How to be rude is beautiful: phrases. Learning to be rude beautifully: non-standard answers

Unfortunately, almost every person in everyday life is forced to face rudeness and rudeness. We hear a flood of swear words in response to the remark that we were crushed by a foot in public transport. The boss, in harsh verbal form, chastised us for being five minutes late for work. One of your friends scolded you for repaying the debt two days later than the due date. There can be as many situations like this. Of course, it is terribly insulting to hear insulting expressions addressed to you, especially when they are undeserved. I would like to say to my offender: "Himself a fool!" However, one should not respond to rudeness with rudeness. One must be above that. Try to respond to the insult in a non-standard form, without obscene language and vulgarity.

"How to be rude is beautiful?" - a question that really deserves a separate analysis. Those who will forever be able to understand the answer to it, will have the opportunity under no circumstances and life turmoil not to lose their dignity.

How to be rude beautiful

So, let's move on to the question of how to be rude beautifully.

Rude, who is he?

As a rule, boors are people with an unbalanced psyche and low self-esteem, which they want to increase due to insulting others. And for them it doesn’t matter at all whether they are really to blame. They just need to “rip off anger” on someone. It would seem like such rudeness is beautiful for such people, because it is generally impossible to communicate with them? In fact, their potential victims simply cannot resist their onslaught. Why? Just do not allow character traits. First of all, people with an increased sense of duty cannot repulse a rude person. They always feel guilty for themselves, no matter what they do, so for the boor they are easy prey. Secondly, insecure people cannot adequately respond to the insult - their self-esteem is so deeply hidden that they cannot think up anything smarter than in response to the curse of others to shout at them loudly or use obscene language in their address.

The third category of “victims” is naturally conflict-free natures. From childhood, they were brought up to respect their environment, and their own interests moved into the background.

Hamim is beautiful

This form of "intelligence" prevents them from adequately responding to their offender, and they try to avoid communication with him in principle. What to do the above categories of people when someone insults them? In this case, we advise the following: learning to be rude beautifully - 1000 non-standard answers will help give a worthy rebuff to the offender. That's all.

How to adequately respond to rudeness?

And yet, how rude is beautiful? First of all, you need to understand one important thing: there is no need to stoop to the level of your offender. Otherwise, you acknowledge your failure in terms of a culture of communication and education. So, hamim is beautiful! Make your interlocutor daredevil feel like a real idiot and a fool in the eyes of others: in this case, his pride will be infringed, and you will become a winner in a verbal duel. Therefore, the hamim is beautiful in such a way that he understands how pathetic he looks, raining curses on your head. And for this you must show maximum erudition, intelligence and self-confidence.

And what is beautiful rudeness? In simple terms, this is a poignancy veiled in a decent (cultural) phrase. It seems that there is no obscene language in words, and mocking intonations put the offender in a bad light. For example, you can get rid of an obsessive interlocutor with the phrase: “I can’t remember your name and please do not help me with this!” or "Speak, Speak ... I always yawn when I'm interested!"

Learning to be rude beautifully

Simply put, we learn to be rude beautifully, period.

What do you need to remember?

Be able to react in the correct form to the “sharp” attacks of your relatives and friends. If you are deliberately incited to quarrel, then resort to the following psychological methods of influence:

1) Trolling in soft form. Regular participants in forums and chats are familiar with this term. Its essence is this: if you begin to be rude, then we turn into an intellectual and pour abstruse phrases like “Your mind, like a steel trap that always slams when you try to find an answer!” or “As an outsider, what do you think of the human race?”

2) Question to question. We learn to be rude and beautiful, and instead of answering taunts, we ask a counter question: “I can’t talk to you right now, tell me where you will be in ten years?” or “Have you lost the list, whom to fear?”

3) Misunderstanding. In response to the attack, with all your appearance, show that you did not understand the interlocutor: “Excuse me, what did you say? My ears are clogged today. ”

4) Humor. This quality will save in any life circumstances. With him you can always be rude beautifully. Phrases “Don’t anger me, I have nowhere to hide corpses! Come on, I’m joking, I’m joking, there is still a place ”,“ Yes, girl, you won’t save the world by beauty ”,“ Go, lay down, preferably on the rails ”- a vivid confirmation of this.

Rude beautiful phrases

5) Consent. Accept what the offender told you:

- Do not go out of turn, you bastard!

- Yes, I am like that, that's why I climb out of turn. The absence of a dispute disarms the rude, as it were, and he ceases to pester you.

6) Allergy. When you hear an insult addressed to you, start coughing and sneezing, and then get ready to be rude beautifully. The phrases “I'm sorry, but I'm allergic to verbal diarrhea”, “I start coughing when I understand that the human mind is able to outshine the floor lamp” will be very helpful.

7) Disappointment. You can cool the fervor of the offender with your own disappointment in him: “I thought you were a man with a capital letter, but it turns out that with just a small one,” “Crazy like a shell.”

Do not position your rude interlocutor as "the embodiment of evil," do not bother to make him even more angry, but try to eradicate his terrible vices in him.

How to be rude to friends in the correct form?

Of course, we should not forget that being rude to your family and friends is not only uncivilized, but also mean.

We learn to be rude beautifully 1000 non-standard answers

At the same time, circumstances often arise in which a friend or loved one expresses outright rudeness towards you. The reason for this behavior may lie in a simple attempt to assert itself and prove their own superiority. Such is human nature. Naturally, in this case, we learn to be rude beautifully: 1000 non-standard answers exist for swearing, slander and rudeness. Try to react calmly and even with a subtle smile to all the taunts from close people. For example, “I do not like boors. Why do I need competitors? "," My treasure! Remember once before sclerosis! ” or "I would probably offend you, but I’m afraid that it’s better than mother nature, I still won’t succeed." These answers are ideal for attacks from relatives or friends. The main trump cards in communicating with them are positive sarcasm and a sense of humor.

How to be rude to strangers in the correct form?

It often happens that one has to hear rudeness and abuse from the side of unfamiliar or completely unfamiliar people. For example, you are a naughty saleswoman in a supermarket. Pretty common situation, right? How to respond to her causticity? Again, we learn to be rude beautifully.

Learning to be rude beautifully non-standard answers

Non-standard answers will wean her to rude other customers. What can be answered by a trade employee? You can respond as follows: "It is a pity that I am too busy to cherish your complexes" or "I understand that with a scream you try to compensate for the deficit of the mind?" If a stranger is rude to you on the street, we recommend that you give this answer: "I do not care what you think about me ... I don’t think about you at all!"

How to respond to the rudeness of civil servants?

Today, employees of pension funds, city administrations and other government agencies are not too picky in expressions when communicating with people. In this case, a technique called "learning to be rude beautifully" is not applicable. Phrases, witticisms, and ironic remarks are inappropriate and meaningless here. If you are rude at a state institution, then write a complaint to a higher authority, while hypothetically you can imagine how garbage from a large bucket is strewed onto your offender - this will help calm the nerves after the insult.

Your reaction to the insult

What to do when you are inadvertently or intentionally offended in verbal form? The main thing is not to take the insult at your own expense. You have to understand that the daring leader was rude to you not because of his hostile attitude towards you, but only because he was badly brought up, or he has a nasty mood. In other words, your person has nothing to do with it. You should also take into account the fact that in most cases your offender does his dirty work impulsively, because he is a hostage to his violent and irrepressible nature.

Learning to be rude beautiful phrases

As already emphasized, insulting or swearing at someone is a kind of self-assertion, a demonstration of self, a manifestation of egocentrism, which the offender lacks in everyday life, as he leads the life of a "gray mouse."

What to do first?

When a stranger swears in your direction, the best way out of this situation is to ignore the offender. Try not to notice his presence, and after a while he will be distracted from your person. However, this technique does not always work. Then we learn to be rude beautifully. “You will open your mouth at the dentist,” is your reaction to the slanderous slander.

If the words offended the employer

Many, having heard insulting expressions from the boss, try to pass them by the ears. “And where are you going to, they can fire you if you say something against it!” - people will say. In fact, you need to learn to defend your interests as an employee and not allow management to scatter charges left and right. Believe me, no one will fire you for having dignity and your own point of view when it comes to unfair accusations.

If the words offended a loved one

When you were offended by a loved one, the most correct solution to the problem would be to reveal the cards and, in a relaxed atmosphere, talk heart to heart. In 99% of cases, it is possible to determine the true cause of the disagreement.


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