Purple flower to create harmony in the area

The attitude towards purple has always been mixed. On the one hand, it is often called the color of witches and sorcerers, since it is believed that it is capable of evoking extrasensory abilities. On the other hand, they attribute soothing, relaxing and even healing properties. The shade itself is also quite controversial - the violet color is full of mysticism and even somewhat gloomy, but at the same time it belongs to a group of light, and not at all dark, tones.

purple flower

Not every bride will decide to choose purple as the main color for her wedding dress, not every person wants to complete the design of their home in purple colors. However, adding a touch of purple to your own garden is a solution that will appeal to many lovers of living plants. Any purple flower, as a rule, is not only stunningly beautiful, but also extremely useful for creating a general harmony throughout the garden.

purple flower title

For example, a purple flower, the name of which is known to every person - lavender. It is suitable even for a novice gardener. This plant is extremely unpretentious and quite resistant to weather changes (lavender can withstand drought, and even freezing to -30 degrees).

She loves light, warmth and is considered an evergreen. Lavender can be propagated by cuttings. The plant's hardiness allows it to be grown even in harsh climates, but experienced gardeners still recommend using additional protective equipment in severe frosts - cover lavender with spruce branches or temporarily transfer it to a warmer room.

Lavender - a stunningly beautiful purple flower, which also has a lot of useful properties. This plant is successfully used, for example, in cosmetology and aroma therapy.

Lavender-based essential oils have a truly miraculous soothing effect.

photo of purple flowers

No less famous in horticulture is a purple flower - the delphinium also exists in other variations. Delphiniums are white, pinkish and even red, but the true charm gives these colors exactly the purple hue. These wonderful plants, like lavender, do not pose much difficulty in care. It is recommended to plant delphiniums in spring (preferably in early May), or in late summer. For planting, you should choose places where there are no strong gusts of wind - the stems of the plants are quite high, and the wind can easily break them. To secure, the stems are attached to the support. Delphiniums bloom, usually twice a season - in summer and autumn.


Another very popular among gardeners red-violet flower - dahlia - can be found in almost every Russian garden. Dahlias come in different varieties, respectively, the choice of colors and shapes of inflorescences is really huge. However, recently very often gardeners give preference to a variety called "phantom" (photo of purple flowers). This is a plant with velvety petals of purple color. Dahlias, like dolphiniums, should be protected from the wind and given them the opportunity to receive more sunlight. In the shade, plants develop poorly, so it is not recommended to plant them near trees. Dahlias bloom very beautifully, luxuriantly, and most importantly, for a long time - the flowering period often reaches three months.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F508/

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