The use of liquid glass for waterproofing in construction

The foundation is the foundation of the house, the guarantee of its long-term service to humans. Unfortunately, he faces many dangers, the main of which is moisture. However, there are many ways that protect the foundation from destructive erosion.

liquid glass for waterproofing
One of the most effective is the use of water glass for waterproofing. You probably know its composition, since almost every schoolchild dealt with clerical glue (silicate) .

First of all, make sure that you use the solution of silicates (glass) you are using. It is very important to check it for the amount of impurities. High-quality liquid glass (the use for waterproofing of which is more than justified) should have a thick and uniform consistency. If the packaging was airtight, then even repeated thawing and freezing will not have any effect on its properties.

Glass can be used in three different ways:

  • Coating. As the name suggests, the use of water glass for waterproofing in this case, it is limited to its simple application on protected surfaces. It should be noted that it is necessary to lubricate concrete in two steps, since the first layer is almost completely absorbed, filling the outer pores of the material.
    water glass waterproofing application
  • The use of cement mixed with liquid glass. Keep in mind that such a composition freezes at an astonishing speed, so most often it is made for the rapid elimination of large cracks and leaks. In addition, it is ideal for filling gaps in a prefabricated structure.
  • The most reliable waterproofing of the foundation with liquid glass, when it is used only as an additive to mortar. In this case, the cement hardens at a moderate speed, and the technical characteristics of the finished structure increase several times. There is just one caveat: you have to calculate the exact amount of additive yourself, since there are no universal schemes.

Having dealt with the basic concepts, we will talk about how the use of liquid glass for waterproofing in the form of a coating takes place in construction.

First of all, you need to properly prepare the surface of concrete for applying a solution of silicates on it. Work should be carried out as thoroughly as possible, since the quality of adhesion of liquid glass to concrete depends on this. It is necessary to clean the surface of the foundation from dust and contaminants, after which, using a brush or roller, apply the first layer of the composition.

waterproofing the foundation with liquid glass

After half an hour, a second coat is applied. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that there are no poorly processed areas on concrete that have been walked only once. After that, we prepare the main waterproofing layer: knead the cement on a solution of silicates, applying it to the foundation as soon as possible. Note that at one time you need to prepare the amount of solution that you will have time to apply during its hardening. After performing the coating, you can immediately proceed to the insulation of the basement . It is not worth waiting for further hardening.

As you can see, the use of water glass for waterproofing is not some particularly complicated technique.


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