How is innuendo born? What does this word mean?

"Insinuation" - this is translated from Latin literally means "insinuatingness", "quiet message about something." That is, deliberately false information is transmitted by someone with the aim of defaming, slandering the person’s honest name, and this is done in passing, gradually, not directly. "Insinuation" is a synonym for Russians the words "slander," "vainness," "libel," "reservation," "slander."

insinuation what is it

In rhetoric, this soft, insinuating suggestion, forcing the listener to accept the speaker’s point of view, is successfully used to locate the audience and avert it from the opponent. And this is done so that the listeners do not have time to suspect the speaker in direct slander. Insinuation, as a rule, is very distantly related to the subject of the dispute, and therefore does not cause the listener’s alertness.

How does insinuation arise : what does this word mean for the object of slander

Oddly enough, this is a sign of human success. Indeed, only a person who is significant in any field can cause acute envy of those around him. And, accordingly, the desire to somehow belittle his achievement. For this, insinuations are used. They don’t seem to accuse the well-known person of specific sins, but they are slowly undermining the credibility of a person, diminishing his success and, importantly, unbalancing him. True, the insinuation is so “good” that at any moment the one who invented it can disown it, saying that he was misunderstood.

Insinuation: what is it - a way to break into the "sweet" place?

synonym synonym

Yes, that's right: insinuation is a peculiar way to make room for yourself under the sun, spreading rumors about someone. After all, posing as slander for his personal (well, even erroneous) opinion, the slanderer puts in the listener's soul a worm of doubt about the crystallinity of the object of gossip.

Of course, the slandered may prove his honesty over time by refuting what was said, but the sediment will remain. And the psychology of the average man is so arranged that he is more likely to believe lies than the truth. In addition, those who are trying to clear themselves of the slander by all means will begin to be suspected of some sins, because: “Why is he so nervous?”

How to take advantage of innuendo

vile insinuations

In general, vile insinuations can be used for self-presentation. Do not be silent, do not try to make excuses, but simply in surprise tell false information about yourself publicly. That is, the object of your response to slander will be the slander itself, and not you. As a rule, there are a lot of inaccuracies in slanderous fabrications, so take advantage of this: “Imagine, they accuse me of being associated with the owner of the company! Yes, that would be great: I would go in diamonds and have dinner in a restaurant. ”

You thus show how absurd this insinuation is. That this will help you, do not hesitate: if they say about you, then you are a bright and noticeable person. And if you are not afraid of this, then you also have the power.

Insinuation - what is it?

I wonder what makes a person disseminate knowingly false information? Surely a feeling of bankruptcy, as well as a feeling of power. Yes, yes, because having slandered someone, the slanderer gets a kind of power over the fate of his opponent and the opportunity to radically change his success so imposed on his teeth. So insinuations are born, settling in our souls and poisoning them.

As N. Roerich said: “Do not be upset by slander. On the contrary, observe her methods. ” And the truth is, nothing strengthens our life experience as opposed to libel. Good luck to you!


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