Are there purple roses in nature?

The variety of colors of roses will not surprise anyone now. Artificial breds were added to natural natural colors. Therefore, all rose gardens, not only in the Botanical Gardens, but also in summer cottages, usually delight with a wealth of colors. Red, white, pink, black, green, yellow ... There are also purple roses.

Antique and modern

purple roses
This division of roses received, based on the history of origin. In 1867, the Frenchman A. Guillot developed the La France variety. It was he who laid the foundation for a new group - tea-hybrid. Hence the countdown of the era of modern roses. By the way, bourbon, Portland, noisette roses belong to the old.

The breeder A. Guyot crossed two varieties: the remontant Madame Victor Verdier and Madame Bravy, a tea rose. The success of the offspring was ensured.

In the same year, the Frenchman made another discovery: he created the so-called polyanthus roses. It is these two classes that became the basis for the selection of the modern "Queen of the Flowers."

How did rainbow or purple roses appear?

Among modern roses, garden groups stand out. There are many of them: tea-hybrid, grandiflora, floribunda, miniature, curly, scrubs and others.

Of course, these flowers can be divided by color, but in this case they will be in different groups and belong to different varieties.

Exotic colors of roses, no doubt, are derived by breeding. For example, blue or violet does not exist in nature. A blue tint is achieved by implanting a gene that is responsible for coloring the colors of pansies. Long breeders conjured over the breeding of black roses. Finally, they also succeeded.

purple roses flowers
And now even several varieties are known. However, they cannot be called completely black, rather, they are maroon roses, which under certain lighting will appear black.

Fill the rose garden with purple

Perhaps the most popular variety is Midnight Blue. Small bushes are usually strewn with velvety flowers of ink-purple color, which emit a strong pleasant aroma.

Rose lovers are well aware of the Rhapsody in Blue variety from the Shrubs group, which was bred in 2002. These are really purple roses with a rich color. During the summer, however, they fade and already become two-tone, light and dark tones.

No less spectacular are the roses of the Floribunda variety Purple Eden. Even their buds are beautiful, smoky purple. They then open in thick double flowers, which have a plum color with a smoky hue.

The variety of climbing roses Night Owl is distinguished by semi-double large flowers that have a purple-violet color. True, in the very center there is a white spot and yellow stamens. The purple-violet hue and pale spot in the middle also have Royal Celebration roses.

For collectors who prefer flowers - purple roses, the varieties Mr. Bluebird, Baby Bunting, Big Pepl and others are also probably known. Their range, it turns out, is quite rich.

Roses Blue Nile - an exotic not only name

purple roses photo
It happens that it is not easy to determine the color. Sometimes it’s hard to understand where the border is between light blue and pale purple. So the Blue Nile variety belongs to the group called blue roses. However, purple roses can also claim it. A photo of this flower can confirm this.

The variety was bred in 1981 in France. Then repeatedly won various prizes at international exhibitions.

The Blue Nile variety belongs to hybrid tea roses. It grows in an upright, stiff bush, also prickly, with a height of 100 to 150 cm. Large, densely-sized flowers have a bluish-lavender or lilac color and a delicious aroma.

The variety is resistant not only to diseases, but also to frost.

It turns out that purple roses, although exotic flowers, but still quite common. And flower gardeners can grow them in their rose gardens if they wish.


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