Elegant knots - ways to tie a tie

Today in the world there are several dozen ways of how to tie and wear a tie beautifully. It's not one thing that this should be right, because the perfect look of a tie and the whole suit is not only made up of a properly folded and tightened knot - the harmony between the tie fabric and the shirt, its length and width, the color scheme, and many others play a role. other subtleties. Only from their harmonious combination is a perfectly tied tie born.

Different ways to tie a tie combine several conditions that must be met. Firstly, it should be remembered that different units require different amounts of material, and this must be taken into account, because this item of a men's wardrobe should not fall below the belt buckle when tied, but it should not be too short either. One or another tie knot should be selected depending on the event that its owner is going to - at the meeting, the classic version will be more appropriate, and at the party something more extravagant. It has been said repeatedly how to wear a tie correctly - this thing should combine well in style and color with all clothes, and first of all, with a suit and shirt, as well as accessories, that is, with cufflinks and a clip. Ideally, if the entire style of clothing is designed in a classic style, with a minimum number of patterns, as in this case, both a wide and thin tie will look great even with colored ornaments and bright colors.

Of all the types of nodes, the simplest is the four-in-hand, which can be used by those who have just begun to learn this complex matter. A tie for such a knot is chosen any - of any length, from different materials, as well as a shirt (the main condition is that the knot does not overlap with a collar). When executed correctly, a slightly asymmetric conical shape is created, delicate and elegantly careless.

Simple ways to tie a tie - “East” (small knot) and “Italian” (square or “Christensen”). For the first, a silk tie is best suited, since it is such a thin material that will allow you to get a small knot that occupies a small part of the length of the thing. Ideal for tall men, allowing you to observe the basic rule - the wide ends of the tie can not help touching the belt buckle. The second method, on the contrary, suggests using material “plump”, for example, wool or cashmere, so that a small knot looks solid and presentable.

One of the most complex tie knots is considered to be "Windsor" - a classic way to tie, voluminous and large. Its name, as is commonly believed, came from the name of the Duke of Windsor, but the duke himself not only was not the creator of such a knot, but did not use it, choosing other ways to tie a tie, usually the simplest. Windsor is very complicated in the execution of nodes, but the result will justify all the effort. If you don’t want to work on creating a classic “Windsor” unit, you can get by with a compromise option - a “semi-Windsor”, a universal and flexible tying method. The knot is not too voluminous, but on a tie made of medium-weight material (thick silk) it looks very impressive. Learning to tie it is quite simple - just repeat several times all the manipulations in front of the mirror, ensuring that the desired shape of the knot is observed, creating wrinkles or removing them.

All of the above methods of tying a tie will give the costume a business-like, elegant, stylish and modern look. However, there is another way, without which it is impossible to imagine a festive and elegant costume - a knot that creates a bow-tie.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5075/

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