What is a release and model release

Neologism "release" appeared relatively recently, but has already firmly established itself in the Russian language. However, relatively few people know exactly what a release is. There are two options for translating this word from English: “release” and “release”.

In the second embodiment, this word denotes a device that provides the release of something. For example, a release is called a block archery device. Also, release can be called muscle relaxation by any methods, for example, ointments, acupuncture or massage.

Young people are more often interested not in the second meaning of the word, but in the first, that is, "release." Indeed, answering the question “What is a release?”, It’s hard not to forget that the demonstration or publication of something, the film, and the release of a new album or a new version of software are also called releases.

But sometimes the same word refers not only to an issue, but also to the object itself, which was recently released. In addition, often the release of something is accompanied by a special press release, which indicates the basic information about the product. The media never fully publishes the entire press release, but only relies on these materials, creating their own articles or speeches.

When covering the topic of what a release is, it is also worth pointing out that permission to show or demonstrate, publish or release something can be called this term.

Such a multifaceted word appeared in Russian and it remains to live forever! Now, no one will ask what a musical or online release is. For example, I downloaded my son some new program from the Internet, launched it, and it “brains”. He is to the programmer: "What, old man, does this mean?" And the “old man”, scratching his chin, who did not yet know razors, with a smart look, will answer the same year: “What did you want? This program has no release yet! You, brother, hurried, licked the unfinished business! ” This is the power word - “release”. If there is none, it is not worth it to be in vain to suffer.

And speaking about the modeling business or about photographing, it’s worth clarifying that the “model release” should be considered as an agreement between the one who is shooting and the one with whom these pictures or videos are taken. Be sure at the time of writing this contract the presence of a third party - a witness is necessary. After all, this agreement provides for the photographer’s right to further processing the material (retouching, artistic editing), publication and distribution, as well as the sale of materials, demonstrations at exhibitions and various competitions.

On the other hand, this agreement necessarily protects the honor of the model. The photographer does not have the right to perform actions on the pictures that could discredit the honor and dignity of the model either by processing the pictures or by adding “funny” inscriptions.

By and large, the model release and the photographer himself is urgently needed. This is a guarantee in cases of conflict situations when the model for some reason expresses its dissatisfaction with any actions by the photographer. For example, the model does not like the fact that her photo is posted on a social network or the photo takes part in an exhibition or photo shoot.

Particularly noteworthy is the situation when photography takes a prize, receives an award. In this case, the model may begin to demand from the photographer “his share”. If there is a release, this issue is easily settled, because it discusses in advance all possible controversial situations. And if interest payment on benefits is not provided for in it, then the photographer has every right to declare the model: “Dear! You have to thank me for making you a celebrity! And about the money ... It remains to be seen who should pay anyone. Perhaps I did it, but ... ”

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4961/

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