Do-it-yourself Babington burner: drawings, diagrams. How to make a waste oil burner?

It is hardly necessary to speak once again about the need for a cheap type of heating. If it is impossible to heat the apartment with alternative systems, then for rooms such as a garage or a workshop, this is the best solution. Let's talk with you about how the Babington burner is made. The principle of operation of the unit is quite simple and involves the use of cheap fuel. This allows you to maximize the use of mining.

babington burner

General information

The Babington mining burner appeared a very long time ago and it’s quite easy to guess who was its creator. Currently, the scope of such mini-heating equipment is reduced to heating small rooms. It is interesting that the burner can be assembled from improvised materials and does not require any investments. In addition, the organization of the chimney is not required, since no smoke is generated during the combustion process. Nevertheless, it is still necessary to take care of good ventilation in the room. By the way, the patent for the Babington burner was removed relatively recently, so in recent years the drawings of the unit have become available to everyone. But before moving on to the assembly process, I would like to understand in detail how the device works. First, a little history.

Babington burner

How did the burner appear?

Back in 1969, inventor Robert Babington was granted a patent for this burner. True to date, his term has long expired. In 1979, Babington proposed a new burner design. It was fundamentally different in that it had a double air atomizer. This invention was very similar to the Ayrtonic burner, which was also manufactured using the technology of this inventor. It was used for military purposes in the field kitchen. Naturally, the burner was powered by diesel fuel and was indispensable. The final version was proposed by John Archibald. Many of this person is called the inventor of the Babington burner. But it is impossible to give a definite answer. And it is unlikely for us that this plays a significant role. The most important thing is to be able to create such an assembly with your own hands and achieve its effective operation. Fortunately, this is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Burner operating principle

The development, in our case, it is fuel, comes along a curved tube. As a result, due to the effect of surface tension, a thin film is formed, which is pierced by air from tiny holes, usually not more than 0.010 mm in diameter. As a result, fuel is atomized and enriched with oxygen. For this reason, no additional systems are required to organize the air supply, since the process is completely completed. This design is best suited for working with mining. This is due to the fact that regardless of the quality of the fuel composition and the presence of extraneous elements in it, the burner will function. Of course, the heating efficiency in this case will vary somewhat. Nevertheless, the burner at the Babington mining site should be equipped with a sump with oil, which will be supplied to the working element of the device using a gear pump . Although this is a drawback, it cannot be called a significant minus.

babington burner drawings

Fuel used

We have already figured out a bit how the Babington burner works and what it consists of. Drawings suitable for developing the unit can be found in this article. But it must be understood that, regardless of the design and which materials this heating equipment was made from, it is forbidden to use such fuels as gasoline, methanol and other evaporating types of fuel.

Thanks to efficient spraying, it is rational to use heavy fuels. These include various oils, such as biodiesel, kerosene, diesel, engine and transmission oil. In any case, any of these flammable substances will do. As for heat transfer, it depends on the quality of the fuel. Of course, the amount of heat produced can be significantly increased by increasing fuel consumption. For this, an additional hole of a small diameter is drilled. But more on that later.

do-it-yourself babington burner drawings

DIY Babington Burner: Drawings and Something Else

As noted above, fuel must flow along a curved surface, which is necessary for efficient combustion. However, many use ordinary door handles. First of all, the base is cut off, this can be done using a conventional hacksaw. Then solder the copper adapter. A further source of gas or compressed air is supplied. Pay little attention to cleaning surfaces. They should be well processed and preferably low fat. Sometimes, hollow balls of various diameters made of metal are used in place of the handle. Large diameter balls are preferable because they provide a quick fuel supply and create a thin film, which is an advantage. In addition, the large ball has a larger hole. This is important if used oil with a lot of foreign bodies is used. Therefore, if you are faced with a choice between a large and a small ball, then give preference to the first option.

depulsator babington burner

Drilling holes

In order for the air stream to atomize fuel as efficiently as possible, the opening should be as small as possible. In priority - 0,010 inches. Although holes up to 0.020 are considered acceptable. To obtain them, special thin drills are used. If you look at them from the side, they will seem intermittent to you. In any case, the drilling process should be slow and accurate. Compressed air will pass through these openings.

As for atomization using air, this option is more preferable than gas. This is due to the cheapness of the resource. If you have to pay for gas, then no for air. In addition, it needs very little, so you can use conventional compressors, which are placed on aquariums. In principle, the Babington burner, the drawings of which you can find in this article, is almost ready for use. A few small details remain.

babington burner circuit

Fuel supply and barrel manufacturing

We have already figured out a little how the Babington burner is made. The product scheme, despite its simplicity, has several pitfalls. For example, you need to use a suitable pump. Best in this case is gear. It is optimal for handling viscous fluids. But if there is no pump, then you can use the elementary scheme of organizing the supply of fuel by gravity. But such a solution only takes place if the amount of oil in the sump, and therefore the pressure, is maintained at a high level.

The barrel is a conventional metal pipe 6 inches in diameter and 3 feet in length. Just one nozzle is enough. If there is a pipe with thick walls, then it is best to use it, since this option is better suited for the combustion process. Pipes of this type retain heat for much longer. Do not forget to install a depulsator at the final station. The Babington burner will operate without flame pulsation.

babington burner Price


If there is no desire to engage in design, then you can always buy yourself such a burner. There are a lot of offers, so there should not be any problems with the choice. As for the prices, they depend on the power of the equipment. In addition, such burners are not manufactured by specialized companies, so you can only buy them from individuals. For example, an automatic burner with a power regulator from 15 to 30 kW will cost about 35-40 thousand rubles. Basically, here we have figured out with you what it is and how the Babington burner is created. The price, as you see, depends on the seller. If you have free time and desire, then such simple heating equipment can be made with your own hands.


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