Home remodeling of men's shirts. How to sew a blouse and dress from a men's shirt

Very often, wives find mountains of shirts in their husbands' wardrobe that they most likely will never wear. Some of them became small, some simply did not like. Alteration of men's shirts will help bring things back to life in these cases. And you can make feminine and very cute things out of them. Uninformed people will ask: "What to sew from a men's shirt?" The answer is simple: you can make a skirt, a blouse from it, but it is best to make a dress out of a men's shirt.

remake of men's shirts

Dress. Option number 1

In order to sew a dress from a men's shirt, you will need: the shirt itself; crayon or soap; iron; threads scissors; pins elastic; sewing machine. First of all, you need to find an unnecessary men's shirt in the wardrobe, iron it thoroughly and lay it out on a flat surface. With the help of a crayon or a piece of soap, it is necessary to note the contours of the future dress. First you need to note the width of the shoulder, then, going down, to form a slot for the sleeves. After that, you need to mark the outline on the side, expanding the volume to the bottom of the shirt. Mark lines should be given allowance for seams. Next, you need to take the scissors and cut off the unnecessary parts, getting rid of the sleeves and excess fabric at the bottom on the sides. The resulting part must be applied to the opposite side of the shirt and mark the cut line along its contours. Both sides must be symmetrical with respect to each other, otherwise the dress will be ruined. After the cut lines are drawn on the other side, you can take the scissors and trim the excess fabric. So it turned out a pattern of the future dress. Next, you need to sew two parts together. This can be done using a machine or a neat seam manually. From the inside, it is necessary to bend the slots where the sleeves will be, and stitch them on a typewriter. The sleeve must be folded in the middle and applied to the slot, while its middle should be on the front side. Thus, the dress has a short sleeve. It remains only to cut off the excess tissue and flash it on a typewriter. The same should be done with the other sleeve. It is very important that they come out the same length. After that, at the level of the belt, you need to sew an elastic band on the wrong side of the dress. This will help to emphasize the waist and beautifully drape the fabric. That's all, the dress is ready!

dress from a man’s shirt

Dress from a man’s shirt. Second way

First you need to iron the shirt and lay it on a flat surface. Then it is necessary to cut off the collar and sleeves of the dress under the armpits on both sides. Then you can reduce the volume of the future dress by cutting off the excess fabric on the sides. This can be done both in a straight line and expanding the bottom. After that, the dress is sewn on the sides. From the sleeves you need to make straps of the required length and width, which are subsequently sewn to the dress. The belt can be sewn from the remaining fabric.

The third version of the dress

To sew a strict dress from men's shirts with your own hands, the first thing to do is to cut off the sleeves and excess fabric from the shirt on the sides in a straight line, while the future dress should not be tight. After this, you need to hem the slots for the hands and sew the side seams. The remaining fabric is suitable for making a belt.

what to sew from a men's shirt

How to make a man's shirt feminine

Another alteration from men's shirts is a blouse, but before you make it a pattern, you need to give the shirt the feminine features. In order to give the shirt femininity, you can replace the usual buttons with interesting beads in form or buttons with a bright, saturated color. Also, to remove courageous notes from the shirt, the rounding of the corners of the cuffs and collar will help. Planks on the shelves and the back will help reduce the width of the future blouse.

Women's blouse pattern

Before remaking from men's shirts, the shirt needs to be ironed carefully. Next, you need to cut off the extra length of the shirt. After that, you can begin to manufacture the slats. Their best width is 4 centimeters. Ideal for them is gabardine, which can be cut in both directions, saving material. To find out how much it will be necessary to narrow the shirt, you need to measure the length of the shoulder seam on it and on your own blouse, you need to add 4 centimeters to the difference between them, this will turn out the width of the excess part that needs to be removed. For example, the difference was 6 cm, add 4 cm (this is the width of the bar), it turns out 10 cm needs to be removed. To do this, on the front part, you need to lay off a strip whose width is 10 cm, you must retreat one and a half cm from the deep point of the armhole. In this case, on the back, we must continue to draw strips of dots on the shoulder seams. It is best to first pin everything with a pin and try on. After trying on, you can cut off the strips, leaving 1 cm for an allowance, sweep with strips, laying lines. Seam allowances need to be ironed inside. After this, it is necessary to gently open the seams on the sides by 5 cm and bend the side sections. Next, you need to fold the shirt from the bottom and sew.

men's shirt blouse

New collar and blouse cuffs

Of course, you can flog the old collar and replace it, but you can do it differently and save time by cutting a double from gabardine and stitching it on top. The first step is to round the corners of the old shirt collar. After that, the collar unfolds, and gabardine pins on top of it. The outline is drawn with chalk. For reliability, you can feel it with your finger. After that, you can remove the pins, cut out a new collar, leaving an allowance of 0.5 cm. Next, you need to twist the allowance and make a basting seam. After that, you need to pin the new collar back to the shirt, stitch it and steam it off. To pattern the cuff, you need to measure your wrist and add 3 cm (cuff length). You can select any width. Now you need to draw 4 rectangles on the gabardine and round their lower corners. After that, they need to be cut with an allowance of 0.5 cm, folded inward with the front side in pairs and swept, leaving the upper edge open. Stitch, steam. The long sleeve of the shirt needs to be cut off just above the wrist. Its width is much larger than the cuff, therefore, before sewing, you need to lay small folds on the sleeve and outline them. After that, you can sew cuffs and sleeves together. To make buttonholes, it is necessary to mark with chalk the place where they will be located. Then you need to install the smallest size zigzag stitch on the machine and lay a line around the mark. After that, the loop can be cut. You can also process them manually. The blouse from the men's shirt is ready, it remains only to replace the buttons and steam it.

from men's shirts with their own hands

Here's an interesting alteration from men's shirts turned out. It’s very simple to do a beautiful thing with your own hands, it’s not necessary to be a super professional seamstress, just a little patience, imagination and a minimum of skills are enough.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4992/

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