Kezenoy-Am Lake, Chechen Republic: description, history and interesting facts

The pearl of Chechnya is the name given to the amazing alpine lake Kezenoy-Am. Its appearance is striking: the reservoir is distinguished by the turquoise color of the water, changing hue depending on weather conditions, time of year and day. Unlike another incredible alpine lake Ritsa, located in Abkhazia, Kezenoy-Am is a piece of untouched nature.

cesenam lake

Glubokoe Trout: Lake Description

Chechen Lake Kezenoi-Am is considered one of the most beautiful. In addition, it is the largest alpine lake in Europe: its length from north to south is about two kilometers, and from west to east - 2.7! The area of ​​the amazing reservoir reaches two square kilometers. It is often called the Deep - in some places, the depth is 72 meters. It is precisely because of its size that it is also known as the Andean Sea. By the way, some scuba divers argue that the depth of the lake is actually much greater. For example, a Finnish scuba diver in 1989 plunged 103 meters. There are pictures of professional divers taken at a depth of about 90 meters.

Kezenoy-Am surprises not only with its beauty, but also with its coolness: even in summer, the water temperature rarely rises above 18 degrees. But in winter frosts, the reservoir freezes up to 80 centimeters. The thing is that many mountain rivers flow into this lake, the largest of them are Kauhe and Horsum, in which the water is icy.

Chechen Lake Kezenoy Am

1870 meters above sea level

From the top of the Harami pass, a breathtaking view of the Kezenoi-Am lake located in the Chechen Republic of Russia opens: at the end of a wide valley lies a sky-colored bowl. By the way, this reservoir is located almost a thousand meters higher than the mountain lake Ritsa, it exceeds it in size. Kezenoy-Am is bordered by mountains and cliffs overgrown with picturesque forests.

Lake history

Geologists say: the lake was formed about 650 years ago. The reason was an earthquake that caused a major landslide. Rocks blocked the channels of two small rivers at once - Kharsum and Kauhi. They filled the cup: Kharsum - on the north side, and Kauh - on the east. Both rivers flow into the lake underground. The lake pit is characterized by steep slopes and a completely flat bottom. In addition, a hundred-meter natural dam was formed on the south side due to the collapse.

The lake does not have a drain on the surface, but researchers suggest the presence of underground drains. Most likely, the water flows through the limestone rocks surrounding Kezenoy-Am.

lake kezenoy am Chechnya

Punishment for inhospitable or unhappy love?

The appearance of Lake Kezenoi-Am in Chechnya is associated with many interesting legends. One of them is told by Vainakhs. According to legend, in this place was previously located an aul called Kezenoy. Locals violated the traditions of the mountains, the main of which was hospitality. Once an angel descended into heaven from a village. Having assumed the guise of a beggar, he went around almost all the houses - both rich and poor people. They all refused him an overnight stay, no one even gave food to the ragged man. At the very end of the village, a small widow's house stood alone. An angel asked to be let into the house. The widow not only invited the wanderer to stay overnight, but also fed him. As a reward for kindness, the guest admitted that he was not a beggar at all, but a messenger of God. The angel told the woman that he was dissatisfied with the greed and heartlessness of the people living here, and therefore the widow and her children should leave the village.

As soon as the woman fulfilled the request, the earth opened up, the aul was simply swallowed! And in its place a lake formed, the name of which can be translated as Cruel.

There is another version regarding how Lake Kezenoy-Am came about. The legend says: the reservoir consists of the tears of a beautiful girl, who mourned the separation from her loved one.

how did lake kezenoy am history

There is also a cosmic explanation for the appearance of Kezenoy-Am. Researchers say that a meteorite probably fell on this spot. The basis for such a hypothesis is a slice of the left slope of the lake: it is as if cut off by a giant knife. This version is also confirmed by charred boulders that are found around the reservoir.

Ethnographic and archaeological expeditions

It is known that earlier in these places Chechen taipas lived . This is indicated by the results of ethnographic expeditions and archaeological excavations. Vainakh towers (both residential and military), many crypts and burial grounds, and sanctuaries were discovered near the lake. It also housed one of the earliest Chechen mosques. Around the Kezenoy-Am lake, ancient villages were found.

By the way, aul Khoy (the “dead city”) is located a little higher than the reservoir. Today this place is uninhabited; here petroglyphs of different eras are preserved. And once life was in full swing here - the ruins of military installations, dwellings, winding streets have survived to our times.

Lake Kezenoy am

Now the abandoned settlement began to be restored, because the descendants of immigrants from the aul wish to return here. A mosque has already been erected, the construction of houses has begun.

Military history

In addition to beautiful legends, other stories are associated with the lake. For example, the military. At different times, the territory surrounding the reservoir was controlled by various groups of abreks and militants. The names of Basaev, Zelimkhan, Khattab are inextricably linked with the name Kezenoy-Am ...

When the first military campaign began - in 1994 - an abandoned boarding house on the shore of this unique lake became the center for the preparation of sabotage, which was carried out against Russian troops.

By the way, evil tongues used to say that in the 2000s, Ramzan Kadyrov, who needed to get to Kezenoy-Am Lake, traveled around dangerous sections of the road leading to it through the Republic of Dagestan.

Fauna and flora

The long history of the lake is confirmed by the fish that live in it. For example, Eisenam trout, whose age exceeds two thousand years. This species is listed in the Red Book, because it does not occur in any reservoir of the world! They say that with the help of such trout, old people can restore lost vision, cure migraines and joints and relieve many other ailments. They say that in Kezenoy-Am Lake you can catch trout weighing 8 kg!

Lake Kezenoy, Chechen Republic of Russia

The presence of a white butterfly Apollo in these places indicates the purity of the air . This delightful creature is the most striking representative of such a family of sailboats. This butterfly lives in the mountains and valleys located at an altitude of about two kilometers above sea level. And only where limestone soils are present.

The lake is surrounded by subalpine meadows, xerophyte thickets cover the slopes. Biologists count more than 20 species of endangered and rare plants here.

Kezenoy-Am Lake: Recreation, Sports and Tourism

Back in the Soviet Union, on the lake, near the border with Dagestan, the Olympic base of the national rowing team was located. This place for future champions was not chosen by chance: there are practically no waves on the lake. When armed conflicts began on the territory of the republic, the base was completely destroyed. In 2015, the Rowing Federation announced its intention to resume training for the national team on the lake. Then on the Kezenoy-Am lake the tourist and recreational cluster of the same name opened. A project was developed for a sports complex: a hotel and cottages, a boat station, a pier, a cable car, and entertainment complexes.

Kezenoy am lake how to get

In winter, skaters come to the pond: it is a pleasure to skate on level, solid ice. In summer, the lake is a real paradise for fishermen. Trout and carps weighing several kilograms delight fishing enthusiasts. In addition, divers and climbers like to relax here. They conquer the depths of the lake and the mountain peaks surrounding it. Local air helps cure asthma and get rid of allergic reactions. And the presence of a large number of cultural and historical monuments and magnificent landscapes attracts tourists. Wishing to see with their own eyes all this beauty from year to year, more and more come, guests come from different parts of the world.

Of course, the question arises: "How to get to Kezenoy-Am lake?" The road to this place can hardly be called comfortable - the asphalt section ends with the settlements. Next you need to go along a dirt road. Today, there is practically no tourist infrastructure.


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