Proverbs and sayings about the Tatars

Tatars are the nation, the second most populous in Russia after the Russians. This people has its own history, culture. Like every nationality, and this one has its own characteristics, which are expressed in the customs, behavior, and character of its representatives. Naturally, the people did not leave this fact unattended and composed jokes, proverbs and sayings about the Tatars.

An uninvited guest in a house is worse than a Tatar in Yar!

The history of the emergence of modern Tatars is often associated with the nomadic Mongol tribes that conquered Russia in 1243. For 237 years, the Russian people were under the Horde yoke. Therefore, many sayings about the Tatars indicate precisely this historical fact, expressing a negative attitude towards the invaders.

The Horde did not particularly stand on ceremony with the locals. They went into any house, took everything that they liked. The Mongol-Tatars could even take his wife, sister or daughter of a Rusich to their full.

Modern reconstruction of the invasion

Comparing the shameless person whom no one invited, with the Tatar, the speaker has in mind the ancient invaders. Most people understand this and do not draw a parallel to modern life and the inhabitants of the country's indigenous nationalities.

"Worse than a Tatar is only a neighbor from the side and from the top!" - This is already a more modern aphorism, which wit-words came up with, to paraphrase the old adage about the Tatars. It arose when high-rise buildings appeared in which neighbors do not always get along.

Dig Russian - you see Tatar!

And here you can trace the history of Russia since the Horde conquest. Nomads not only took women and girls with them in full. Many invaders did not disdain violence. Because of this, after their campaigns in Russia, with the aim of collecting tribute, children were born to Russian women who were half Mongol-Tatars.

Ivanov. Basque

And today, mixed marriages are not so rare. Although at the beginning of the Soviet regime, despite the article in the Constitution, according to which supposedly all nationalities in the country should be equal, preference was given to those who were recorded as Russian by birth. National discrimination existed, regrettably. It is enough to recall the history of the resettlement of the Crimean Tatars to understand this.

The descendants of mixed marriages chose one of their nationalities: father or mother. It is clear that most of them preferred to record with Russians, renouncing their Tatar roots. They did this not at the call of the soul, but for the sake of the future of their descendants, fearing reprisals, persecution, and ethnic discrimination.

This saying about the Tatars just says that the Russians have long been mixed together. Today it is almost impossible to find a person who could boast of his purely Russian roots.

In the house, they collapse, as if Mamai himself fought there

Many proverbs and sayings about the Tatars do not directly but indirectly point to them. That is, nationality itself is not called, but implied. It is clear that here we are not talking about modern Russian inhabitants - Tatars, but about the historical time when the Horde invaders came to Russia.

Battle of Kalk

To conclude from this saying that representatives of this nationality have a negative attitude to cleanliness and order in their homes is a gross mistake. Most Tatars, on the contrary, like to surround themselves with everything beautiful, create coziness around them and keep the house in exemplary cleanliness. And sluts existed and exist at any time, regardless of their nationality.

There are all Tatars, except me!

The Russian people often make fun of those representatives of different nationalities living in Russia who speak the Russian language with gross errors. So ridiculous sayings about Tatars appear in oral folk art.

Cunning people often use a variety of methods to get rid of fulfilling requests that they dislike for some reason. One of the methods of refusal is to play on a misunderstanding of someone elseโ€™s speech. "I do not understand you!" - such a saying speaks of a person who is fluent in Russian, but pretending not to understand him. With such a phrase, a person does not directly refuse the requestor, but tries to turn the conversation into a joke so as not to offend him.

Tatar was born - a Jew cried!

People have long noticed the love of representatives of some nations for splendor, luxury, beauty, wealth. And Jews are economical people who will not spend money on all sorts of trinkets. Because the Jew is crying because he sees the appearance of another potential spender on earth, ready to acquire absolutely unnecessary luxuries for fabulous money.

Internet meme "Tricky Tatar"

And according to another version, the proverb about the Jew and the Tatar implies that the first sees his rival in cunning and resourcefulness, in the ability to save money and make good.

No one will be able to say with full certainty which variant of explanation is more acceptable at the present stage of life.

Where the Tatar managed to visit, the Jew only has time to lose!

This proverb echoes the previous meaning. Although initially it was dedicated to Ukrainians and Jews. But, nevertheless, today such an option is also widely used.

The same aphorism can be attributed to the same group: "Tatar is the same Jew, only with a sign of quality." There is a hint of circumcision, which is still cultivated among Muslims. But modern Jews are not all subjected to this procedure, only Jews who observe traditions.

We Tatars do not care!

The people, creating jokes, proverbs, fairy tales, did not shy from obscene language. In ancient times, it was believed: speaking roughly, using obscene words in speech, people thereby scare the evil spirits from their homes. Therefore, there were sayings about the Tatar with obscenities.

These include:

  • "To us, Tatars, one @@@: that the war, that Sabantuy is still a fight!";
  • "To us, Tatars, we are: at least to love (see e @@ to be), even to fight, just to lie on top!";
  • "We Tatars do not care: at least love (see e @@ t) pull, even love (see e @@ ny) pull!"

Such a fact is interesting: these winged phrases are used by people of various nationalities, emphasizing the love of a Russian citizen to participate in any collective actions: festivals, fights, competitions, crimes. And often, many simply do not think about the subsequent results. "Everyone has gone - and I have gone!" - here is the background of these sayings.

Sayings about Tatars and female character in general

"Want to get a shepherd - get a Tatar wife!" - This proverb is not at all offensive to a Muslim woman. After all, the character of the shepherd is faithful, which is a positive quality in human society.

The shepherd will never begin to bark without a good reason, this is not a pooch-hollow dog that casts a voice to all sorts of little things. But a wonderful guard will not allow an outsider to violate the boundaries of the courtyard, until the last breath will protect the owner and his territory.

Muslim women

There are many proverbs and sayings about the changeable female nature. For example, this: "Womenโ€™s minds, that Tatar sewing bag." Here, folk wisdom ridicules the inconsistency of opinions of the fair half: today they prove one point of view, and tomorrow - the exact opposite. So they compare women with handbags, in which riders carried water, money, food with them.

During the journey, the horseman more than once had to throw the bag over the horseโ€™s croup in one direction or the other. Comparison with this mandatory attribute of female nomads cannot be projected only onto Tatars - this saying has a more general meaning.


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