A beautiful plant native to South Africa is clivia. Home Care

Clivia is a perennial evergreen herb, so beloved by many growers for its attractive appearance. Its bright yellow, orange, red or ocher bell-shaped flowers are collected in an "umbrella", and the xiphoid leaves of a deep dark green color form a false stem.

clivia home care
Only three types of plants are included in the genus Clivia: Clivia Gardena, Vinota cinnabar and Clivia the beautiful. In the natural environment they grow in a hot tropical climate - in South Africa (South Africa). In the middle zone of Russia, Clivia feels great in an ordinary city apartment. It is quite unpretentious and is able to originally decorate and diversify the interior of any home with its cheerful flowering. In this article, we will look at how clivia is grown.
flowers clivia care
Home care for her is not burdensome and is affordable for anyone, even a beginner grower. This herbaceous plant will bloom magnificently every year if favorable conditions are created for it.

clivia photo care

Ornamental plant of the Amaryllis family - Clivia. Home care : temperature

If a clivia beauty has appeared in your home, try to place it at the east or west window. If this is not possible, the south window is also suitable, but here it should be protected from sunlight. It is not advisable to place the pot on the north window, the growth and development of clivia may slow down. In the summer, you can take the plant to fresh air, at partial shade. Clivia does not tolerate permutations, do not bother the beauty once again, especially during the setting of buds. For normal life in the warm season, a flower needs a temperature in the range of 20-25 Β° C. Since October, it requires coolness (12 Β° C). Of course, the plant can tolerate a warmer temperature regime during dormancy, but this will adversely affect its flowering. When clivia releases a flower stalk, create a comfortable environment, maintaining 20 Β° C.

clivia care

Clivia Home Care: Watering and Fertilizing

In order for this herbaceous plant to be healthy and strong, it should be moderately and regularly moistened with settled soft water. Before the next watering, the substrate in the pot must be slightly dry. An important point: they do not water clivia during the dormant period, they only moisten the soil a little if the plant feels bad and discards the leaves. An essential role for this plant does not play air humidity. In the hot season, clivia flowers will not be against spraying . Care will be incomplete without proper nutrition. In general, this plant responds well to fertilizer application. As a rule, they are introduced annually from spring to late summer. At the same time, complex mineral and liquid organic fertilizers alternate every 14 days.

clivia home care

Clivia Home care: transplanting and flowering

In general, clivia is an ornamental plant that is quite easy to care for. It is rarely transplanted when the roots begin to crawl out of the pot. Usually transplanted adult clivia once every 2 or 3 years, young - annually. When choosing soil for a flower, one should remember his preferences. It grows well in loose, slightly acidic soil, consisting of turf land, peat and humus (2: 1: 1). It is a good idea to add slowly acting phosphate fertilizers to the soil . In those years when the plant is not replanted, a layer of old soil (about 5 cm thick) should be removed and replaced with a new earthen mixture. Clivia blooms in winter, usually in February. If the plant feels good, it will bloom long enough, up to 3-4 weeks. This is how clivia blooms beautifully and cheerfully (photo). Plant care, namely artificial pollination, allows you to get interesting large-sized fruits with seeds. At first they have a green color, and after a year they acquire an orange-red color. It is worth remembering that fruiting can seriously deplete clivia, so it is better to cut the ovaries.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F501/

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