Museum "Grand Layout", St. Petersburg: description, history and interesting facts

There are many unusual museums in the world. Today we will introduce you to the Grand Layout Museum in St. Petersburg. Thousands of visitors who have been here have enjoyed the unusual exposition.

Features "Grad Layout"

This is an interesting museum (private) is a huge layout made on a scale of 1:87. The occupied exhibition area is 800 square meters. m. Here are combined the images of the regions of Russia. Today it is the largest layout in our country and the second largest in the world. It is second only to the Miniatur Wunderland located in Hamburg.

Everything is done on this model, as in reality: the boundless expanses of our country are covered with dense forests, high mountains and picturesque plains. Blue specks of seas, rivers and lakes refresh the picture. Huge cities and small villages live their lives here. On these open spaces you can see amazing monuments of architecture and industrial enterprises, metro stations and tunnels, stadiums and beaches. In noisy seaports, ship unloading takes its course, oil rigs are in full swing, planes arrive at airports around the clock, and trains arrive at stations.


The Grand Layout (St. Petersburg) is located in a two-story separate building, which was built in 1953 in the Empire style. The main investor and author of the project is St. Petersburg entrepreneur S. Morozov.

History of creation

The Grand Layout Museum (St. Petersburg) was created by a large team of like-minded people (about a hundred people). Work continued for more than five years. Initially, an overboard bearing frame was installed on which the foundations of highways and railways were laid. Then, wooden structures were installed according to the layout, a metal mesh was stretched along their upper edge and a layer of gypsum was applied. By the way, this material required more than eleven tons. From it, the final outlines of the necessary landscape were created. Each square meter of the layout was produced for about a month by one specialist.


The first visitors were able to appreciate the work of St. Petersburg masters in the spring of 2011. During the first fourteen months, the museum worked in test mode, when guests could visit it only on weekends. On June 8, 2012, the Grand Model of Russia Museum in St. Petersburg officially opened its doors.


According to many guests, today in our country it is the most difficult, exciting game for adults and children. You see Russia, about which we all dream - funny, beautiful and, of course, happy. We are sure that, having been here, you will appreciate the author’s idea, which leaves all visitors a huge space for imagination.

The Grand Layout Museum (St. Petersburg) shows a model of Russian reality, which is implemented through numerous mini-plots. The presented everyday situations cover various types of human activities: work and leisure, study and sport, military service and country life, mass festivals and travels. Here you can even see an attempt to escape from prison.

Grand-Layout (St. Petersburg) introduces you to modern land transport. These are trucks and cars of different models, buses and trams, railway trains. It also presents samples of special equipment - construction, military, agricultural. Visitors are given the opportunity to start the movement on the layout themselves, using interactive buttons that are located around the entire perimeter of the structure.

Day-night system

Every fifteen minutes, the layout changes day and night. For the first time in the world, more than five hundred thousand very powerful LEDs of various colors and shades became light sources. They evenly illuminate the entire space of the layout, without creating shadows.

Motorways and cars

The traffic is as close to real as possible: buses and cars obediently stop at stops and traffic lights, give signs with lights, change speed, overtake each other. Electric energy is supplied to the cars remotely from the overhead space, and therefore they do not need a power source. This method of driving vehicles for the first time in the world has been developed and applied on this layout.

Railway transport

More than two and a half kilometers of rails were laid on the layout at several levels (to optimize movement), 452 switches were installed. Over 2700 units of rolling stock are represented here. Among them - 250 locomotives and 10 cleaning trains.

Two revolver exchangers, which serve to change and store sixty trains, significantly diversify the movement. In addition, there are two turntables that allow you to quickly deploy the composition to 180 degrees. Altitude difference (maximum) - 1 meter. In order to overcome it, the train must drive fifty meters along a spiral lift.

"Grand Layout" (Russia) in St. Petersburg: interesting facts

This layout represents the regions of our country from Kamchatka to Kaliningrad.

In addition to buses, trains and cars, he represents various types of aircraft and helicopters. Here you can watch the movement of balloons and even spaceships.

Experts attribute the layout of Russia to the most modern solutions in layout engineering. To create it, the latest technologies that have no analogues in the world were used.

The Grand Layout (St. Petersburg) has self-sufficient processes that take place independently of visitors. However, for the depth of immersion in the situation, the authors of the project left the opportunity for observers to manage some events.

How to get there

“Grand Layout” (St. Petersburg), whose address is 16 Floral Street, is located quite far from the center of the Northern capital. However, getting here is easy. You need to get to the metro station “Moscow Gate”. From here you can walk on foot to the street. Zastavskaya and walk along it to the street. Flower.

Cost of visiting

Every day you can visit the "Grand Layout" (Russia) in St. Petersburg. Ticket prices are quite affordable: for an adult guest - 400 rubles, for a child (under 14 years old) - 200 rubles. On holidays, the ticket price rises slightly.

Preferential categories of visitors (pensioners, students, schoolchildren, disabled people of I and II groups) on Mondays can view the exhibition at the price of a children's ticket. There are benefits for large families and children with disabilities. The discount on the ticket can take advantage of military conscripts and cadets of military schools.

Visitors reviews

According to everyone who has already seen the unique Grand Layout Russia Museum in St. Petersburg, this is a real work of modern art. Created using modern materials and technologies by a team of like-minded people, it has become an object of pride for the audience for the country. In addition, visitors often call this show museum the theater of one country.

Here everything is in its place, and it is impossible to remove something, since with the loss of some part the general beauty of the picture is disrupted. Visitors believe that the talented creators of the project managed to convey the multifaceted collective image of our country by artistic methods. And many recognize that this is done at the highest professional level.

Almost all visitors to the museum strongly recommend that residents of the city and its guests include a visit to this museum in their entertainment or sightseeing program in St. Petersburg. Come to the museum with children - for them this tour will be especially interesting and informative.


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