Metal tile "Cascade" - strength and originality of construction for many years

There are no trifles in the construction of the house, at each stage it is important to follow the technology. As construction progresses, the question arises of choosing a decent roofing material that will embody all the wishes of the customer. Roofing requires special attention. The aesthetic appearance and durability of the entire building, as well as the safety and tranquility of all those living in the house, depend on the appearance and strength of the selected material. Increasingly, among the variety of building materials for roofing, a metal tile is chosen.

What to prefer?

The market of roofing materials allows you to choose the most suitable material for the roof. If before you used what you managed to get: slate, tin or ruberoid, today new materials have been added to them, and now there are plenty to choose from:

β€’ ceramic tiles,
β€’ roll roofing,
β€’ metal tile.

Metal Cascade
Preferring a strong roofing sheet, choose the latter from the list. And the Cascade metal tile is especially popular. Giving preference to this material, they are often guided by its affordable cost and excellent quality, versatility and original appearance. Active use of this roofing sheet found in low-rise construction of private houses.

Metal "Cascade": material features

Choosing a material, any customer is interested in its characteristics, composition and production features. For the production of this roofing sheet, thin sheets of galvanized steel, which is coated with several polymer layers, are used. The rolling machines used for the production provide an original form, due to which the metal cascade resembles a classic chocolate bar. Profile galvanized sheets are coated with a primer and phosphate. Materials such as phosphorus and zinc perform a protective function, protecting the canvas from corrosion.

Varnish is applied to the inside, and the polymer coating of pural and plastisol, matte polyester and PVDF provides visual appeal. These materials protect the canvas from aggressive environmental influences and various damages, increasing the strength of the roof structure. The optimum sheet thickness is 0.5 mm. There are thinner and thicker options on sale, but their use is undesirable. Thin sheets are worse in terms of quality and durability, while thick products carry a serious load on the roof structure.

In texture, the metal cascade "Cascade" is glossy and matte, metallic and embossed, which allows the architect to embody any design idea.

Used tools for installation work

Installation of metal "Cascade" is strictly forbidden to carry out using a grinder. Destroying the polymer coating, abrasive wheels can reduce the service life of the roofing sheet due to the creation of favorable conditions for corrosion.

Installation of a metal tile Cascade
It is recommended to prepare the following tools for styling:

β€’ electric or manual scissors for metal,
β€’ electric jigsaw,
β€’ perforated scissors,
β€’ a hacksaw,
β€’ circular saw equipped with victorious soldering,
β€’ cordless screwdriver,
β€’ hammer,
β€’ rule
β€’ marker for marking.

Mounted metal tile "Cascade" (photo presented in the article) easily and quickly.

Mounting Features

The main condition for the tightness and durability of the roof is the correct installation of the roofing sheet. Profitability is considered one of the main advantages of the material, therefore the metal tile "Cascade" reviews has only positive. Due to the low lap coefficient and light weight, the material is laid very easily.

Dimensions of metal cascade
At the design stage of the building, it is advisable to consider the step of the crate, which is provided for this roofing: it should not exceed 900 mm, and it is also worth considering the width of the heat-insulating mats.

The metal tile is used for roofs, the slope of which exceeds 14 degrees. The length of the sheet is selected taking into account the length of the slope of the roof. And measuring the length from the eaves to the ridge of the structure, it is necessary to allow 40-50 mm to have an eaves overhang, then the length of the slope should be compared with the length of the selected roofing sheet.

Sheets of metal are laid on the waterproofing layer, which is laid on the insulation, and from the attic side, the installation of a vapor barrier layer is recommended. Between the waterproofing film and the roofing sheets there should be a space for ventilation.

Internal aprons are mounted at the junction of the sheets of metal to the walls. For fastening roofing sheets, special self-tapping screws with a tight gasket are used. The ridge elements are mounted after laying the material on all slopes of the roof.

Roof benefits

The metal tile "Cascade" has positive reviews from developers because of the possibility of economical consumption of material, which is possible due to minimal overlap at the joints.

Metal Cascade: reviews
The following subspecies of this roofing sheet are distinguished: "Cascade of Elites", "Super Cascade" and simply "Cascade". They have high quality advantages:

β€’ environmental safety of the material,
β€’ fire resistance
β€’ increased resistance to environmental influences,
β€’ rigid longitudinal and transverse profile,
β€’ good adherence of related elements,
β€’ the dimensions of the β€œCascade” metal tile allow avoiding a large number of seams, and the capillary groove at the joints provides high tightness,
β€’ anticorrosive polymer coating,
β€’ simplicity and profitability of installation.
β€’ high installation and technical capabilities, perfectly implemented on the roofs of the most complex architectural forms,
β€’ durability and strength,
β€’ original elegant look,
β€’ wide color palette.

Installation tips and tricks

1. The consumption of screws per square meter is provided in 6-8 pieces per sheet.
2. Installation work must be carried out in comfortable shoes with soft soles, step should be in the deflections and gutters of the roofing sheet.
3. Sloping roofs require plugs on skates, the shape of which is chosen at the request of the customer.
4. It is necessary to strictly observe the tile pattern and not mix up the top and bottom of the sheet during installation. Optimum styling - from left to right.
5. End blocks are mounted on the end of the roof with an overlap of 10-15 cm.

Metal Cascade, photo
When choosing this high-tech roofing material, the building acquires a unique individual image. The strength of the roof will be appreciated by the descendants of the customer.


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