Radiator "Global". Global Aluminum Radiators - Sectional Heating Batteries

In the Russian market, radiators from the Italian company Global Radiatori are very popular due to their high quality and wide range. The products of this manufacturer are developed taking into account the specifics of domestic heating systems. The most popular are the Global Vox aluminum sections and the Global Style bimetallic sections (these radiators are very popular today).

global radiator

Types of radiators

Global radiators are produced in three varieties:

  • bimetallic;
  • aluminum;
  • extrusion.

All types of products have their own characteristics, technical characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, which will be discussed in more detail in the article.

Bimetal radiators

Reliable, high-class bimetallic radiators "Global" are the standard of quality. They are made of strong and durable materials. Style products are the best heating radiators. In them, the part in direct contact with water is made of steel, and the outer part is made of aluminum.

Bimetallic radiators "Global" are intended for operation in systems with high working pressure (up to 35 atmospheres) and can be installed in both central and autonomous heating systems. The most important advantage of this series is the thermostat, which is installed in the design. It contributes to the almost instantaneous provision of comfortable indoor air temperature. Bimetallic radiators, the price of which is about 850โ€“900 rubles per section, are resistant to aggressive environment and corrosion, and also have high thermal conductivity. They are double-painted with heat-resistant compounds, which ensures their resistance to mechanical damage.

global aluminum radiators

Features of bimetallic radiators "Style 500" and "Style Plus"

The bimetallic radiator 500 "Global" (series "Style") is made in a classic style. It has a flat top, its height is 57.5 cm, depth - 8 cm, center distance - 50 cm, weight - 1.97 kg. The heat transfer of such a section is 168 watts. This heating element can be used with various types of pipes (metal-plastic, copper, polypropylene). The Global Style radiator 500 consists of individual parts. Sectional assembly system using nipples allows you to increase the number of sections or reduce it.

The Global Style Plus radiator has collectors of simple shapes without pockets, which prevent the formation of air jams. The tubes between them are installed in large sizes, which makes it possible to work with contaminated coolants. The design of the model allows you to increase thermal power due to the upper air chamber. โ€œStyle Plusโ€ brand heating elements are manufactured with center distance parameters of 350 and 500 mm. The price for these bimetallic radiators is approximately 10 100-10 200 rubles for 12 sections.

bimetallic radiators global

Benefits of Bimetal Radiators

Bimetal radiators from the manufacturer Global have a lot of advantages.

  1. Easy installation. Sections during installation can be removed or added.
  2. Excellent thermal conductivity. Due to aluminum, which has good heat-conducting properties, radiators have a high heat transfer rate. The temperature of the coolant can reach 120โ€“135 ยบ.
  3. Strength. All products in the production are tested by pressure testing in 52.5 atmospheres.
  4. Long service life. This indicator is ensured thanks to the quality materials used in the production.
  5. Resistance to mechanical damage. The outer surface of the radiators is covered with powder enamel, which protects it from scratches, scuffs.
  6. Resistance to hostile environment. The inner part of the radiators is made of high strength steel, which is resistant to acids.
  7. Attractive design. Fade-resistant white color is well suited to various interiors.

To the above described positive qualities, we can add that the radiators are adapted for Russian heating systems. All Global products are certified and meet quality standards.

bimetal radiators Price

Disadvantages of heating elements

In addition to the advantages, the bimetallic radiator Global has some disadvantages:

  • high price compared to aluminum sections;
  • low bandwidth;
  • they are inferior in reliability to cast-iron radiators.

Aluminum radiators

Global aluminum radiators are very popular among consumers, which have excellent Italian quality, high heat dissipation and efficiency. Their lineup consists of the following series: Iseo R350 / R500, Vox R350 / R500, Klass R350 / R500.

Iseo R 350 sections have dimensions 432 x 80 x 95, and Iseo R 500 - 582 x 80 x 80. The temperature of the coolant in them is up to 110ยบ . Thanks to its design, such a Global radiator can be installed both in niches under the windowsill and on walls. They are well suited for interiors of residential buildings, administrative and public buildings. Installation of this model is possible in autonomous and central heating systems.

The Italian integral cast aluminum radiators of the Global Vox R350 / R350 series are designed for domestic heating systems. They have a beautiful design, have high heat dissipation, are reliable and durable. They are made under pressure by casting and have a reinforced structure. Their painting is carried out by immersion in a bath followed by spraying with epoxy paint. Operating pressure - 16 atmospheres, permissible coolant temperature - up to 110 ยบ, pH value of 6.5โ€“8.5 pH units. In the Russian market there are models of the Vox R 350 section, which have dimensions of 440 x 80 x 95 cm and a heat transfer of 145 watts. There are also sections of the Vox R 500, the dimensions of which are 590 x 80 x 95 cm, and the heat transfer is 195 watts. They are intended for installation in autonomous single-pipe and two-pipe heating systems.

global style radiators

Extrusion radiators

Oskar Global extrusion heating radiators are designed for vertical installation. This type of product is distinguished by its original design, which consists of individual parts interconnected by Teflon sealing rings and glue-sealant. Radiators are light weight and exclusive in design.

The manufacturer produces section types having different interaxal distances - 100, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800 and 2000 mm. This type of radiator requires certain characteristics of water, which is a coolant. The hydrogen indicator should be at least 7-8 units, and water filtration from heavy elements is also necessary. This model has high heat dissipation, but inferior in strength, which does not allow it to be used in harsh operating conditions.

radiator 500 global

Differences of bimetallic sections from aluminum radiators

Radiators differ in production technology and manufacturing material. In addition, they have different working and maximum pressures. This indicator is important when installing sections in multi-storey buildings with central heating, where there is increased pressure in the pipeline system. In aluminum radiators, one metal is fully used, while in bimetal radiators, stainless steel is used inside, and aluminum outside. It is very important to consider that the aluminum radiator is not suitable for installation if the heating system consists of copper pipes or the boiler has a copper heat exchanger.

global heating radiators

Features of installation and operation of aluminum radiators

Since the operating pressure of the coolant is low in autonomous heating, reliable and inexpensive Global aluminum radiators are well suited here. Their installation does not differ from the installation of bimetallic sections, but there are some recommendations from the manufacturer that should be followed.

  1. Radiators, consisting of ten sections or more, must be connected diagonally to the system, which makes it possible to increase their efficiency by 10%.
  2. It is not recommended to install decorative elements on the front of the heating equipment. This helps to reduce the heat transfer of radiators.
  3. Heating devices that have ten or more sections should be mounted on additional brackets.
  4. The operational life of the equipment also depends on the quality of care. To do this, before starting and during the heating season, systematically clean the surface of the sections from dust and dirt.
  5. Humidifiers made of porous materials should not be installed on radiators. This can lead to a water leak, which will eventually damage the paint layer of the sections.
  6. If the system will not be used in winter, then it is necessary to drain the water from it. In the summer, it is desirable that the sections are fully filled.
  7. It is not recommended to independently paint the surfaces of aluminum sections, this reduces their effectiveness.
  8. Do not use various chemical additives or impurities that artificially increase the temperature of the coolant.

The effectiveness and durability of the Global radiators primarily depends on the performance of the heating system. Each type of section is designed for certain parameters of the working conditions, and their installation must comply with all the manufacturer's requirements specified in the technical passport.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4968/

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