Swing gates: varieties, photo, installation

History has long lost track of the time when an ancient man had the idea to pile a stone at the entrance to the cave. This invention in its significance can only be compared with a wheel. Housing has become safer for the inhabitants. One could not be afraid of the unexpected attack of wild animals. The tribes fighting over the territory first had to overcome the fence. Craftsmen were given the opportunity to work calmly, women to raise children, warriors to train and relax. Swing gates changed the world. It has become safer.

Gate History

Centuries went unhurried. Man expanded his home. Instead of caves, field camps began to appear, fenced by a high fence. The problem of guarding the entrance to the security zone has always remained in the first place. The stone turned into a real gate. Only its design has changed:

  • In conditions of limited space, mountainous terrain, it is more convenient to build lifting gates. At the opening they take up little space, while reliably locking the entrance. However, before industrial times, the production of the opening mechanism was very difficult to do. The undoubted advantage - they quickly closed.
  • A simpler way of opening is sliding sashes. A small space along the wall is required. For safety, this option was clearly inferior to others. But the time of this design came much later.
  • Someone guessed to surround the walls with a moat. The main gate often began to play the role of a hinged bridge. Once they were raised, the castle became almost impregnable. Over time, the need for such structures disappeared. An echo of antiquity can be considered modern drawbridges.
  • In a different way, history developed in the steppe and forest-steppe open spaces. There was no need to save space. Masters of antiquity used the most empty version - swing gates.

Famous gate

Over time, oar began to play the role of not just a means of security, but also serve as a measure of the power of the rulers of the earth. They began to decorate.

East Bazaar at the gates
  1. The ramparts of ancient Babylon had 100 huge gates decorated with copper. It is hard to imagine an army that would dare to storm them.
  2. If you look at the photo of the swing gates of Constantinople - itโ€™s breathtaking. The Golden Gate surviving from the 5th century amazes with its grandeur. A magnificent picture is presented of how the passions of ancient trading rows raged near them.
  3. In the XI century, Yaroslav the Wise ordered to erect the famous Golden Gate of Kiev. Giants of 14 meters high personified the power of Kievan Rus. The invincible hordes of Batu did not dare to storm them. It turned out to be easier to destroy the wall than the installed gate.
  4. In Russia, there are many examples of the architecture of ancient masters. It is clearly seen that any Kremlin has a main tower with swinging gates to the outside.

Design Features

Over many centuries, the design of swing gates has not changed at all. All genius lies in the simplicity of their device. Two, sometimes one canvas hinges are attached to poles.

single wing gates

At the request of the owner, they can be opened both inward and outward. The main thing is to have enough free space. The rest is a matter of taste.

Various constipations are put, the gate is made at the gate or nearby. The opening can be arched or simply open.

Any manufacturing material. The most popular are wood or metal. Forged cast iron sashes are often used. Modern technologies have added new types - swing gates from corrugated board, composite materials, polycarbonate, sandwich panels and several others. What the Industrial Age has undoubtedly contributed to are the mechanisms for automatically opening the wings. There were swing gates with an electric drive.

The advantage of swing

Simplicity of design determines the main advantages of such structures:

farm gate
  • Even for a summer residence swing gates can be installed without much difficulty.
  • Low price and the ability to make from improvised material.
  • The possibility of unlimited design solutions.
  • There are no problems with height restrictions.
  • Installation of swing gates is easily carried out independently.

Consider the disadvantages

Any technical product has both its pros and cons. The simplicity of the swing gates does not deprive them of some drawbacks.

  • Large ones require well-reinforced support pillars. On various soils, it is necessary to install them deeply and almost always make bored piles.
  • It is worth making a mistake in the strength of the pillars - and it is guaranteed that they will warp over time.
  • To be comfortable to use, it requires a lot of free space. In the conditions of close suburban buildings, this is very difficult to achieve. This becomes especially obvious if swing gates for the garage are made.
  • Even lattice designs of cloths are exposed to high wind loads. This is even more obvious for continuous flaps. In strong winds, swinging is dangerous.
  • Electric opening devices greatly increase the cost of construction.

Automatic drive

If everything is clear with the installation of the swing gates, special attention must be paid to the electric drive for opening. The calculation should be error free. As already noted, with gusts of wind, the canvas experiences a large wind load. If the drive is incorrectly selected, an emergency situation can be created. If you are not completely sure of your own experience, it is better to contact specialists.

All is taken into account:

  • The weight of the structure.
  • The distance from the loop to the support.
  • Sash linear dimensions.

In total, there are two types of electric drive - linear and lever design. There is not much difference between them, and itโ€™s a matter of taste, which one to choose. The main thing is that the manufacturer is reliable.

gate drive

Important. Particular attention must be paid to the safe routing of the conductive cable. Do not forget that it will take place in the zone of increased loads and must comply with all safety requirements.

Extra security

Automatically opening swing gates are a mechanism of increased danger. It is worth worrying about additional measures to avoid unpleasant situations.

  • In the zone of radius of movement of the wings, set warning signs.
  • Use sound and light signals while driving.
  • Photocells are installed to detect foreign objects in the movement zone. If this occurs, the process should be stopped immediately and resumed only after the interference has been removed.

Manufacturing example

As already noted, there can be many options for manufacturing swing gates. Consider one of the most popular:

  • First of all, we will worry about the racks. Even for small flaps, it is better to take a metal pipe with a diameter of at least 100 mm.
  • Two holes are made under the foundation. For small country gates and with dry dense soil, you can do with lining with broken bricks and other construction waste. More serious structures should be poured with concrete.
  • Before installation, the pipes are primed with an anti-corrosion compound. The part located below ground level is additionally processed by the composition from exposure to moisture.
  • Strips for attaching loops are welded to the fixed pipe. The length of the strip depends on the design solution for arranging the pillars.
  • Loops are attached to the embedded parts.
  • After priming, the poles are ready for hanging the sashes.

Gate types

According to the design of manufacture, all oar can be divided into several groups:

construction installation
  1. By type of opening - manual or automatic options.
  2. For safety and design - enclosing structure, decorative element.
  3. Open or closed.
  4. According to the material of manufacture. As already noted, the most popular have always been wooden and metal products.

Wooden structures

Without a doubt, wood has always been the most interesting material for the manufacture of any structures. Larch is particularly suitable. Under the influence of precipitation, undergoing a cold and heat, it is only gaining strength. Almost no decay and not afraid of moisture. Such designs have a high aesthetic value. Especially if they are decorated with softer wood, forged and metal plates.

For not the most critical structures, you can use almost any wood, the main thing is that it be well dried. When installing it should be impregnated with an antiseptic and fire fighting agents. Thus, we will significantly reduce such wood deficiencies as:

  • low strength;
  • short service life;
  • low ignition temperature.

Metal use

Metal successfully competes with its eternal fellow traveler - a tree. Of course, metal is much more expensive and, most importantly, heavier. Accordingly, additional requirements arise for pillars and hinges. But, for specially protected objects it is difficult to imagine another option. Few people want to save on a garage door.

To reduce costs, they often resort to various options:

trellised gate
  • Do trellised. Much less metal is spent on their manufacture, and in terms of strength such gates are not inferior to solid structures. In addition, trellised sashes lose much weight.
  • Recently, if you want to hide the inside of the courtyard from prying eyes, the sashes are sheathed with polycarbonate. It looks great with metal and practically does not increase weight.
  • The combination of a metal frame is possible with a professional sheet, wood and many other materials.

The variety of options does not limit the designerโ€™s imagination - how to make the design a beautiful and individual product.

Site design

Gates play an important role in landscape design. They create a first impression when approaching the object and close the design of the interior of the territory. When choosing a project, you should pay attention to three significant factors:

  1. The cost of implementing the plan. Material can be very expensive. Quality work is no less appreciated. It is worth paying special attention to the lock system and video surveillance equipment.
  2. The level of security of the territory. Still, the main purpose of the gate is to prevent outsiders from entering your site.
  3. General landscape plan. The gates should fit seamlessly into the architecture of the site.

It is advisable immediately outside the gate to make a covered area of โ€‹โ€‹the courtyard. This will help to avoid getting into the rain when leaving the car. And in winter the site will be easier to clean.

gate design

The format of the article allows only a brief description of the diversity of such a small architectural form as a gate. Regular photography says much more than multi-page text.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5004/

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