The most famous sights of Turkmenistan

The post-Soviet Islamic state in Central Asia, which has enormous reserves of natural gas. That, perhaps, is all that we know about a country called Turkmenistan. Sights, resorts, numerous historical and architectural monuments are also present here. It is about them that will be discussed in our article.

Turkmenistan: attractions, tourism and resort

Turkmenistan is one of the most underestimated countries of the world by tourists. European travelers do not know anything about it at all, and at the request to show on a map this Asian state shrugs their guilt. Turkmenistan, in turn, is a kind of passage into the mysterious world of the ancient East.

sights of Turkmenistan

It is here that the ruins of the very first state formations of Central Asia have been preserved. The historical sights of Turkmenistan are Nisa, Merv, Serakhs, Yekedeshik and other amazing places. Many monuments of this country are inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The nature of Turkmenistan is no less attractive. Here you can see the oldest pistachio groves, traces of real dinosaurs, huge gas craters and mud volcanoes. The local landscapes are especially beautiful in the spring.

The resort sphere of Turkmenistan is actively developing, in particular therapeutic and preventive recreation. A large resort area of ​​Avaza is being created on the Caspian coast with first-class sandy beaches, hotels and cottages.

What else is Turkmenistan interested in? The sights of this country are by no means limited to the natural beauties and historical monuments. The real pride of Turkmenistan is its carpets, the qualities of which are recognized throughout the world. In the capital Ashgabat there is a carpet museum - the only one on the planet.

The main attractions of Turkmenistan: Nisa

The capital of the state is the city of Ashgabat. Many sights of Turkmenistan are located here: the Independence Monument, the Saparmurat Turkmenbashi Theater, the Bagt Koshgi Palace, the Carpet Museum and others. Ashgabat itself is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the city with the largest number of marble structures on the planet.

Nevertheless, the main attraction of Turkmenistan is located outside Ashgabat, twenty kilometers from the capital. These are the remains of the ancient city of Nisa, founded in the third century BC. At one time, it was the capital of Parthia, and in the Middle Ages, Nisa became an important center of the Silk Road.

Turkmenistan attractions

The Mongol invasion in 1220, as well as a number of other factors led to the fact that the city began to lose its former position. By the beginning of the XVIII century, it was almost completely empty. Today from Nisa there are only picturesque ruins in the middle of the desert. All the remains of the oldest Asian city are protected by UNESCO.

Ashgabat Independence Monument

Impressive, majestic, shocking ... This is how this unique structure can be described in words. Independence Monument is located in the eponymous park of Ashgabat, on the Archabil highway. This is the highest building in Turkmenistan, the height of the monument reaches 118 meters.

Turkmenistan attractions resorts

The main object of the complex is a grandiose column crowned with a gilded crescent. Five stars can be seen on it, each of which symbolizes one of the largest Turkmen tribes. At the bottom of the monument is a stylized yurt, from the dome of which water flows. Huge statues of guards guard the approaches to the monument. In their hands you can see the classic military attributes - a saber and a spear. A wide front alley leads directly to the monument.

Inside the Independence Monument today are the expositions of the Museum of National Treasures. Its halls and exhibits will amaze any guest with its luxury and wealth.

Darvaza Crater

A unique natural site is located 90 kilometers north of Erbent. “Gates to the Underworld” - this is how the word “Darvaza” can be translated from the Turkmen language.

The gas crater of Darvaz was discovered by geologists in 1971 during excavations. Before scientists, a hole of enormous size, exuding significant volumes of gas, opened in an instant. Geologists set fire to this gas so that it would not cause harm to local residents from a neighboring village. From that moment it burns to this day.

the main attraction of Turkmenistan

Approaching the edge of a gas crater is scary and extremely dangerous. Pillars of fire that erupt in a huge pit sometimes reach fifteen meters in height.

These and many other attractions of Turkmenistan are worthy of the attention of tourists and careful study. Visit this unusual country and you will discover new pages in the history and culture of the East.


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