“Silver galosh” - both laughter and sin

For many years in a row, the Iron Galosha ironic award has riveted millions of viewers and thousands of listeners to the screens. This is a humorous and satirical ceremony at the same time, which is awarded "for the most dubious achievements in the world of show business."

History of occurrence

For the first time in Russia, they began to encourage celebrities who distinguished themselves not in the best light on the Silver Rain radio. The award was officially registered on behalf of the radio station in 1996. Since then, the stars have been very difficult, so as not to fall into the category of shameful prizes. The "Silver Ear" is intended to ridicule, but not insult, those who distinguished themselves. At the same time, not everyone can adequately perceive criticism. Someone calmly endures shame and jokes about failures with a smile, while others constantly sue the organizers.

origin of name

First of all, it is worth noting that the second word in the name of the nomination is taken from the well-known expression "get on the galoshe". In the people it is used to denote failure, defeat, failure. The phrase "put in a galosh" means a deliberate desire to put someone in an awkward or funny position.

And silver was called galosh, most likely in honor of the radio creator "Silver Rain". A similar award exists in the United States and is called Golden Raspberry. She is awarded for the most unsuccessful cinematic films.


The Silver Galosh ceremony is a private event that can only be accessed by invitation. But any listener of Silver Rain radio has the opportunity to get a free ticket, which is played out every year before the ceremony. The rest of those who wish can watch the life of stars from TV screens. Most often, the event is broadcast on the leading Russian channels: Channel One, STS, Ren TV.

The Silver Galosh Award has another distinguishing feature. All her nominations change from year to year and practically do not repeat. Only one remains unchanged - “Plagiarism of the year”. Thanks to this approach, the ceremony will never lose its relevance.

An interesting installation is exhibited in the lobby of the building where the celebration takes place. She has not posted photos of stars who won in the nominations most often. This is Philip Kirkorov, Nikolai Baskov, Tina Kandelaki, Dima Bilan, Anastasia Volochkova.

Loud scandals. Precedent No. 1

Presentation of the "Silver galosh" is often accompanied by loud scandals. But the most famous are three of them, whose cases have reached the court. The first offended maid was the TV presenter Olga Rodionova. In 2009, she was awarded the victory in the Naked and Funny nomination. The reason was the book released the day before with candid photos of Olga The book of Olga. As the TV presenter herself admits, the issue was intended for foreign collectors and lovers of beauty.

The girl won the court and even received compensation in the amount of 20 thousand rubles.

silver galosh

Scandal №2

The Silver Galosh nominations are striking in their unpredictability. One of them seriously offended Anna Chapman in 2011. The girl was nominated for an award for her covert activities. The position was called "Promotion of the Year." But she did not receive her well-deserved statuette, giving the championship to Vasily Kiselev "For Charity Fondue".

And the story with Chapman began like that. In 2011, she worked undercover in the United States and conducted a spy investigation. The activity was made public, and a serious scandal erupted. Chapman’s lawyers sent an angry letter to the main producer of the show demanding that they stop joking with Anna, because in this way they ridiculed serious and serious work abroad.

silver galosh ceremony

Scandal №3

The third high-profile precedent happened in the same 2011. Productivity stood out "Silver galosh". This time the hero was Alexei Vorobyov. In 2011, he had the honor of representing Russia at the Eurovision international music competition. In one of the broadcasts, he allowed himself obscene remarks, for which he received an honorary award in the nomination "Learn abroad".

But everything could just end like this, if not for a verbal squabble with Ksenia Sobchak during the presentation of the award. Having risen on the stage, Alex allowed himself and at home to insult not only the people who watched all this, but also his fellow artists. Loud chuckles were heard in the hall, and the singer’s unintelligent behavior was discussed for a long time in the media.

premium silver galosh

Silver galosh 2015

Recall the most interesting and entertaining nominations of last year.

Most attention went to Anastasia Volochkova. However, as always. This time she received a figurine for a huge number of photos published on Instagram. The nomination was called "Selfie Stick, or Instagram Queen." In all the photos, the ballerina was shot in a very interesting pose - on the twine. This, of course, attracted the attention of not only the audience, but also the organizers of the comic prize.

handing silver overshoe

The most scandalous nomination was "Swollen Ego." Danil Kozlovsky won for one of the scenes at the premiere of the play "The Big Dream of an Ordinary Man" at the Bolshoi Theater. The actor did not rise to the stage, and instead the figurine was received by the producer of the performance - Philip Kirkorov. And this time, it was not without verbal bickering. Unsurpassed Tatyana Lazareva warmed up the singer with her jokes .

silver galos nominations

The listener was pleased by the radio host Lesya Ryabtseva. On one of the broadcasts, she seriously stated that 8 million people live in Russia. Such a statement could not go unnoticed by the organizers of the Silver Galosh. The result - a well-deserved prize in the category "Units Without Borders".

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5099/

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