How to connect a single-phase meter: tips and rules

Single-phase meters are used in DC and AC circuits. There are many types of devices, and they differ from each other in terms of components. There are classic, wired and high-frequency devices that can operate from power transformers.

How to connect a single-phase electricity meter? To answer this question, you must first understand the ultimate conductivity of the device and the value of the allowable voltage. Meter overload rates can vary greatly.

how to connect a single-phase meter

Connection of the classic model

How to connect a single-phase counter classic? The model installation scheme involves the use of a single switch. Input contacts are connected via a first-order contactor. The resistance indicator on the trigger must be at least 120. Also, you need to pay attention to the fact that the insulators of the blocks must be located behind the switch. Conductors are most often used with a controller. When the resistance level increases, electromagnetic filters are installed. When an old single-phase meter is connected, first-order contacts close on the plate. The rated voltage in the circuit must be about 230 V, and the permissible overload is 5 A.

how to connect a single-phase meter

Direct connection circuit

How to connect an electricity meter (single-phase) and machines? Direct inclusion of the block is carried out through the channel trigger. Its output contacts are connected to the rectifier. The semiconductor converter is selected at two frequencies. To install a filter, it is worth using a tester. The rated resistance in the circuit must not exceed 30 ohms. Three-pin models must be connected via a binary adapter. The first controller is connected via a converter. The nominal resistance in the circuit is about 70 ohms, and the voltage reaches 230 V.

old single phase meter connected

Devices for transformer connection

How to connect a single-phase electric meter? Models for transformers are distinguished by the presence of a frequency comparator. Many modifications use a resonant adapter, which works from a blocker. A controller is used to connect to the shield. The first element expander is connected to the converter. Before this, the resistance in the circuit is measured.

The indicated parameter averages 55 ohms. When the second-order contacts are closed, the rated voltage is checked. If we consider a circuit with an inverting comparator, then a controller is used for the counter. The device contacts are connected via a trigger. In this case, the filters are installed behind the converter. If we consider a model with one expander, then the trigger can be used with a lining. When the expander is connected, contacts of the first and second order are closed. The nominal voltage of the elements is 230 V. The controller in this case is connected via an analog output.

Power Circuit Models

How to connect a single-phase meter to the power circuit? To do this, it is allowed to use switches. A trigger is often used with a broadband adapter. First-order pins connect to the output connector. If we consider the 200-watt shields, then the overload indicator on the meter should be at least 3 A. Additionally, it is important to pay attention to the resistance when connecting the trigger. The specified parameter is on average 50 Ohms.

However, models with contact expanders are not able to work with such resistance, and their rated voltage reaches a maximum of 230 V. If we consider the shields with two adjustable adapters, the first-order contacts are closed on the output diode. Connecting the model through a rectifier is allowed only with a filter. Dinistors for counters are selected at 4 microns.

how to connect a single-phase old electricity meter

Connection via measuring transformers

How to connect a single-phase meter through measuring transformers? In fact, this can be done directly with the trigger. The maximum resistance for it must be at least 45 Ohms, and the voltage is as much as 230 V. The overload indicator in this case depends on the type of converter. If we consider linear models, then first-order contacts close at the output of the circuit.

The overload in this case will be about 5 A. Second-order contacts are connected to the expander. At a frequency of 55 Hz, the resistance should not exceed 40 ohms. Very often, electromagnetic contactors are used on transformers . In this situation, you need to use a tester. With increased voltage, the comparator is selected electrode type. If we talk about the extender, then the connection to the contacts occurs through an adapter.

how to connect a single-phase electricity meter

30 Hz devices

How to connect a single-phase electricity meter (old)? 30 Hz models are installed in the guards through the trigger. If we consider broadband modifications, then the insulator is used at the output of the circuit. Many models have an analog output. First-order contacts close to the converters. The resistance before the trigger must be no more than 40 ohms. Extenders may be used with the controller. Single-junction modifications have good conductivity, but often lead to controller overloads. Do not use meters with a phase adapter in a DC circuit. The rated voltage at the output of the meter must be at least 200 V with an overload of 10 A.

Connecting 40 Hz models

How to connect a single-phase meter at 40 Hz? For this purpose, a comparator is used. To date, there are many models with operational triggers. First-order contacts must be normally closed on the converter. If voltage problems occur, the resistance is checked.

The output overload averages 50 ohms. The permissible voltage level is 230 V with a deviation of not more than 15%. If we talk about electrode converters, then to connect the meter you need one dipole adapter. Second-order contacts may only be connected via a comparator.

how to connect a single-phase electricity meter and machines

50 Hz modifications

50 Hz counters are connected via analog and pass-through triggers. Some modifications work in panels with rectifiers. The rated voltage in the circuit is maintained at 230 V. The indicator of the permissible deviation depends on many factors. First of all, it is important to consider the type of trigger. Additionally, the converter output is considered. If we talk about models with two adapters, then a filter will be required with high bandwidth. The resistance at the shield should be about 55 ohms. The first contact expander closes on the converter.

Electromechanical models

Electromechanical counters are connected only through analog triggers. The transducers are suitable for conductivity from 40 ohms. If we consider modifications to two contacts, the resistance in the circuit should be about 55 Ohms, and the overload is about 2 A. The insulators are installed behind the converter. The controllers in the enclosure must be connected through first-order contacts. Additionally, it is worth noting that many counters are obtained with an expander.

Electronic Modification Scheme

How to connect a single-phase meter? Electronic models can be installed in a DC circuit, and the conductivity will be maintained at a high level. If we consider circuits with dipole triggers, then the converters will need a contact type. The contactor is connected at high conductivity, and the overload indicator for the models is about 4 A.

how to connect a single-phase electric meter

Before connecting the rectifier, a negative resistance is measured. If it exceeds 30 Ohms, then a filter with an adapter is installed. Otherwise, it is not required. There are also models with dinistors that work from converters.

The permissible voltage level is 230 V. They are capable of working in an alternating current circuit. However, they are not suitable for power stations. The operating frequency of the modifications is about 40 Hz. Triggers in this case are of the analog type. The first-order contacts are closed on the converter. A dynistor is used to equalize the voltage.


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