Animals of the Red Book of the Lipetsk Region: description and photo

All species of rare animals and plants are listed in the Red Book of the Lipetsk Region. There are also those that have remained on the verge of extinction. Various insects, mammals, birds, reptiles and many other representatives of the fauna live in the Lipetsk region. All of them are unique in their own way. For people, they are priceless and may be needed in the future. After all, everyone knows that in nature everything should be interconnected. One species of animal survives due to another. But in connection with the intervention of mankind, ecology suffers significantly. Therefore, many species of not only animals, but also plants can disappear forever.

This was probably the reason that it was decided to create a special document. It is called the Red Book of the Lipetsk region. Plants and animals that can be found on its pages are protected. After all, if this is not done, we will never be able to see some animals.

Why do animals disappear?

The territory inhabited by animals of the Lipetsk region, listed in the Red Book, is made a conservation area. If it hunts for one of the endangered species, the person who dares to do so will be prosecuted. The smallest thing that awaits him in the form of punishment is a large fine. Moreover, he may be deprived of the right to hunt in designated areas for a long time.

animals of the red book of the Lipetsk region
Red Book animals are expensive. Often poachers hunt for them in order to get rich. This speeds up the extinction of rare animal species. Sometimes they are used in the preparation of unusual dishes. Skins and fur are also used for sewing clothes, bags, shoes and other accessories. Forest guards are constantly fighting illegal hunters in nature reserves. But all the same, the animals of the Red Book of the Lipetsk Region are always in danger. After all, they are constantly being hunted.


How many representatives are in the above document? Their number is 196 varieties. Having the opportunity to get acquainted with each species, humanity can do everything to preserve them in nature. Scientists, biologists, ecologists spend time on invaluable research that helps determine whether a particular animal species is threatened with extinction or not. For this, the Red Book was created. Everyone can flip through it. On the pages there are not only animals of the Red Book of the Lipetsk region, but also birds, plants.

animals of the red book of lipetsk region list
For example, only the chordate type has 123 species, which are divided into classes and units. For example, a class of amphibians, birds, bone fish, a tailless order, cyprinids, turtles. In each there is an enumeration by naming a specific species: river minnow, sterlet, Black Sea fisherman and many others.

Next is the division into the following categories:

- amphibian class - (3 species);

- bone fish class - (9);

- class cyclostomes - (2);

- class mammals - (18);

- the class of reptiles - (6);

- bird class - (85);

- type of arthropods - (73);

- class insects - (73).

Red Book of the Lipetsk region: animals, description

  • An ordinary hedgehog is a mammal that came from Eurasian hedgehogs. Small sizes are typical, about 25-30 cm, tail 3 cm long, and weight is not more than 800 g. Ears are also small (up to 3 cm). The muzzle has an elongated shape. It is easy to identify a hedgehog; it always has a wet and sharp nose. Needles on the body 3 cm long. And in the head and on the sides - a maximum of 2 cm. The number of needles in adult hedgehogs reaches 6000 thousand. Young hedgehogs have half as much.

animals of the red book of the Lipetsk region photo
These animals of the Red Book of the Lipetsk region, the photo of which is presented in the article, lead an active nightlife. In the afternoon they are in their home. Build it in the bushes, pits, old trees. For a long time do not leave their homes. Hedgehogs have the ability to care for themselves with the help of paws. They clean their needles with their tongue and lick their chest and stomach. Common hedgehogs feed on insects, worms, caterpillars.

  • The gray wolf is a predatory species of mammals from the canine family. Looks like a dog. An ordinary person may not even see the difference between them. The wolf has rather strong paws. A special footprint helps to distinguish them from an ordinary dog. Wolves have a wide muzzle with an equally wide forehead.

Red Book of Lipetsk region animals description
Between themselves, these predatory animals communicate using a voice that conveys the necessary information. They can hear each other at a distance of up to eight kilometers. Found in the depths of the forest, among shrubs.


Black stork is known to every person. Characteristic features of appearance: long neck, thin legs. Such a stork weighs up to 3.5 kg. It has beautiful black feathers with an iridescent green tint, the tummy is white, and the neck, head, and goiter have light borders.

animals of the Lipetsk region are listed in the red book
This species of bird is migratory and nesting. There are nests in forests, on trees near lakes, swamps, rivers.


This bird belongs to the raven family. It weighs from 200 to 300 g with a length of 35-40 cm. The color of the feathers is black, and the head and chest are gray. The iris of the eyes is white. But there are green and blue eyes in such birds. Nests can be seen on the pillars. As a rule, there are immediately a couple of birds. They like to nest in the shelters of residential buildings.


A woodpecker is a medium-sized bird. Basically, he gets his food with his beak from the bark of trees. Usually these are insects. The tail is wedge-shaped and serves as a support for the woodpecker. The color is mostly black and white. On the head or other parts, yellow or red marks can be seen. The shape of the beak is straight, long, and chisel-shaped. The tongue is thin. A woodpecker can stick it out far, and thus help himself in obtaining food. Nests can be seen in the trunk of trees. They hollow out cavities in them. Then they nest there. Woodpeckers are called forest doctors. Due to the fact that they mainly feed on ants, trees live for a long time.

Raccoon dog

If you are interested in animals of the Red Book of the Lipetsk region, then know that the raccoon dog also belongs to them . This is a predatory mammal. Its appearance resembles a medium-sized dog. It weighs up to ten kilograms. Body length up to 80 cm.

red book of Lipetsk region plants and animals
The tail is also medium in size, about 20 cm. Characteristic features of a raccoon dog are short legs and a long body. The color of the hair of the animal looks like a raccoon. A muzzle with a pattern that resembles a mask. He usually hunts at dusk or at night. Usually lives in dense forest strips, among shrubs.


Now you know the animals of the Red Book of the Lipetsk Region, a list of the most interesting is presented in the article. We hope you find the information useful.


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