Jamal: the meaning of the name and its characteristics

For a long time, people have known that a person’s name influences his fate, character and position in society. Therefore, in pagan times, many nations dedicated the names of their children to the gods, who could protect the wards and grant them the highest mercy. Since then, much has changed, but some names still guess the desire of people to gain supreme divine support. The name Jamal belongs to this category.

Jamal meaning of the name

Name origin

The name is of Arab origin and can be pronounced as Gamal, Yamil, Jimal, Jimal, Jalal, Jemal or Jamal. The meaning of the name in Islam is interpreted as "the servant of Allah." Another, broader understanding of the divine manifestation in it is the meaning of “perfect” or “beautiful”, which reflects all the best spiritual qualities bestowed by the Almighty man.

But there is another ancient meaning of the name - "camel." And since the camel for many peoples living in the desert was the basis of existence, graciously sent to people by higher forces, such an interpretation of the name shows the full degree of respect for them.

Jamal the meaning of the name in Islam

Jamal name: meaning of the name and general characteristics of its owner

Independence, love of life and determination mark the owners of this name. Jamal always independently solves the problems that arose in his life's journey. Not afraid to take responsibility. By nature, Jamal is a leader who, with his determination and reliability, instills a sense of security among the followers. His concentration, diligence and resourcefulness help to achieve the goal.

Stability and peace of mind are what Jamal particularly values. The meaning of the name endows it with prudence and prudence, therefore adventurism and spontaneous acts are alien to him.

Jamal's name for a boy

In childhood, Jamal grows up as a very active child, is distinguished by curiosity and perseverance. Trying to show independence, he wants to figure it out on his own, so parents will have to be extremely careful to prevent dangerous things from falling into his hands in his attempts to know the world.

Even in early childhood, diligence and scrupulousness are noticeable qualities for the bearer of the name Jamal. The meaning of the name characterizes such a boy and as a very responsible person, so in school years he shows diligence in his studies.

With friends, Jamal maintains a warm relationship and enjoys their authority as he has leadership qualities. Despite the fact that the boy solves his problems himself and does not ask for help, he will come to the rescue of others at the first call. Jamal loves sports, especially martial arts, where the success of a fight depends not only on strength, but also on the correct calculation. Of the school subjects, he is given more liberal arts. He reads a lot and knows a lot, so the company can always maintain an interesting conversation.

Jamal meaning named character and destiny

The Fate of the Named Jamal

Jamal, the meaning of the name, character and fate of which is considered in our article, having matured, becomes, as a rule, a bright and extraordinary personality. Since this person has leadership qualities, quick wit and endurance, he always achieves his goals. And Jamal can achieve particularly good results in jurisprudence, commerce, in the field of education or social activity.

It can be difficult for a freedom-loving name bearer to obey someone else’s orders, and he either becomes the leader himself or works for himself, organizing his own business. In adulthood, he appreciates stability and peace of mind.

Jamal, the meaning of the name of which we are considering, is hardworking, and he works hard to achieve prosperity and provide the future family with everything necessary. He is distinguished by responsibility and reliability and, if he decides to start a family, approaches this very thoroughly. His beloved, as a rule, has a set of virtues that men love in women so much: calm, tenderness and caring.

A person bearing this name cannot be called a tyrant, but in his family he is the undisputed head - if a decision is made, it makes no sense to dispute it. But the most loving and caring, but strict father is Jamal.

The value of the name speaks of his self-discipline and discipline, so he himself adheres to order in the family and demands this from his household. Thanks to his perseverance and determination, Jamal manages to raise not only obedient, but also successful children. He does not consider it necessary to pamper them and save them from difficulties, so his sons grow up as real men worthy of their father. It will be somewhat easier for the daughter, although discipline and strict rules in education will still be present.

Name Jamal Name Meaning


The name Jamal corresponds to the number six, which is the number of strong and hardworking people, and also symbolizes success and determination. The owners of the six in the name can reach heights in any sphere of human activity, if they do not stop halfway. The main obstacle for those under the influence of this number is their own laziness - only it can stop their victorious ascent to the intended goal.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F495/

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