Types of fences for private homes. Fences made of fencing, stone, decking

Almost every owner of a private house understands that his territory needs to be protected. Let this fence be conditional, but it must be. There may be several reasons for this at once: if the house is in a crowded place, then prying eyes will always look at private territory, this building will save from curious personalities. Also, the fence protects from uninvited guests, and sometimes just serves as a decorative ornament.

Factors determining how the fence will be

types of fences for private houses
Before choosing the material of the future fence for a private house, several aspects should be considered:

  • The location. If the house is located in the city, while there is a noisy road nearby, then in this case the owner of a private household will have to get a deaf and high stone fence. It performs not only protective and aesthetic functions. it will also prevent large amounts of dust and noise that come from the road from getting inside the site.
  • Dimensions of the house. There is one unspoken rule that most owners of a private house adhere to - even the highest fence should not be higher than the first floor of the building.
  • The style of the building. One more important aspect should be taken into account, when choosing a material for the fence - the style of the house. All elements of a private territory should be combined with each other. The most modern three-story house and a fence made of mesh-netting will look very ridiculous.
  • The local landscape. It is necessary to take into account that factor, groundwater can flow in the territory, there is hillyness and there are other terrain features. Based on the specific conditions of the landscape, a specific type of fence for a private house is selected.
  • Budget. In modern realities, this factor is one of the most important. Not everyone can afford an expensive stone fence, so you have to replace it with cheaper materials that have the same useful properties.
  • Relations with neighbors. Do not forget about this aspect. The neighbors are completely different, so sometimes you have to put up enough strong fences so that unexpected guests could not get into your house.

What are the fences

Currently, there is a wide selection of different materials from which the fence is made. Their range is quite wide, but the main types of fences for private houses can be distinguished:

  • wooden;
  • stone;
  • metal;
  • from polymeric materials;
  • slate
  • from corrugated board.

Metal picket

picket fence
A fence made of metal picket fence is quite popular among owners of private houses who do not have a large amount of cash. Like any other material, it has its advantages and disadvantages. Fence made of picket fence is a very affordable and high-quality option. It is worth noting the duration of the service. Its service life is about 40 years, with the first 10 years being warranty.

The picket material itself is quite durable. Such positive indicators were achieved thanks to a special profile and modern technology. Separately, it is worth noting the perfect appearance of the metal.

The advantages of a picket fence include the fact that a consumer can choose a fence that he wants. That is, in this case, the developer has the opportunity to purchase a blank or open fence. It turns out that everyone chooses for himself the degree of security and privacy that suits him best.

You can make a fence that will allow enough light to pass through, and this will allow people to see a lot of what is happening behind him, but penetrating the territory will be quite problematic. In the case of staggered installation, the site will be completely inaccessible to prying eyes, but at the same time, fresh air will penetrate the interior.

Metal picket can be purchased in any color and in any size. If the landowner has always dreamed of a three-meter fence, then no problem, such barriers are installed quite quickly and simply. Moreover, from this material you can make a small front garden, inside which the mistress of the house can plant many beautiful flowers.

If necessary, you can combine a metal fence with other materials such as stone and concrete. If a person has a good imagination, then this material is combined even with a tree.

But, despite the large number of positive aspects, the metal picket has one very significant minus. Since the material of the fence is made of metal, it undergoes corrosion, because of which the owner of a private house will have to remove the rust and paint the fence every spring.

Despite the fact that this type of fences for private houses appeared relatively recently, but many landowners have already managed to fall in love with it, because the low price and fairly good aesthetic properties pleasantly please the average consumer.

Types of metal picket

This type of fence for a private house is made of rods or fittings. But there is little difficulty in installation: just sticking metal into the ground will not work. The rods must be welded to some base, and the joints are immediately treated with a special anti-corrosion compound. However, the technology of manufacturing metal picket fence allows the owner of such a fence to stop corrosion if he additionally galvanizes the fence.

Fences made of profile pipes are more popular, the cross section of which can be not only round, but also square. This type of fencing will be significantly stable and of high quality. Installation of the fence is as follows: welding of the frame and profile pipes.

Fence price

Most owners of a private site purchase a metal picket precisely because of the low price. It is worth noting that one meter of the profile can be purchased for $ 2, and this price is incredibly small. A full set can be purchased for $ 500-600. If we take into account the average market prices for forged or stone fences, then in this case a person can save a lot of money (the price of a stone fence is about 10 times higher).

Sectional fences from a grid

Fences for a private house from a grid are rarely used, they are mainly installed in fairly quiet areas, outside the city, where there are not a large number of vehicles and people who pass near the house every day. However, if this type of fence suits you, then it has a lot of its advantages.

fences for a private house from a grid

This option of a fence for a private house has a long service life, easy to install. A person who has acquired such a fence does not need to have welding skills for installation. Installation is quite simple, without welding.

As for the price, the cost of a sectional fence will be even lower than for a metal fence fence. However, in this case, the landowner is almost completely deprived of privacy, through the fence the plot and the house are completely visible. To a greater extent, it serves to prevent various animals from entering the territory or, conversely, not escaping from it.

Fences made of stone and concrete

Fences for a private house made of stone look simply excellent and impressive. A person who passes by such a fence understands that people with high status live inside. Stone fences have many advantages over other types of fences. But it is worth noting the main plus - reliability. Stone barriers do not require any maintenance, while their service life is 50 years. Stone is a strong material that is not afraid of various weather factors; it is not afraid of insects or pets.

varieties of fences for a private house

The difference between this type of fence and all the others - they can fit almost any design and landscape. Protective structures made of stone can be of any height and shape: high, low, deaf, with gaps, only made of stone, stone combined with other materials.

Installing these structures is quite difficult, for a start the owner of a private plot will need to acquire a solid foundation. Support posts must be thicker than a stone wall.

Stone fences are very high quality, beautiful and have many advantages over any other materials. However, for such excellent quality you will have to pay quite a lot of money. The main reason that many people don’t install stone fences is the price.

Also, the disadvantages of such a fence include the fact that it is impossible for an unprepared person to install a fence alone. Therefore, the installation must be entrusted to professionals, which further increases the price of the construction. In order to save money, you can buy artificial stone, which has a significantly lower cost with fairly similar characteristics. Moreover, installation of a fence made of such a stone is much simpler.

If financial opportunities are strictly limited, then in this case you should pay attention to the fences for a private house made of concrete. This is also a very reliable option. Such barrage structures have all the same positive qualities as stone fences (except for the high cost), only the price will be much lower. It is also worth noting that the installation of a concrete fence will be much faster and easier. If a person has basic construction skills, then he can install it on his own, without the help of special workers. Those who are not satisfied with the banal gray concrete slabs can purchase modern imitations of wood or brick.

Recently it has become a very fashionable and quite rational decision to install brick pillars and concrete walls. Thanks to the modern production of slabs, the appearance of the fence will be simply magnificent. A person receives a high-quality fence and is quite modern in appearance for a very small amount of money (relative to a stone structure).

Fences for the private house from a professional flooring

fences for a private house from corrugated board
This type of fence is quite popular and easy to install. The owner of the land should only determine the line along which the fence will pass, then install the posts and cross posts on which the profiled sheets are installed.

These cheap fences for a private house have been recognized by many land owners, since the fence made of this material is quite strong and reliable. The positive qualities of corrugated board include the fact that such a fence muffles the sounds coming from the street. After all, this material has sound-reflecting properties.

To install a fence from a profiled sheet is a completely feasible task without involving additional specialists and equipment. However, it is still necessary to have a certain set of tools and at least initial skills in working with this material.

The sheet is also good because it can be purchased in almost any color, so this type of fence is perfect for almost any house and the surrounding area. Separately, it is worth noting the service life, which under certain conditions can reach more than 25 years.

Wooden fences

fences for a private house made of wood
In most cases, fences for a private house made of wood are used only if the dwelling is located outside the city. The main advantage of such a barrier is low cost, as well as environmental friendliness. It is difficult to imagine a house in the city, around which there is a wooden fence. It does not have that margin of safety and reliability, like structures made of metal and stone.

However, thanks to the tree, you can create a rather unusual composition that will harmoniously fit into the landscape design. Each landowner determines for himself that he wants more - to paint the tree or leave it its original appearance.

The disadvantages of this construction include the fact that wood is a very short-lived material, therefore, even with proper care, the fence will last a maximum of 20 years, and this is ideal. In practice, a wooden fence serves much less.

Brick fences

fences for a private house made of brick
Another expensive option for a fence for a private house. This material is popular, modern, but at the same time quite expensive. With the help of a brick, the landowner will be able to make a unique design of the fence, while it can be of any height and shape, which, of course, is a big plus for the consumer.

A fence for a private house of brick is the best option for the middle class. The price of a brick is lower than a stone, but more expensive than metal. Separately, it is worth noting and durability. With proper maintenance of the building, a brick fence can stand for at least half a century without problems.

Shod fences for the private house

forged fences for a private house
If a person loves original things and that it is "not like everyone else", then this is exactly what you need. Forged fences do not have specific patterns; metal craftsmen can do almost anything the client wants.

However, it is necessary to take into account the factor that this type of fence does not protect the owner of the house from prying eyes. Therefore, if you need privacy, you will have to plant thick bushes near the fence. But if the looks of passers-by do not scare you, then forged fences can be installed on your own site.

As for the price category, here everything is quite vague, since the cost depends on the individual order. If the design is simple and straightforward, then the price will be significantly lower than the cost, for example, of a brick fence. In the case of exclusive figures and very complex work, which will require the maximum labor costs from the master, the cost can reach the price level of an expensive stone fence.


So, choosing a fence is not an easy task. It is necessary to take into account many different factors at the same time so that the selected type of fence for a private house does not disappoint. If the budget is very limited, then you should pay attention to fences from a metal fence or from corrugated board. If the budget allows you to purchase better materials, then you should look at the stone, concrete or forged option.

Each person must first determine the amount that he is ready to give for the construction, and only then choose the necessary type of fence. After all, they can be either completely closed or open, classic and unusual. In general, you need to include your imagination, and then even the most inexpensive fence will turn into a wonderful decoration of any private home.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5065/

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