the same type of low-quality goods and requires variety. In addition, the therapeutic effect of such exercises (the way out of depressive states, sedative effect, the development of fine motor skills) is proved.

A hobby such as knitting, allows people to realize their creative potential without major financial investments and time costs. This is greatly facilitated by numerous patterns of knitting patterns with a description.

A few words about yarn

Starting to study knitting art, you should carefully consider the choice of yarn and work tools. Properly selected materials along with a simple model and scheme will help you learn knitting much faster . Simple patterns, diagrams and descriptions are found in large numbers on the pages of many traditional periodicals, in online magazines and blogs.

knitting patterns with a description
For knitting solid patterns, medium-sized yarn with a wool or cotton content of more than 50% should be used. A sample of such yarn in the fabric can be seen in the figure above. Openwork knitting requires a thinner thread (also shown in the figure), and almost any one is suitable for braids (except for a very thin one intended for crocheting).

The value of the right choice of knitting needles

Knitting needles, as the main tool of knitters, should be selected carefully. For starters, you can buy knitting needles of medium size (No. 3; 3,5 or 4). These numbers indicate the diameter of the spokes in millimeters and are usually written on the instrument itself and on its packaging.

Often authors of publications offer knitting patterns for knitting with a description of the necessary tools and materials. But if the type of yarn selected differs from that indicated in the magazine, you should use knitting needles of such thickness as a thread, or slightly larger (this way you can get a friable and soft fabric).

The principle of pattern selection

Knitting patterns, patterns and descriptions can be found in the specialist literature. When choosing a pattern, you should first pay attention to the size of the rapport: the smaller it is, the smaller the pattern will be, and the more convenient it will be to reduce and add loops.

Schemes of patterns for knitting with a description, consisting of several dozen rows and loops, look very beautiful, but require additional effort.

Solid patterns: simple and clear

The leadership among simple ornaments is confidently occupied by patterns of knitting patterns with a description, consisting in a combination of front and back loops in different sequences. The most common should include an elastic band 1: 1 and 2: 2 (with wider columns). The scheme is not needed here, since the description is quite enough. Knitting technology:

  • A set of even number of loops.
  • Edge loop (do not knit), 1 (or 2) front, 1 (or 2) wrong side, hem.
  • Repeat the previous row.

The resulting fabric is two-sided, which allows it to be used for the manufacture of scarves.

The following diagram shows the simplest pattern formed by the same types of loops as the elastic.

knitting patterns patterns and description

After a set of loops, the number of which is a multiple of 6 (plus 2 per edge), the sequence of execution will be as follows:

  • Knit 4 rows with the front stitch (in the front row all the loops are front, in the wrong one - the wrong).
  • Edge (do not knit), * 6 purl, 6 facial *, fragment between ** repeat as many times as needed, edging.
  • Repeat starting from the 2nd row.

knitting openwork patterns patterns with description

The convenience of this ornament is that it allows you to easily knit the contours of the necks and armholes.

The beauty of openwork patterns

The creation of summer or autumn dresses, cardigans and skirts is one of the best opportunities that knitting provides . Openwork patterns, schemes with a description, as well as recommendations regarding the choice of yarn, are more complicated than those that are used for knitting solid patterns.

Compliance with the scheme, which consists of two main types of loops, crochets, as well as loops with a common base or top - this is the main secret on which accurate knitting depends. Openwork patterns, schemes (with or without description) require a balance between shortened and added loops. This helps maintain the original number of loops in the canvas (unless the ornament suggests otherwise).

knitting pattern braids patterns with description

In the example shown above, an empty cage is the front, o is the yarn, / is one loop knitted of two with a slope to the right, \ is one loop knitted of two with a slope to the left (remove the front, knit the next, thread it through the shot) , ^ - one loop knitted out of three. The wrong rows contain only the wrong loops.

First you need to dial the loop, the number of which will be a multiple of eight, plus the loop on the edge. Then you need to strictly follow the pattern, correctly knitting all kinds of loops.

Openwork is formed by knitted yarn, and the relief is the result of contraction of loops. In the figure, a variant of knitting two hem on each side is proposed. This approach allows you to avoid twisting of the fabric, it is also often used when it is necessary to make a button placket.

Braids and plaits - the main decoration of warm sweaters

The knitting pattern with knitting needles and a description of the process of braid formation are closely related. Often, one scheme is not enough to represent the sequence. However, after the first acquaintance with the reception, the skilled worker becomes available to embody all existing patterns with braids, since they are built on the same principle.

The elementary crossing of loops on a knitting needle with their subsequent knitting in a new position - this is the essence of weaving harnesses. The illustration depicts a braid of three strands.

knitting pattern with knitting needles and description
In accordance with the scheme, an empty cell and a vertical line are the front, β€œ-” is the wrong side, the turn is the twisted front (when knitting, the needle is inserted behind the back wall). The twisted loop forms a voluminous and neat narrow pigtail.

Given the edge should dial 17 loops. The first two rows are knitted according to the scheme, then they begin to knit the braids: 3 front ones put on the right knitting needle without knitting, 3 front ones are transferred to the auxiliary knitting needle or knitting pin, 3 front ones are returned from the right knitting needle to the left one, the loops are put on it from the auxiliary tool, knit all 6 facial. Thus, weaving the strands with an inclination to the right.

knitting simple patterns patterns and description

When performing mirror weaving, the order of removal and transfer of untied loops is changed: first they are removed to a pin, then they are transferred to the right knitting needle. The first to put on the left knitting needle from the auxiliary tool, then - from the right knitting needle.

Even for a beginner who is only mastering knitting, the β€œbraid” pattern, description schemes and general instructions will create an extremely attractive product.

Avoid blooming and dressing

Considering with enthusiasm attractive patterns for knitting, patterns and description, it is easy to succumb to the temptation and decide to use everything in one product at once: several types of patterns, yarn of different colors and types, a complex style. It is better to give preference to simpler models.

knitting pattern braids patterns with description

With inadequate planning, it is quite easy to admit such flaws:

  • "Cropped" fragments of the pattern.
  • Errors in the pattern.
  • Curved neck or armholes.
  • Difficulties in comparing fragments of a pattern during stitching of product parts.
  • Inconsistency of yarn (its texture and color) with the pattern. A too bright melange thread, like a voluminous boucle, forms a pattern that hides the knitting.

As a material for training, monophonic light yarn of medium thickness and one of the solid patterns described above are perfect. For the manufacture of a serious product, it is better to choose a thread with a high content of natural fibers and a pattern with small rapports.


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