The motto for the World of Tanks clan: why is it needed?

Online games are now particularly popular. There is nothing better than playing your favorite toys with a team of like-minded people. Not surprisingly, the MMO genre has become so successful. However, the phenomenon of the success of tank IMO from Belarusian developers called World of Tanks is much more interesting. This game has become popular in no time. "Belarusian game miracle" and now remains a popular online toy. The game has everything that distinguishes high-quality MMOs: interesting tasks, an advanced pumping system and clans. Let us dwell on the latter in more detail, and also try to choose an adequate motto for the clan.

clan motto

What is a clan?

A clan is a community of players who conduct joint maneuvers, help each other in every way and take advantage of the bonuses that the clan provides. This is an integral part of the gameplay. Many players strive to create their own clans. It is very easy to do. It is enough to pay a certain amount of gold, choose a good name and motto for the World of Tanks clan. But it’s much easier to join a ready-made clan.

Clans in World of Tanks are an alternative to guilds in World of Warcraft. The control system and mechanics are very similar. However, in the "tanks" there is one significant difference - the motto for the tank clan. Moreover, this "trick" is required. Without it, creating a clan is impossible. But the guild in "VoB" may well do without it. Over time, clans in “tanks” can grow into entire game communities, but this does not happen with guilds in “VoB”.

cool clan names

What will the entry into the clan give?

Joining a clan promises numerous pleasant bonuses to the player. There is nothing to say about the fact that consumables are supplied at a discount. But the clan can financially support the player at the expense of the treasury, can increase the amount of experience gained during the battle, and can help in pumping. In general, a lot of things can. But the main thing is pleasant communication with like-minded people and joint “pokatushki” in battles. That is why the motto for the clan is necessary. It unites the participants and makes them achieve their goals.

But the main thing is respect. The cool names of the clans inflict holy horror on ordinary players when such a "monster" comes in a random battle. Many opponents simply "merge" the battle from fear of a cool fighter. But for this, the clan must be quite famous and have impressive statistics. However, these clans will not take anyone anyhow. It is necessary to satisfy certain requirements: to have equipment of a certain level, good statistics and a good reputation.

motto for the clan of world of tanks

Choice of name and motto

So, you decided to create your clan. Where to begin? Cool clan names are the foundation of the basics. However, it is not so simple. It’s very difficult to choose an interesting name, since the game already has a huge number of clans, and almost all adequate names have already been sorted. But there is a solution: you can use both the Cyrillic alphabet and the letters of the Latin alphabet. The main thing is to come up with something really unique (Slaughtered Dandelion, Rusty Wires). One has only to determine the name - it will go easier later.

The second snag is the clan’s motto. You can search the Internet and choose a military slogan as a motto, but that will be unoriginal. There are enough such clever people in the game. Most clans flaunt hackneyed phrases in the style of "bullet - a fool, a bayonet - well done." A quality motto is the basis for attracting players to the clan. Therefore, it is better to come up with something original. You can use Latin winged expressions. It is both beautiful and incomprehensible.

motto for the tank clan

Some features of clans in WoT

Features consist in the fact that their structure is somewhat unusual. Those accustomed to guilds will find it a little difficult to adapt. There is almost no game communication. You can communicate normally from the hangar. During a tense battle this is almost impossible. But many advanced clans communicate through programs such as RaidCall and TeamSpeak. This is much more convenient, but you need to have a microphone. Do not forget that the extremely successful clan can "steal". And then all the energy and money spent will go to dust. But this is a rarity. Most clans flourish if they are led by adequate people who know what they are doing (this applies to the commander and castles). It needs tactics and strategy.


Clans in World of Tanks are a very interesting and useful thing. You can join a ready-made clan with a big name, or you can "start from scratch" and create your own. Come up with a name and a cool motto for the clan - and go. Your clan may become the coolest in the game, but you need to make a huge amount of effort in order to stand out from thousands of other clans.


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