Learn how to plant a braid correctly

A few years ago, the main tool that was used when necessary to harvest hay or mowing weeds on the site was an ordinary scythe. Today, her place was taken by trimmers and lawn mowers, so there were practically no specialists from the "old school".

how to plant a braid
But sometimes it becomes necessary to use this device, which helped our distant ancestors! So how to plant a braid correctly? After all, not only convenience depends on this, but also the safety of work.

What do we need

It is necessary to pre-prepare a dry spruce pole, the length of which should be not less than one and a half to two meters, two rings of metal (inner diameter and width - 4 cm), a wedge of dry birch timber, a piece of bird cherry rod and a piece of durable becheva.

Do not be amazed at such a β€œbotanical” variety of wood species: each of them has its own unique qualities that are indispensable in a particular situation. By the way, aspen is not ideal for the pole, but aspen. Just a fairly straight aspen pole is quite difficult to find, while there is a tree in every forest.

How to cook wood?

This issue should be given special attention. After studying the instructions on how to plant a scythe, you need to cut down a suitable tree, slightly peel it from the bark (the simplest rough processing is enough), and then hang it, fixing a decent weight on the end.

The latter is done so that the shaft does not bend during the drying process. And this is very important, since it is possible to plant a braid correctly only on a direct Kosovosh.

Beat off

how to plant a braid
This stage is one of the most important. Beating is done so that a metal packing appears on the braid sheet, which will give the tool additional rigidity and strength. They beat the canvas towards you, as otherwise you can completely ruin the geometry of the tool. Accordingly, having learned what and how to plant a scythe, you need to get a good hammer and a normal anvil.


how to plant a scythe on a scythe

Thoroughly clean the end of the pole, align and narrow it. Remember the two metal rings we spoke about at the very beginning? They equate the koshev just to the moment when they begin to put on them with some effort. Its end is ground at an angle of about 30 degrees, so that this surface ideally coincides with that for a birch wedge.

Remembering how to fit the braid correctly, we drill one hole in the rings: they will need to be screwed in, which will play the role of a stopper. Pressing the shank of the panel using the aforementioned birch wedge, fasten it with two rings. They are screwed with small screws. In this case, you must ensure that the wood does not crack.

A pen

After that, mark the place under the handle. She is fastened, guided by her own growth. You can read more about this in the instructions that come with the purchased braid.

The pen itself is made from the bird cherry rod we mentioned. It is quite flexible, and therefore it can easily be given the appropriate shape. The ends of the handle for securing are pulled by twine.

We hope that now you clearly imagine how to plant a scythe on a scythe!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5000/

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