Nuclear reactor (circuit) at Minecraft. Schemes of the ic2 experimental nuclear reactor

If you play Minecraft and know about a modification called Industrial Craft, then you are most likely familiar with the problem of a terrible lack of energy. Almost all interesting mechanisms that you can build using this mod consume energy. Therefore, you definitely need to know how to develop it at the same time so that it is always enough. There are several sources of energy - you can get it even from coal when it is burned in a furnace. But at the same time you should understand that you get a very small amount of energy. Therefore, you need to look for the best sources. Most of the energy you can get using a nuclear reactor. The scheme for it can be different depending on what exactly you want to aim at - for efficiency or productivity.

Efficient reactor

nuclear reactor circuit

Minecraft is very difficult to collect a large amount of uranium. Accordingly, it will not be easy for you to build a full-fledged nuclear reactor, the scheme of which would be designed for low fuel consumption with high energy output. However, do not despair - it is still possible, there is a certain set of schemes that will help you achieve your goal. The most important thing in any scheme is the use of a quadruple uranium rod, which will allow you to maximize energy production from a small amount of uranium, as well as high-quality reflectors that will reduce fuel consumption. Thus, you can build an effective nuclear reactor - the scheme for it may vary.

Uranium Rod Reactor Scheme

ic2 experimental nuclear reactor circuit

So, for starters, it is worth considering a nuclear reactor, the scheme of which is based on the use of a quadruple uranium rod. To begin with, you will need to get it, as well as those same iridium reflectors, which will allow you to get the maximum fuel from one rod. It is best to use four pieces - this ensures maximum efficiency. It is also necessary to equip your reactor with advanced heat exchangers in the amount of 13 pieces. They will constantly make attempts to equalize the temperature of the surrounding elements and themselves, thereby cooling the case. Well, of course, you can not do without overclocked and component heat sinks - the first will need as many as 26 pieces, and the second will be enough ten. At the same time, overclocked heat sinks lower the temperature of themselves and the body, while component heat sinks lower the temperature of all the elements surrounding them, but they themselves do not heat up at all. If we consider the schemes of the IC2 Experimental nuclear reactor , then this is the most effective. However, you can also use another option, replacing the uranium rod with MOX.

MOX rod reactor diagram

Minecraft reactor

If you create a nuclear reactor at Minecraft, the schemes can be very diverse, but if you are aimed at maximum efficiency, then you do not need to choose among many - it is better to use the one described above, or use this one, in which The main element is the core of MOX. In this case, you can refuse heat exchangers using exclusively heat sinks, only this time there should be the most component ones - 22, 12 will be enough for overclocked ones, and a new look will be added - reactor heat sink. It cools both itself and the body - of which you will need to install three pieces. Such a reactor will require a little more fuel, but it will give much more energy. That's how you can create a full-fledged nuclear reactor. Schemes (1.6.4), however, are not limited to efficiency - you can concentrate on performance as well.

Production reactor

nuclear reactor circuit 1 6 4

Each reactor consumes a certain amount of fuel and produces a specific amount of energy. As you already understood, the scheme of a nuclear reactor in Industrial Craft can be designed in such a way that it will consume little fuel, but at the same time produce enough energy. But what if you have enough uranium and you do not regret it for energy production? Then you can make sure that you have a reactor that will produce very, very much energy. Naturally, in this case, too, you need to build your design not at random, but think through everything in great detail so that the fuel consumption is as reasonable as possible when producing a large amount of energy. The schemes for a nuclear reactor in Minecraft in this case may also be different, so you need to consider two main ones.

Uranium Rod Performance

nuclear reactor circuit in industrial craft

If only one piece of uranium rods or MOX rods was used in effective nuclear reactor designs, then in this case it is assumed that you have a large supply of fuel. So a production reactor will require you to have 36 uranium quad rods, as well as 18 320K coolers. The reactor will burn uranium for energy, but the cooler will protect it from explosion. Accordingly, you need to constantly monitor the reactor - the cycle with this scheme lasts 520 seconds, and if you do not replace the coolers during this time, the reactor will explode.

Performance and MOX rods

As a matter of fact, in this case absolutely nothing changes - you need to install the same number of rods and the same number of coolers. The cycle is also 520 seconds, so always control the process. Remember that if you produce large amounts of energy, there is always a danger that the reactor will explode, so watch it carefully.


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